Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 1049 What a huge loss!

In the white jade furnace, circles of yin and yang aura swirled, forming a huge Tai Chi yin and yang vortex. The formation pillars surged with boundless rune auras, constantly surging into the white jade furnace...

Violent spiritual energy continuously surged out from the cauldron.

In the strong spiritual energy, the words of Fairy Ningyu and Ye Han came out: "Junior brother! How are you?"

"I am fine!"

"Of course I know you're fine. I mean, have you advanced in cultivation?"

"It's so easy! Have you advanced?"

"Come on! Help me!"

"Okay! I'm going to start the exercise!"


Ye Han sat cross-legged on the ice-silk Five Elements Jade Pouch, with circles of mana runes surging around his body...

In the white jade stove, Fairy Ningyu's jade-white figure almost blended into the stove, and the astonishing spiritual energy and mana of heaven and earth surged from her body...

Ye Han took a look, with a hint of depression in his eyes.

Big loss!

What a big loss!

This white jade furnace is indeed a dual-cultivation formation furnace, but it is not a true dual-cultivation furnace. This formation is indeed an auxiliary dual-cultivation formation. In fact, it is mainly used for breaking through obstacles and breaking through walls...

The two of them practiced together, and Ye Han only improved a little bit in cultivation. On the contrary, Fairy Ningyu broke through the cultivation barrier and reached the ninth level of the Golden Core Stage.

You know, after Fairy Ningyu was injured, there was no progress in her cultivation and she was still stuck in a bottleneck.

In order to help Fairy Ningyu heal her injuries and pass the test, Ye Han also made concessions and fully supported Fairy Ningyu's cultivation. Therefore, in total, Fairy Ningyu had much more benefits than him.

However, Fairy Ningyu fell in love with him?

Why! What a big loss! She must have seen her precious medicine garden and suddenly took the initiative...

hateful! If I had known earlier, I would not have let Fairy Ningyu in...

Although Fairy Ningyu has an indifferent personality, she is not really aloof from the world...

Big loss!

However, this time, it only took more than ten days for the dual cultivation, and Fairy Ningyu achieved a breakthrough in cultivation, which was indeed an unexpected surprise.

It may be that the effect of the two people's dual cultivation is too amazing. The spiritual energy of heaven and earth emitted by this formation is obviously not as good as before. Obviously, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in this formation is not really endless...

Fairy Ningyu was stabilizing her cultivation, and Ye Han did not bother her. He continued to learn the Heavenly Dragon Hegemony Body Kung Fu. On the other hand, he also allowed Qianhuan Tianzhong to continue to refine and absorb the demon soul of the demon king to continue to strengthen... …

It is worth mentioning that the reason why Ye Han handed over the demon soul of the Black God Sea Demon Emperor, the Nascent Soul Stage Demon Emperor, to the mysterious woman in the coffin.

On the one hand, it is true that the woman is needed to help kill the Black God Sea Demon King to have a greater chance. On the other hand, it is also because although the Thousand Fantasy Heavenly Bell can devour the demon soul of the soul above the demon king, it can enhance...

However, absorbing the souls of three demon kings and one Heavenly Dragon Demon Saint has made Qianhuan Tianzhong very powerful. Ye Han's current cultivation level cannot drive Qianhuan Tianzhong at all without the aura of Ziding to supplement his mana. The Magic Sky Bell is a spiritual treasure that reaches the heavens.

If another Black God Sea Demon Emperor is absorbed, the Thousand Fantasy Heavenly Bell will definitely continue to strengthen, and the level of enhancement will double...

In this case, even if Ye Han uses all his strength from the Purple Cauldron to replenish his mana, he will not be able to drive the Thousand Fantasy Celestial Bell because it has exceeded his limit.

In fact, it was only when Ye Han killed the elder of the Yin-Yang Sword Sect so easily when he used a magical treasure like the Thousand Fantasy Heavenly Bell...

And the Thousand Fantasy Heavenly Bell cannot absorb the souls of human immortal cultivators, it can only absorb the souls of demon cultivators...

Obviously, this Thousand Fantasy Heavenly Bell may be a treasure refined by human immortal cultivators, specially used to deal with demon clan...

It would be just enough to make the Ghost Skeleton Mirror continue to strengthen. If the mysterious woman in the coffin hadn't snatched the soul of the immortal cultivator from him, it would have just made the Ghost Skeleton Mirror stronger...

After all, this ghost skull mirror is one of his few spiritual treasures, and it can be enhanced. The limit has not yet been reached!

On the other hand, he also had some refined sharp gold, and he was ready to continue repairing the Qingxuan Palace. At the critical moment, that thing could become his trump card.

But Ye Han didn't expect that although he had been attracted to Fairy Ningyu, he didn't expect that she would respond to him like this. Maybe it was because her heart had opened up a little, or maybe she was a passionate person like him. people……

Although the lifespan of a cultivator grows longer with higher cultivation, the familiar people around him will continue to disappear one after another...

As far as Ye Han is concerned, when he returned to Qingniu Village that time, there was no one he was familiar with there. There was a difference between immortals and mortals. Although he did not owe the people of Qingniu Village, he would never be able to do so again in eternity. A chance to meet.

Thinking like this, Ye Han reorganized his mind and began to understand Tianlong's body power...

This Tianlong Ba physical skill has a great effect on the injury of his right arm, and now it has recovered by 20%...

Part of the reason was that Fairy Ningyu and his dual cultivators had magically opened up some meridians, which caused the aura of the Creation Immortal Stone to disappear a lot.

Forget it, it’s not a loss…

While Ye Han was practicing and comprehending the Tianlong Hegemony Technique, the Ningyu Fairy in the white jade furnace quietly opened her eyes and looked at Ye Han with a complicated look in her eyes...

I was a little impulsive.

But in all these years of cultivating immortals, she used to have her sister by her side. She was calm and peaceful, and had no interest in men...

However, perhaps because of her sister's death, she was too lonely. Suddenly she met Ye Han, a strange guy, and she didn't know why she suddenly felt moved.

Or maybe she was moved by his words, or maybe it was because Ye Han was indeed a man that women couldn't ignore...

Maybe he was right. The life span of immortal cultivators was too long. If they were always lonely, what was the point of cultivating immortals? Or maybe she also wanted to have her own emotions...

At least, the feeling of being with Ye Han was unprecedented. She felt that her previous days were a bit wasted.

Of course, immortal cultivators didn't have the same age as the secular world. As for Fairy Ningyu herself, there was no female cultivator more beautiful than her in Qingxuan Sect.

Some beautiful things are the embellishment of one's immortal cultivation career. No one knows what will happen in the future, but cherishing the present is also part of what an immortal cultivator should do...

However, Fairy Ningyu knew that after stabilizing her realm, she had to take the next step. Thinking of this...

She opened her eyes and said to Ye Han: "Junior brother! Come up!"

Ye Han's eyes moved and asked: "What's wrong?"

"I asked you to come up!"

"You asked me to go up? Then I would lose face?"

"How many spirit stones is face worth?"

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