Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 1065: Inheriting the Kung Fu?


Fairy Ning Yu looked at the holy bones of the Tianlong demon clan vigilantly, protecting Ye Han in front of her, preparing magic treasures to defend against attacks...

The holy bones of the Tianlong demon clan trembled slightly, and dark golden light suddenly shone from their eyes, staring at Ye Han. The golden skeleton's magic power flowed strangely, and the whole body began to surge out, with a trace of strange dark golden runes...

When the holy bones looked at Ye Han, Ye Han suddenly felt a strong and suffocating spiritual pressure surging towards him, and his spiritual consciousness and soul trembled...

Not good! This is a big trouble!

This damn holy bone seems to be distinguishing his true identity.

You know, the reason why Ye Han used the Tianlong Tyrant Body Skill was because he used this Tianlong Tyrant Body Skill and the aura of the demon soul of the Tianlong demon saint before, and passed the stone tablet!

Therefore, in Ye Han's opinion, the Heavenly Dragon Demon Saint must have a special relationship with this Ascension Palace...

Otherwise, that guy would not know so many details of the Ascension Palace.

The Heavenly Dragon Tyrant Body Skill should also have miraculous effects.

However, this time Ye Han did not call upon the Heavenly Dragon Demon Saint's Yuan Shen Demon Soul in the Thousand Illusion Sky Bell...

If the Holy Bone discovered the clues, there might be great trouble.

But it's too late now.

At this critical moment.

Buzz!! Ye Han felt the purple tripod in his sea of ​​consciousness tremble slightly, and a purple rune was emitting, surging in his sea of ​​consciousness, forming a circle of strange demonic energy, which kept swirling around him, and in an instant, protected his golden elixir and the soul inside the golden elixir...

The gaze of the Holy Bone swept across Ye Han's body, as if trying to identify Ye Han's identity...

Then, the dark golden halo of the Holy Bone's eyes surged, and the entire Holy Bone began to emit amazingly mysterious dark golden runes, with metallic luster constantly flowing on it, and countless Tianlong Yao Clan characters appeared on the surface of the Holy Bone...

The strange thing is that these Tianlong Yao Clan characters look very familiar to Ye Han, but there are many differences from the Tianlong Yao Clan characters he knows.

Obviously, the words of the Tianlong demon clan emanating from the holy bone should be ancient words, not the ones he knew...

As the countless characters on the holy bone flowed, the breath of the holy bone continued to gather on those words, and the breath of the holy bone became weaker and weaker.

The brilliant dark golden rune breath continued to surge out, constantly gathering in the void, and gradually formed the shadow of a book.

Finally, as the dark golden runes continued to merge into the book, it finally formed a very exquisite dark golden secret book.

The rune breath on the holy bone was also constantly disappearing, and finally completely restrained its breath and stopped moving.

Fairy Ningyu looked at this scene in surprise and couldn't help saying: "Junior brother! Is this the inherited practice of the Tianlong demon clan?"

As Fairy Ningyu spoke.

Kakakaka! ! The holy bone made a sound of collapse, and the golden bone metal breath had dimmed, and the breath was so weak that it could be ignored...

Hua La! ! The entire holy bone turned into countless dust and fell on the strange table...

Pah! The purple bead in the holy bone's hand also fell on the table.

Only the dark golden book was suspended in the air, emitting waves of strange breath...

Seeing this scene, Fairy Ningyu's eyes moved and looked at Ye Han.

Ye Han felt that when the strange breath pressure from the holy bone's eyes swept across his body, the purple tripod actually helped him disguise himself as the breath of the Tianlong demon clan...

So the holy bone must have regarded himself as a member of the Tianlong demon clan.

This is why the current situation has come about.

However, Ye Han saw the look in Fairy Ningyu's eyes and said, "Senior sister! I'll do it! Don't move!"

He knew that Fairy Ningyu cared about him. In this strange situation, whoever took action would be in danger.

As he spoke, Ye Han reached out and grabbed, and the Qi and mana of the Tianlong Tyrant Body Technique formed a dark golden hand and grabbed it...

The dark golden secret book was grabbed by him, and the spiritual light trembled, and he put it in his hand, and there was no danger.

If you look closely, there is no word on the secret book, and you don’t know what’s going on.

But what Ye Han cares about most is the purple bead.

Put the holy bone secret book into the storage bag.

Then he circulated the mana and formed a dark golden hand, grabbing the purple bead...


Buzz! The purple tripod in Ye Han’s sea of ​​consciousness trembled slightly, emitting a purple rune breath, and along Ye Han’s meridians, a dark golden hand with purple runes swirling formed, grabbing the purple bead...

This situation made Ye Han’s heart move slightly. The breath emitted by the purple tripod was actually protecting his meridians and soul, and there was also a warning, telling Ye Han not to do anything with the purple bead.

Is this guy reliable?

However, Ye Han still chose to believe this guy. After all, he felt that he and Zi Ding were now integrated. Zi Ding's strength was directly related to his strength.

And the stronger Zi Ding became, the more benefits he would get.

Therefore, Ye Han still obeyed Zi Ding's will and let Zi Ding's aura protect his meridians, soul and spirit...

When his Tianlong Hegemony Body Skill's Qi and mana were in hand and he grabbed the purple bead...

The purple bead suddenly trembled slightly, and a strange breath swirled out, and the surrounding space was dimmed...

At this moment, Ye Han felt that his whole body could not move, and his breath was strangely stagnant. He felt that his soul and spirit were about to be pulled out of his body and flowed towards the purple Zhuzi...

This was the first time that Ye Han encountered such a terrible situation.

However! At this moment, the purple runes emitted by the purple tripod suddenly resisted this terrible situation of pulling out the soul and spirit.

At the same time.

The purple tripod swirled a purple rune vortex on the purple bead.

Whoosh! The purple bead disappeared into the air in an instant.

A purple rune vortex formed in the purple tripod in Ye Han's sea of ​​consciousness. The lid of the tripod opened, and the purple bead was directly swallowed into the purple tripod.


Whoosh whoosh whoosh!! The purple tripod shook excitedly, and the purple beads began to split into countless strange runes, which turned into purple light threads and continuously poured into the purple tripod. Circles of mysterious purple runes surged on the purple tripod...

Ye Han felt that the space of his purple tripod was surging violently, and with a mysterious breath, a vortex surged and continued to expand...

What was going on?

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