Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 1067 Guiding in the wrong direction?

Fairy Ningyu didn't expect that this scene would happen because she showed her murderous aura and couldn't help but burst out her magic power. Unexpectedly, by chance, she discovered the function of this strange table...

Oh! No! When the table rubbed against the holes on the wall and rotated, the two found that this thing was not a table at all, but a huge mechanism key...

It was just that the skeleton of the Tianlong demon clan sat on it, which made the two people preconceived that it was a table.

Fairy Ningyu said with a smile: "I have been here for so long, I finally made a contribution, right?"

As she said that, Fairy Ningyu walked to the big hole and looked down. There was a breath of spiritual energy from the heaven and earth. Obviously, this place leads to a spiritual place...

Ye Han also said: "There is always a way out. I am with my senior sister, and my luck has improved a lot."

Although I don't know where this passage leads to, but the holy bone of the Tianlong demon clan is placed here, and there is a terrible existence outside, the Three Changes Teng Snake, blocking it...

And the purple bead in the holy bone's hand, what is the origin, it is also unclear.

Not only can it be absorbed by the purple cauldron, but it also makes the purple cauldron have such a big change, it is definitely not an ordinary thing.

And this hole that appeared here must not be an ordinary place...

Hearing Ye Han flattering himself, Fairy Ningyu couldn't help but say: "Is this how you deceive female cultivators? No wonder the cold Han Yuwan was dealt with by you!"

Hearing this, Ye Han said: "How can I be a liar? I'm telling the truth! Otherwise, this beautiful Fairy Ningyu wouldn't be dealt with by me!"

Fairy Ningyu smiled and said: "What do you mean by being dealt with by you? I was the first... Bah! You stinky boy are never serious for a moment."

Ye Han shrugged, looked at the entrance of the passage and said: "Okay! Senior sister! There is plenty of time for love, let's go down and see!"

As he said, his six-door Qiankun armor appeared on his body, his body shape and aura defense were activated, and he walked into the hole...

As he walked, he told Fairy Ningyu: "Senior sister! Follow me, cover the back!"

After entering the Ascension Palace, almost all places have spiritual consciousness restrictions and air restrictions, which gave the two people a lot of benefits, but also a lot of trouble.

When moving forward like this, Ye Han, with such a powerful spiritual sense, can only sense the range of several dozen feet in front...

Of course, there are also benefits. When dealing with the Black God Sea Monster King, it was also because of the spiritual sense restriction that prevented the Black God Sea Monster King from sending out his spiritual sense to sense their existence, so the Black God Sea Monster King was tricked...

The two entered this passage one after the other and walked down along the stairs. The stairs were very long. They walked down for hundreds of feet and finally reached a passage...

This passage was not big, two feet high and wide, surrounded by huge bricks and stones, extending all the way forward. The spiritual energy of the world came from the front...

The two walked all the way forward. After walking thousands of feet, there were two forks, one heading in two different directions.

Fairy Ning Yu saw this scene and said to Ye Han: "Junior brother! Which way should we go?"

Ye Han did not expect such a fork to appear. He carefully felt it and found that the spiritual energy of heaven and earth on both sides was the same, with no special difference. Looking in front of the passage, it was a straight passage with no end in sight...

Both sides were exactly the same.

Just when Ye Han was confused and couldn't figure out which direction to go.

Buzz!! The purple tripod in the sea of ​​consciousness suddenly trembled slightly, and suddenly responded to the passage on the left...

This reaction was not that the purple tripod had discovered some treasure again, but that the purple tripod was guiding Ye Han in a certain direction...

Ye Han felt the guidance of the purple tripod and said to the left, "Let's go in this direction."

As he said that, he walked to the left...

Now he knew that he and the purple tripod were integrated, and the purple tripod should not harm him if there was no special benefit.

Therefore, Ye Han followed the direction indicated by Zi Ding and walked towards the passage on the left...

Seeing Ye Han walking towards the left, Fairy Ningyu followed him without hesitation. It can be seen that she trusted Ye Han without reservation.

Although Ye Han was very relieved about Fairy Ningyu, there were some things he had never said to Fairy Ningyu.

In fact, it is not a good thing to trust someone so much in the world of immortal cultivation. Even if the other person is truly trustworthy, what if someone pretends to be or disguises him one day? With the means of immortal cultivators, it is often impossible to detect.

The tragedy of Fairy Ningyu's sister was actually because they trusted Jian Erjiu too much...

However, Ye Han felt that there was no need to say it. As long as his Qingxuan Palace was repaired, he could drive the Qiankun Secret Realm of the Qingxuan Palace, and then he could help Fairy Ningyu solve these mental defects, as well as her weak character and indifference to the world...

After all, Ye Han also hoped that Fairy Ningyu could achieve the Great Dao and live forever...

As for what would happen to the two of them in the future, he couldn't say for sure.

It's still the old saying, cherish everything in front of you first...

As the two of them moved quickly towards the passage on the left, what Ye Han and Fairy Ningyu didn't know was that the passage on the right began to close up silently, and finally merged together seamlessly, and the passage disappeared.

Ye Han and Fairy Ningyu rushed towards this passage, protected by defensive armor and magical treasures, and their consciousness alerted to the dangers around them.


This passage was incredibly long. Ye Han and Fairy Ningyu felt that they had already flown forward for more than ten miles, but this passage seemed to have no end.

As far as the cultivation of the two people in the Golden Core stage is concerned, the running spirit eyes look forward, and there is still no end.

Fairy Ningyu frowned and said to Ye Han: "Junior brother! What is going on? Have we been tricked again?"

Although the gains in this Ascension Fairy Palace are not small, the dangers and strange methods are emerging one after another, and it is no wonder that Fairy Ningyu is a little worried.

Ye Han was also muttering in his heart that the reason why he chose this direction was because of Ziding's guidance in this direction. Otherwise, he would still be much more cautious.

However, after walking for so long and not reaching the front, Ye Han frowned a little...

Could it be that Ziding pointed me in the wrong direction?

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