Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 1073 Sword Statue

Thinking so, Ye Han walked to the side of the Tianlong demon clan statue, activated his skills, and released two huge mana and energy hands. The two mana and energy hands pressed down the Tianlong demon clan statue and twisted it violently.

Kakaka! ! A heavy sound moved, and the Tianlong demon clan statue was spun...

The direction that this guy's fingers and toes were pointing at was now pointing at the third door, and the seventh door...

And it seemed that there was no trace of anything.

Ye Han pointed his finger, and circles of mana whirlwinds swirled out. The traces of the two people's presence and the surge of mana were swept away by the mana whirlwinds and wiped out in an instant.

If we count now, the first batch of people who came in, except for him and Fairy Ningyu, are all his enemies, so naturally they will not get much benefit.

Including the Red Dragon Girl, this is a woman who has calculated on him once, and the relationship is different. If she can still get something good, then she is lucky...

If not, then it is not his fault.

Ye Han carefully sensed the reaction of Fairy Ningyu and himself to the dual cultivation method, but there was no unexpected situation...

It seems that Fairy Ningyu should be fine, which makes Ye Han feel relieved...

So he walked to the door of Room 10, took out the Fairy Palace coin and put it into the groove...

Click! The Fairy Palace coin was embedded in it.

Buzz! A mysterious rune surged out of it, and the door followed a rune aura, forming a space transmission mana aura that wrapped Ye Han's figure.

Huchi! Ye Han felt a space distortion force wrapped around his figure and disappeared on the spot.

After a while, just like when Fairy Ningyu disappeared, the door also disappeared...

Ye Han felt a spatial force wrapped around his body. The transmission channel was still quite long, because he could no longer feel the breath of the token that Red Dragon Girl connected to him...

It can only mean that the distance between the two is now very far, exceeding the sensing range of the token.

This transmission distance is not over yet.


Ye Han felt the spatial force on his body, wrapped around his body, and drilled out from the torn space crack.

Ye Han suddenly felt a vast and boundless breath coming, and his eyes lit up, and his expression appeared in a huge hall...

The top of the hall was pitch black, and it was inlaid with countless crystals that emitted spiritual light. It looked like a starry sky, like starlight, dazzling and extraordinary.

Ye Han was in this hall, and he actually felt like he was in the primeval universe and felt the power of the flow of stars...

This feeling was really special. In all of Ye Han's experiences, he had never encountered such a breath of power.

However, Ye Han looked into the distance, and under the starlight, there were faces and figures that looked exactly like the Tianlong demon statues outside.

The difference was that the six arms of the Tianlong demon statues were all holding a long sword sculpture...

They were placed in different postures, and the overall look was like a large group of Tianlong demons practicing swordsmanship there.

Seeing this, Ye Han showed a look of horror, because he could see that every move of these Tianlong demon statues contained the breath of the laws of heaven and earth, and contained a very amazing sword power.

This was incredible. You know, no matter what kind of demon, they are born with strong bodies, and the skills they practice are mostly physical skills, which give full play to their greatest advantages.

And in terms of swordsmanship, they should not have much advantage.

But seeing these statues of the Tianlong demon clan, each of them was placed in a different posture, containing the aura of sword intent that could blast everything apart, which really shocked Ye Han...

And in the center of these statues, there was a ball of scorching red flame swirling in a furnace...

The strange thing was that the furnace was obviously not very far away from him, but when Ye Han looked at it, he couldn't see clearly what the ball of red flame was?

So Ye Han's spiritual sense swept over...

Before he got close to the ball of red flame, his spiritual sense was reversed by an invisible terrifying force, which shocked his mind...

Ye Han's face changed, and he looked at the furnace in surprise: "What's going on? Is it impossible for me to get close?"

Then he used the eye spirit technique to the extreme, and looked over, but he couldn't see what the ball of red flame was. He just felt dizzy and very uncomfortable.

Feeling this situation, Ye Han intuitively felt that the ball of red flame was the most important protection of the hall in this room. I wonder if it is inheritance or something else?

But in this situation, Ye Han also felt that he should be cautious and not approach easily. He should observe the situation first.

However, Ye Han looked around and saw sword marks on the walls in all directions. They looked like traces left by practicing swordsmanship. It was a very long time ago, but it still contained the aura of swordsmanship...

Seeing this scene, Ye Han took a breath of cold air. This sharp sword aura was actually comparable to his own Da Geng swordsmanship, and there was a faint similarity.

Obviously, this sword technique may have something in common with the sword technique of the immortal clan that Ye Han practiced, but only a part of it. This sword technique also has the sword technique of the Yin-Yang Sword Sect...

This made Ye very strange. It seemed that these sword techniques were the result of everyone's efforts...

After looking around, the entire space was a full ten thousand feet wide. Because the dark sky above was full of crystal stones emitting spiritual light, Ye Han felt the power of the stars...

Ye Han's attention was refocused on the statues of the Tianlong demon clan. He found that the sword techniques of these statues, the meaning of the laws of heaven and earth contained in them, had something in common with the sword marks left on the wall.

Obviously, those who practiced this sword technique left behind...

These statues are good things. Each one is several feet large. There are a total of forty-eight!

In other words, there are forty-eight sword techniques?

Thinking of this, Ye Han walked to a statue, activated his magic power, and grabbed a big hand of spiritual light, ready to put the statue into the storage bag...

When using the storage bag, Ye Han found something wrong. He couldn't drive the storage bag...

This was the first time Ye Han encountered this situation. He was surprised and said, "What's going on?"

Is there a restriction on the use of storage bags?

However, what shocked him even more was that not only the storage bag, but also the space ring could not be driven...

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