Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 1126 Entrance to the secret realm?

After reading for a while, Ye Han closed the book and said, "Tsk! I understand!"

Seeing Ye Han's sudden realization, Zhang Qingshan asked quickly: "Junior brother! Do you see anything? Are we really looking in the wrong place?"

The things recorded in this book are all autobiographies of the immortal cultivator's own experiences, written in many places, and one of them is the record of the Ten Thousand Years Coral Map, which is here in the boundless sea. He has read it He had read it many times, and he knew the contents by heart, but he found nothing else.

But Ye Han seemed to see something he didn't, which of course made Zhang Qingshan curious.

But it was clearly recorded above that the geographical location recorded in the Ten Thousand Years Coral Map was in the Boundless Sea. How could he have gotten it wrong?

Ye Han looked at Zhang Qingshan dumbfounded and said, "We are not looking for the wrong place, but we are looking for it in the wrong way."

Zhang Qingshan was stunned after hearing this and said: "The method is wrong? The trench on the map is so obvious, how could we not find it? Is it still hidden? It was not mentioned above."

The more Ye Han talked, the more mysterious he became, which of course made Zhang Qingshan confused as to what was going on.

Ye Han replied: "If we follow what the immortal cultivators in this book say, and we enter the boundless sea, it will not be difficult to find the location of the trench. However, whether it is this ten-thousand-year-old coral map or this book, it is not difficult to find the location of the trench. People recorded it thousands of years ago, but the bottom of this boundless sea has not changed at all?"

After hearing this, Zhang Qingshan's eyes moved, and he frowned and said: "You mean, it is possible that the terrain has changed due to the battle between the ancient beasts and sea monsters, or earthquakes and tsunamis? If this is the case, it would be difficult. "

Yes, as the saying goes, after so many years, it is normal for earthquakes and tsunamis to occur on the bottom of this boundless sea, or for the melee between ancient beasts and sea monsters to cause any changes to the bottom of the bottom of the boundless sea.

But it would be very difficult to find the location on the map.

However, Ye Han shook his head again and said: "The trench cave we entered should be tens of thousands of years old. It seems that no major tsunami or earthquake changes have occurred, so I don't think this possibility is very high."

After a pause, Ye Han touched his chin and said, "Have you noticed? There are a lot of sand and gravel on the bottom of this boundless sea, and the bones of ancient beasts and sea monsters! I think it is possible that after so many years, the trench recorded on the map The location may have been filled up by the bones of these ancient sand beasts and sea monsters!”

Zhang Qingshan frowned, scratched the back of his head and said: "It was buried and filled up? Is this possible? Then the trench we entered is fine!"

Ye Han said to Zhang Qingshan again: "No! The location of the trench recorded in the Ten Thousand Years Coral Map should be much smaller, and it is not the only way for the ancient beast siren to enter and exit the boundless sea. It is also possible that it was buried."

After hearing this, Zhang Qingshan patted the storage bag, and the Ten Thousand Years Coral Picture appeared in his hand, and he opened it...

A piece of red light runes swirled, revealing the map in the ten thousand year coral map.

After looking at it carefully for a while, Zhang Qingshan said with certainty: "Yes! Junior brother! You are absolutely right. Judging from the structure of these maps, this trench is not actually very big. It may really be buried!"

Ye Han nodded and said: "Yes! Among the locations we have searched for, I feel there is a place that should be buried deeper! Let's go and have a look!"

Zhang Qingshan immediately replied: "That matter should not be delayed, let's go and take a look now!"


After the two discussed, they hid their bodies, left the reef cave, and quickly moved in one direction.

When the two of them left the reef cave, there was a slow rhythm of sand and stones on the sea floor, following the two of them...

More than an hour later.

The two came to a place full of sand and gravel on the seabed, and there were many skeletons of ancient beasts and sea monsters. The two of them rose up to a thousand feet and looked at the structure of the sand and gravel and bones on the seabed in this area.

Zhang Qingshan was surprised and said to Ye Han: "Junior brother! What you said is really possible. From the top, it seems that there is a trench below."

Ye Han said to Zhang Qingshan: "Then let's go inside and take a look."

The two of them said a few words and then rushed down to the bottom of the sea. Their mana surged and turned into a shield of Gangqi to protect their bodies. The two of them drilled into the sand and gravel on the bottom of the sea...

As the sand and stones continued to separate, the two of them continued to tumble into the ground.

After drilling thousands of feet into the sand and gravel, Zhang Qingshan suddenly sent a message to Ye Han: "Junior brother! I discovered it again!"

After listening to Zhang Qingshan's words, Ye Han immediately crawled towards him. He saw Zhang Qingshan put his hand on a cliff. Seeing Ye Han coming over, his mana burst out and turned into a big hand with golden runes surging. , violently swept away the gravel on both sides...

Boom! ! The buried gravel continued to surge, and a mountain wall gradually emerged. There were countless engraved rune patterns on it, as well as exquisite reliefs. Although it had been tens of thousands of years, this pattern was still very beautiful. It was clear that the two of them were in the right place.

Zhang Qingshan said to the surprise: "We found the right place! We should be able to find the hidden entrance by following this wall!"

As he spoke, Zhang Qingshan's fingers trembled with golden light, and he kept chanting incantations, shocking the astonishing aura of runes. With his big golden hands, he quickly dug forward.

Seeing this scene, Ye Han said to Zhang Qingshan: "Senior brother! Be quieter! It would be bad to attract the attention of those ancient beasts and sea monsters!"

After hearing this, Zhang Qingshan immediately replied: "Yes, yes! We can't be too careless!"

While speaking, Zhang Qingshan's movements and mana control suddenly became slow, and he slowly started digging forward.

A quarter of an hour later, Zhang Qingshan and Ye Han excavated a very hidden large cave. There were two square pillars around the large cave. Because they were all buried, only part of the excavation was visible.

However, Zhang Qingshan patted the storage bag, took out two very old bronze mirror-like objects, and said to Ye Han: "Junior brother! There should be a mechanism on this pillar. You and I will find the mechanism and put it in." The secret key to this secret realm can be opened!”

Looking at the secret key to the secret realm, Ye Han frowned and suddenly said: "Senior brother! Don't you feel anything is wrong?"

He didn't know why, but Ye Han felt something was wrong ever since he found the bottom of this buried secret...

After hearing this, Zhang Qingshan's face changed, and he suddenly said in shock: "What's going on? Dead end reaction?"

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