Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 119 You are definitely not my junior apprentice

Just when Ye Han himself was shocked by this sudden murderous intent and means...

Hearing Han Yuwan shouting suddenly...


Ye Han suddenly felt a crazy murderous intent in his mind, and his eyes suddenly trembled with murderous intent.

He immediately shouted to Han Yuwan: "Kill them!"

Han Yuwan keenly felt that Ye Han had suddenly become another person. This terrible murderous intent was only possessed by cultivators who had experienced thousands of actual combats.

Could it be that Ye Han was really pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger?

When she was trapped in the black and yellow mist, it was no wonder that Ye Han was able to deal with the scary guy with the black bead...

At this time.


Two figures rushed over. They were wearing black clothes and masks like the three people who were killed, revealing only a pair of eyes.

When they saw the three people lying on the ground, their eyes suddenly became terrified.

Several cultivators joined forces to ambush here to kill people and steal treasures, and they had succeeded several times.

They were at the back, and had just dealt with one, but they didn't expect there were two more here, and their three companions were also killed...

One of them shouted: "Who are you? How dare you interfere in our business?"

Before he finished speaking.


Ye Han pointed his finger, made a dazzling gesture, and shouted.

Swish, swish, swish!!

The three flying scale daggers turned into three sword beams, and turned into three green sword beams, spinning in the air, and the sword energy shot towards the three people at an amazing speed!

The eyes of the two black-clothed immortal cultivators changed drastically, their magic power surged, and their fingers quickly made gestures and pointed their fingers.

One released a flying sword magic weapon, and the other released a flying knife magic weapon.

The magic power of the two surged, turning into sword light and knife light, and shot towards Ye Han and Han Yuwan at an amazing speed...

Clang clang clang!!

Ye Han released three flying scale daggers, three against two, and exploded with the sword light and knife light...

It was obvious that Ye Han's cultivation and magic power were far inferior to the two, but the sword intent and sword energy released by the flying scale dagger were far superior to the two, and he was not at a disadvantage in the collision.

Seeing this scene, Ye Han was surprised.

Because he was now performing the Qingxuan sword method, you should know that he had not yet successfully practiced this sword method.

But now he was performing it with ease, as if he had practiced it very well...

Does Zi Ding have such magical powers?

Ye Han looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief.

At this time.

Clang clang clang!

The magic weapons released by the two cultivators collided with Ye Han's flying scale dagger a few times, and the flying scale dagger was knocked out crookedly...

The two cultivators did not even look back, but turned around and ran away.

One of them shouted, "Wait for me! The guys from Qingxuan Sect!"

Obviously, they felt that their three companions were killed by Ye Han and Han Yuwan for no apparent reason.

There were only two of them, and they might not be the opponents of the two. It was better to run away.


A cold light flashed in Ye Han's eyes, and he shouted, "Don't even think about running!"

The moment he shouted this! He quickly pinched his fingers and chanted a spell, pointed forward heavily, and shouted, "Vine Soul Technique!"

As Ye Han pointed forward and pointed heavily!


Under the feet of the two monks who were fleeing, a piece of wood magic power suddenly exploded, and the feet of the two people in front were suddenly entangled by countless vines.

Instantly, the two people were entangled.

Ye Han found that the speed of his Vine Soul Technique was several times faster than before, and the power was also increased a lot.

He had no time to think about what was going on. His mind was full of murderous intent, and he must kill these two people...

The feeling of not giving up until he killed them.

The two masked monks were entangled by Ye Han's vine soul technique, and their eyes changed drastically: "Not good!"

They reacted very quickly, and with a flick of their fingers, the flying swords and flying knives flashed with cold light!

Swish, swish, swish!

The vines transformed by the vine soul technique were instantly chopped into pieces...

Their bodies were immediately out of the control of the vine soul technique.



Another large piece of vines swirled out from the ground and continued to entangle their bodies.

"Hmph! Trivial tricks!" One of the masked monks shouted.

After saying that, he tapped his fingers repeatedly, and the flying sword magic weapon turned into a piece of cold light and whistled away, trying to cut off those vines...

In fact, the two of them are not so scared now. Judging from the fight with Ye Han and his breath, this guy's cultivation is far inferior to theirs.

The other woman's breath is also very weak. Maybe she was seriously injured in killing the other three companions?

But, something unexpected happened.

Clang clang clang clang!

This time, the flying swords and flying knives released by the two masked monks did not cut through the vines.

Instead, sparks flew everywhere, and the flying swords and flying knives were entangled by the vines.

The two people's eyes changed drastically. What's going on? Why can't they cut it? They clearly cut it just now.

Who knew that this time it was not the vine soul technique that was entangled, but the thorny vines...

Their feet were entangled by the vines.

Not good!

The two people's faces changed drastically in an instant, and the blood runes in their hands trembled. A blood escape rune appeared in their hands and slapped on their bodies...


The two turned into a blood light, broke away from the vines, and fled forward.


Ye Han quickly made hand gestures with both hands, slapped his storage bag with his palm, and kept chanting.

A gray light flew out.

Ghost Skull Mirror!

The Ghost Skull Mirror spun in the air, and the gray light whizzed out in an instant, shining forward...


The gray light emitted by the Ghost Skull Mirror rushed forward!

Puff! Puff!!!

Two bloody explosions.

A dozen feet ahead of the gray light, two masked men in black were shaken out...

A skull biting their bodies made them numb instantly, and they couldn't use their magic power. They couldn't activate any of the treasures on their bodies. They were bitten by the skull and pressed to the ground, screaming...

They cried out in horror: "Damn it! What treasure is this?"

"Oh my God! I can't move!"

They even begged for mercy: "Senior! Spare our lives! We...!"

But what answered them was a series of cold rays.


The flying scale dagger instantly cut through the air and pierced their throats.

These two black-clothed masked monks were completely unable to resist Ye Han?

Even Han Yuwan didn't have time to help, and Ye Han killed them?

How is this possible?

Ye Han is only at the eighth level of the Qi Refining Stage.

This situation is too weird and terrible!

Ye Han looked at the two monks with fierce eyes, who fell down unwillingly. The ghost skull mirror's gray light converged and flew back to him...

Ye Han looked at the ghost skull mirror with dull eyes. What on earth was going on? When did he have such amazing magic skills?

But at this time.

Han Yuwan stared at Ye Han fiercely and shouted: "Who are you? You are definitely not my junior brother!"

There was a trace of fear in her fierce eyes...

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