Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 147 Magnolia Valley

Ye Chunsheng asked Ye Han to deliver the Zhenshen Pill to the Magnolia Fairy within five days.

However, he had already spent half a day healing here, which means that he only had more than four days to deliver the Zhenshen Pill to the Magnolia Fairy.

But Ye Chunsheng died too quickly, and there was no time to tell him where the Magnolia Fairy was...

This made Ye Han feel a little puzzled. What was wrong with this Ye Chunsheng? He exchanged all his wealth for the Zhenshen Pill to save the Magnolia Fairy, but didn't tell himself where she was?

Sure enough, he took on a difficult commission.

Forget it, try to find her.

Ye Han didn't delay, put away the invisible cloak covering the cave entrance, and observed the surroundings with his spiritual sense. He went out only when there was no abnormality.

There was a reason why Ye Han didn't agree to Ye Chunsheng's help in delivering the pill to the Magnolia Fairy at first.

In theory, delivering something is not a particularly troublesome thing.

But for a cultivator, if he runs around in the world of immortal cultivation with a cultivation level like him, he may encounter cultivators with higher cultivation levels at any time and attack him.

For example, this time he went to the relatively safe Qingyun City.

There are patrolling cultivators protecting the city, and there are no monsters or evil sects around.

But he still encountered Hong Niangzi, an evil cultivator who kills people and steals treasures.

Moreover, Hong Niangzi also killed Ye Chunsheng, whose cultivation level is higher than Ye Han.

Ye Han did not go to any dangerous place, the most dangerous place to find natural treasures and hunt monsters.

If he went to any dangerous place with his cultivation level, he would encounter cultivators who kill people and steal treasures at any time, and it would be very normal to be killed.

Therefore, low-level cultivators still practice in sects, or practice in safe places, and come out when their cultivation level is higher...

Otherwise, it is safer for the cultivators in the sect to act together in groups of three or five.

If Ye Han helps Ye Chunsheng deliver the elixir, he will have to find the Magnolia Fairy alone, which is quite dangerous.

Ye Han decided to go back to Qingyun City to find out where the Magnolia Fairy was. How could he find her if he looked blindly?

Fortunately, there were ways to ask for information, find people, and find things in Qingyun City. As long as you give spirit stones, someone will help you find out the information.

Ye Han returned to Qingyun City carefully and found a shop called Shunfengfang.

He spent five spirit stones there and found out where the Magnolia Fairy was.

Ye Han immediately left the city and flew towards a place called Magnolia Valley three hundred miles away.

It is said that the Magnolia Fairy is also slightly famous in the vicinity. She is as beautiful as a fairy. It is said that her array is quite powerful. If she is not famous, she will really be hard to find.

So for a cultivator like Ye Han who is at the eighth level of Qi Refining, it is not far away. It will probably take half a day to get there.

But that is when he is running at full speed and he cannot encounter any dangerous things.

The most feared thing for a cultivator is to encounter a cultivator who kills people and steals treasures. A low-level cultivator like Ye Han, who has a low cultivation level and many treasures, is the primary target of others' hunting.

Ye Han naturally did not dare to travel openly, but used an invisible cloak to hide his body and travel...

Sure enough, Ye Han's caution and the use of the invisible cloak were correct.

On the way, he encountered two groups of cultivators lurking in some dangerous places, killing people and stealing treasures. Fortunately, he hid his tracks and was not discovered by the other party.

On the third day, he refined a Nine-Turn Blood Restore Pill in a cave that was temporarily opened up. His consumed blood and qi were completely restored without using the third Nine-Turn Blood Restore Pill.

The reason for this situation is probably because Ye Han practiced the secret blood refining technique taught to him by Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan to the second level, which made his blood and qi much stronger than ordinary cultivators.

It seems that the blood refining technique that Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan taught him is not an ordinary secret method. No wonder Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan went down the mountain and killed his opponent even though he was seriously injured, and returned to Qixuan Peak alive.

I don’t know how Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan is doing now?

Ye Han sighed. In fact, he felt that Zhang Qingshan had many similarities with Ye Chunsheng. He was more likely to trust others and was kind and loyal.

It was really too dangerous for such a person to walk in the world of immortal cultivation.

Ye Han dispelled these unrealistic thoughts, packed up, and continued on the road. It only took half a day to go to Magnolia Valley. After completing Ye Chunsheng’s instructions, he immediately went back to Qixuan Peak to practice in seclusion, study the purple tripod, and improve his cultivation to the peak of the Qi Refining Stage.

Otherwise, he would hide from place to place when he came out, and dared not walk around. He had to take a detour when he met a cultivator. It was really aggrieved.

As the name suggests, Magnolia Valley is a picturesque valley planted with magnolia trees. It is very pleasant to live in such a place.

However, Ye Han had no intention to appreciate the scenery of Magnolia Valley. He felt that the spiritual energy of this place was very ordinary, much worse than Qingyun City, let alone Qixuan Peak.

He just wanted to quickly complete Ye Chunsheng's instructions to him, hand over the Zhenshen Pill to Fairy Magnolia, and then he could leave.

However, as soon as he appeared at the edge of Magnolia Valley, the valley was misty and there was obviously a forbidden formation.

Then Ye Han had a vague sense of danger, as if someone was secretly spying on him.

So, Ye Han frowned and shouted to the valley: "Fairy Magnolia! Are you there! I have something urgent to see you!"

When he shouted, his magic power was running, and the sound was transmitted, hoping that the Magnolia Fairy heard his shouting.

After all, from the information he had found out, this Magnolia Fairy was very arrogant. Because she was good at the art of formation, she arranged many formations in her Magnolia Valley. She usually did not show up, and even if she asked to see him, she had to nod and agree to open the formation restriction before she could meet him.

After Ye Han finished shouting, there was no movement inside.

This made Ye Han frown, and Ye Chunsheng's commission was indeed a troublesome matter.

He was thinking about making some noise.


He felt a creepy feeling, and his body reacted very quickly and flashed backwards...


Under his feet, a mana waved, and a big mud hand grabbed out instantly, and a hole was grabbed out of the ground.

Fortunately, Ye Han reacted quickly, otherwise he would have been caught by this mud hand.


Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

A cold light whistled in, and a sharp and suffocating blade light whistled towards his figure from the side.

Ye Han's face changed, and he slapped his storage bag. The black bone shield spun and appeared in front of him, turning into several feet in size!

Clang clang clang!!

Seven or eight blade lights bombarded his black bone shield and were directly repelled.

At this time, a surprised voice said: "Huh? Not that kid Ye Chunsheng?!"

Then, two figures appeared from the side.

Ye Han frowned. The person who came to deal with him without asking questions did not seem to be a good person, and from the tone of his voice, it seemed that he had a grudge against Ye Chunsheng!

Sure enough, this matter was not that simple.

Another voice shouted: "Who cares! This guy bumped into him, kill him!"

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