This extremely huge figure has huge horns all over its body. Each horn is like a huge mountain. The lines full of starlight spots flow and vibrate on it, forming a strange breath of power, surging among the stars...

This extremely huge figure slowly crawled out from the huge mountain nest. Step by step, the space vibrated with circles of ripples, and the entire 19th continent was trembling slightly...

However, Ye Han and others on the Ten-Li Heaven and Earth Bridge were being affected by the forbidden formation of the Ten-Li Heaven and Earth Bridge, and did not realize that this guy was approaching...

Ye Han only saw an extremely huge palace appearing in front of him. A guy from the Tianlong demon clan with three heads and six arms covered with purple and gold scales was bombarding countless halo storms, madly crushing and bombarding his figure...

Ye Han held a golden metal stick and blasted out the Hun Tian Ba ​​Yao stick method. He fought with that guy and it felt like he was indistinguishable!

Although it was hard to tell who was better, Ye Han felt a sense of danger.

What was going on? He was clearly in the upper hand, so why did he feel dangerous?

At this moment.

Buzz!! Ye Han felt that a metal cube treasure in one of his space rings, the green bead ring, suddenly trembled, and a strong and suffocating strange breath was shaken out...

The entire metal cube shook instantly, and the extremely huge ancient beast that he met in the Tianji Palace suddenly leaked out a breath...

Buzz buzz buzz buzz!!! The extremely amazing breath vibrated, and continued to vibrate and ripple above the Ten Miles Sky Bridge...

Formed a strange and terrifying scarlet eye that was a hundred miles wide, overlooking the entire Ten Miles Sky Bridge! ! !

The moment this pair of eyes appeared!

Mr. Lan Qing, Zhentian God and others who were on the Ten-Li Bridge felt an unprecedented terrifying feeling, as if they were being stared at by some terrifying and suffocating existence...

Zhentian God was being besieged by huge gray figures. He released several treasures to resist. Suddenly, he felt this terrifying and suffocating dangerous feeling. His face changed: "What's going on? The Ten-Li Bridge can never pose such a big threat to me? Could it be...!"

Thinking of this, Zhentian God continuously released amazing rune auras, circles of treasure golden light emanated, and a white jade-like light shield protected his figure...

Mr. Lan Qing and others also felt an extremely amazing sense of danger, and they also released defensive treasures one by one, ready to take action!


Ye Han didn't feel anything about all this...

Because it all seemed to happen in an instant.

When the pair of huge scarlet eyes appeared above the Ten-Li Bridge...

The huge figure that was quietly moving towards the Ten-Li Bridge suddenly showed a trace of fear in his eyes, hesitated, and trembled slightly, looking at Ye Han and others on the Ten-Li Bridge with disappointment!

Hoohoo! ! This huge and terrifying figure trembled slightly, turned his head and slowly retreated...

And the huge scarlet eyes on the Ten-Li Bridge also disappeared at this moment!

The Zhentian God and others who felt the extremely terrifying feeling also felt that the extremely dangerous breath disappeared, and they were slightly relieved, but they were still very worried...

After all, if they could feel the danger with their cultivation, it would definitely not be an illusion, and the Ten-Li Bridge would definitely not have such a feeling.

As for why it suddenly disappeared again? They didn't know why.

However, such a strong sense of crisis was really terrifying. Zhentian God could not help but speed up his pace to avoid more trouble. Just when he was about to succeed, he was attacked again...

Seven days later!!!

Ye Han took a step forward, and the boundless and terrifying scene in front of him twisted and trembled like smoke, and disappeared...

And in front of him appeared the faces of Mr. Lan Qing, Zhentian God, Wuxie Scholar, and As Saint Son...

Seeing Ye Han appear, the four of them couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Zhentian God felt that Mr. Lan Qing and the other two were a little too nervous about Ye Han. There must be something wrong. Maybe these three people wanted to rely on Ye Han to open the ascension channel...

But he didn't ask anything. After all, he also had many secrets. Besides, he didn't think that Ye Han, a Yuanying stage cultivator, could have such great ability.

Although Ye Han's true magical power has exceeded the scope of the Nascent Soul stage and is comparable to the God Transformation stage...

But the God Transformation stage is divided into three small realms. He is in the late stage of the God Transformation, the highest among the crowd. Ye Han can be compared with the God Transformation stage, but he is also in the early stage of the God Transformation, and it is impossible to be in the middle or late stage of the God Transformation.

Seeing the four people looking at him at the same time, Ye Han was also a little surprised and said: "The four seniors are still very advanced. I am the last one to arrive!"

Indeed, he saw that the four were faster than him, and it was obvious that he was still a little worse than them...

But Zhentian God Zun couldn't help asking: "Huh? Ye Han! Didn't you feel any danger?"

After hearing this, Ye Han answered directly: "Yes! Aren't all the seniors experiencing the formation test of the Ten Miles Heaven and Earth Bridge?"

When this was said, everyone looked at each other. With their cultivation, they would not be wrong. When they entered the Ten-Li Bridge, there was a very brief danger. It felt like the four of them accelerated before and after and used many methods.

They were afraid that the extremely dangerous existence would suddenly appear and deal with them.

So they all arrived at the end more than a day earlier than Ye Han. They had asked each other about this feeling over the past day.

They really didn't expect Ye Han to be the last one. They waited for more than a day, and they were a little worried. Ye Han was going to capsize in the ditch!

But Ye Han didn't seem to feel it, and everyone was also surprised.

However, Mr. Lan Qing said, "Okay! Let's not waste time. The ancient formation hall is in front of us. Fellow Daoist Zhentian has opened it! It's much safer inside! Let's go in and talk slowly!"

As he spoke, Mr. Lan Qing and others also talked a lot and walked towards the ancient formation hall in front of them...

This hall was well preserved and was the best preserved building Ye Han had seen so far on the Xingchen Continent.

But why did he hear the tone of Mr. Lan Qing and others, and he was very afraid of something?

What was going on?

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