Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 171 A conspiracy

Ye Han walked to the door of the cave, and was about to go out to kill to satisfy his growing murderous intent...

Just at this moment.


Suddenly, a shocking agitation of heaven and earth spiritual energy came from the training room, and the heaven and earth spiritual energy in the entire cave rushed towards the training room like a tide...

Ye Han was shocked by this sudden vibration, and his mind was shocked.

He suddenly came back to his senses, cold sweat suddenly flowed from his forehead, and his back was cold.

He tried his best to operate the skills, trying to control this amazing murderous intent, but this murderous intent was extremely agitated, making Ye Han unable to control the impulse.

The black air on Ye Han's body burst again, with an amazing bloody smell in the black air, and his pupils began to glow bloodthirsty red, bursting out with terrible murderous intent...

He wanted to open the door of the cave to go out.

But Ye Han tried his best to suppress this terrible idea of ​​his. He knew that although his cultivation and fighting ability had greatly improved after being possessed by the purple tripod.

But there are many Jindan-stage cultivators in Qingxuan Sect, and there are also the legendary immortal Yuanying-stage cultivators in the sect.

As long as he steps out of the cave, this killing intent will immediately alarm Jindan-stage cultivators, and even Yuanying-stage old monsters.

Even if his cultivation level increases a hundred times, he is no match for Jindan-stage cultivators.

As long as he steps out of the cave, he will be the only one to die.

But this terrifying killing intent constantly fills his mind...

With his cultivation level and state of mind, he can't suppress it at all.

Being able to resist for more than a dozen breaths is already the limit. He is about to lose consciousness and immerse himself in killing intent again.

At this moment.

The formula of Qingxin Gong suddenly came to his mind.

Wu Lai Du Wang's heart is as calm as water, the yin and yang of heaven and earth are decaying and agile, the night of heaven and earth is without a trace, the fire of heaven and earth is in tune with each other, and the fire of heaven and earth is penetrating...

When Ye Han was awake, he kept studying the formulas and techniques of Qingxin Gong. These formulas were a bit irrelevant, so he couldn't find a clue at all. After so many days of research, he could only vaguely touch a little entry.

Now that the purple tripod's aura is attached to him, the operation of Qingxin Gong is smooth and smooth.

As the Qingxin Gong's technique is running, Ye Han's body surges with a cold air, and the state of mind full of murderous intent in the sea of ​​consciousness is also soaked with a chill.

Slowly, Ye Han felt that his mind calmed down, and the astonishing murderous intent was gradually suppressed.

As Qingxin Gong is running.

He was like the purple-gold rune in the sea, and was penetrated by the coolness of the Qingxin Gong. Suddenly, the purple light and arrogance were strong, and a stream of purple runes were emitted, which continued to flow into the black and purple purple cauldron...

After a while, circles of purple-gold runes wrapped up the purple cauldron, so that the purple cauldron no longer emitted a terrifying black murderous intent.

At this time.

"No!! Impossible! How did you find me!!"

A shrill roar roared from the intersection of the purple cauldron. Ye Han felt that the figure of the strange old man who appeared on the black bead of Tianhuang Valley appeared.

He was very furious and kept impacting and colliding in the purple cauldron.

Ye Han's mind moved...

The purple-gold rune attacked the strange old man like a violent storm.

Puff puff puff...

The purple-gold rune hit the strange old man. Circles of purple-gold light burst out, and the black and red arrogance on the old man's body continued to explode...

Ah! Ah! Ah!!

The old man screamed miserably, his aura became weaker and weaker, and as the purple-gold light continued to bombard him, the black and red flames on his body became dimmer and dimmer...

The old man began to beg for mercy and shouted: "No! Spare me! I will help you practice, I can guide you to practice! Boy! Don't miss this great opportunity."

Ye Han felt the old man's begging for mercy, but he only paused for a while and shouted coldly: "I don't need it! Die!"

As Ye Han's mind moved...

The purple-gold rune bombarded a large piece of purple-gold flames, which directly hit the old man.

Ah!! You...

The old man wanted to curse, but the purple-gold flame touched him and destroyed his entire body in an instant...

It turned into a wisp of black gas and dissipated...

At this time, the black gas on the purple tripod in Ye Han's sea of ​​consciousness retreated and gradually turned into crystal clear purple jade...

Feeling the change of the purple tripod, Ye Han was full of joy and finally understood that the black bead absorbed by the purple tripod must be a certain evil cultivator or a demon cultivator, whose body destroyed the escaped soul.

Although the purple tripod swallowed the soul bead of the evil cultivator at that time, it did not destroy the soul of the evil cultivator.

This guy didn't know what means he used, or because the purple tripod had no way to suppress the evil demon soul, let this guy use some secret method to affect his state of mind.

And when this thing affected his state of mind, it also threw a great temptation, that is, it could greatly increase his ability to practice and fight, let him indulge in this power, and gradually let the evil demon soul control.

Sure enough, when Ye Han encountered crises several times, he had to take the initiative to let out the aura of this evil spirit, making himself instantly extremely powerful and defeating one opponent after another.

But at the same time, his state of mind was constantly affected. If it happened a few more times, this evil spirit could completely control him and turn him into a killing machine, and then release him...

However, man proposes, God disposes. After Ye Han got the purple-gold rune in Ye Chunfeng's hand, he was able to take the Purple Cauldron into his sea of ​​consciousness, and directly destroyed the evil spirit through the attack of the purple-gold rune.

Let the Purple Cauldron escape from the control of the evil spirit and regain control of the Purple Cauldron...

Ye Han took a deep breath and felt that his state of mind suddenly became clear, his heart was as calm as water, and a big stone that was suppressed in his heart finally fell.

After all, he had been unable to figure out what was going on with this Purple Cauldron for so long, otherwise he would control his state of mind and keep killing.

It turned out that it was a conspiracy from beginning to end.

After solving this problem, Ye Han was in a much better mood, and at the same time he also understood that the reason why the Purple Cauldron reacted to the purple-gold rune on Ye Chunfeng was that the purple-gold rune was originally the same part as the Purple Cauldron.

Moreover, he was certain that the Purple Cauldron was not complete yet, and there might be other parts that could continuously strengthen the Purple Cauldron...

At this time.

Buzz buzz buzz!

The agitation of the heaven and earth in the cave became more and more intense.

Ye Han's heart moved, and he looked towards the training room where the agitation of heaven and earth aura was coming from.

Could it be because Han Yuwan was about to successfully advance to the foundation-building stage?

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