Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 1916 Did Ye Han refine the heritage of the ancient race?

As the Moon Goddess exclaimed.

The terrifying moonlight blade light that he grew out directly crossed the void and blasted into the void world. The void world was chopped and blasted out a terrifying blade light ripple.

The space was constantly broken, and a thousand twisted blade lights blasted out...

There was a roar that shook the earth, and the mountain ground was chopped out with a bottomless hook, and there was a golden flame burning on it. The impact continued to burst out a terrible wind storm...

But it didn't hit Ye Han, no matter how powerful it was, it was useless!

Looking at this scene, the Moon Goddess looked ugly. This damn Ye Han didn't feel so dangerous, but it was indeed more difficult to deal with...

Because his two helpers were also very powerful!

At this time, Zhang Qingshan turned into a golden figure of ten thousand feet. He didn't know when he grabbed a sharp battle axe treasure with his hands, and then he had a set of bronze armor on his body, and the armor was full of mysterious vortex gold runes.

The Moon Goddess was surprised to find that both the battle axe treasure and the armor had the aura of this young man!

In other words, these two treasures are this guy's life magic weapon?

This is too rare! A cultivator actually has two life magic weapons, and the power cultivated and refined is so terrifying?

If this guy hadn't rushed over, he would have continued to attack Ye Han for help, and could only attack Zhang Qingshan madly.

Boom boom boom, a thousand-foot-long dazzling golden moonlight blade light, slashed across the sky and earth, impacted and directly cut through the void sky and earth, and spread out the void. A terrible ripple storm, crushed and bombarded Zhang Qingshan...

Zhang Qingshan's eyes burst into golden light, and the axe light in his hand continued to surge and burst out like thousands of waves, shocking out astonishing and suffocating golden light ripples, in the air, constantly shocking out, forming a thousand-foot-long golden light flame halo, the breath and magic power instantly made the space enter a stagnant space!

"Break it!!!"

Zhang Qingshan let out a roar that shook the earth, and waved the huge battle axe halo at the crescent blade light that was impacting, and the astonishing and suffocating pupils and eyes rippled on the huge battle axe.

In an instant, the terrifying cold golden axe shook and exploded into a horrible and suffocating sharp storm, blasting out a thousand-foot-long golden axe, and blasted towards the terrifying moonlight blade light that the Moon God slashed over...

The earth-shaking violent explosions broke out with a series of clangs, the golden blade energy and the axe light collided and cracked, the whole sky was trembling with brilliant golden light, and the twisted storm continued to twist and explode in the void stars...

The boundless storm twisted, the terrifying air waves exploded, the void of hundreds of thousands of feet was shaking, and the boundless terrifying storm came out...

The terrible and suffocating collision between the two was hard to tell.

However, although the moonlight blade light attacked by the Moon God was blocked by Zhang Qingshan's attack, it was not completely annihilated and exploded. The leaked moonlight air waves actually formed round moonlight balls suspended in the void.

As the sword lights and auras of the round moonlight balls gathered in the air, they formed huge round moonlight balls, which became larger and larger, and ferocious fanged ghosts appeared on the surface of the moonlight balls.

As the moonlight balls continued to grow, the ferocious and terrifying big mouths full of fangs suddenly opened...

The buzzing starlight runes drove these fanged big mouths of moonlight from above, and the spiritual energy of the heaven and earth in the hundreds of thousands of feet of radius, and the star runes continued to gather on the moonlight balls...

In an instant.

The rumbling starlight columns gushed out from these ferocious moonlight mouths, and the moonlight balls were connected and gathered by these starlight columns, forming a huge light network composed of huge moonlight balls and starlight columns, forming a criss-crossing star imprisonment force that appeared in the entire world.

Ye Han and Zhang Qingshan, who were in the middle of it, felt an unprecedented force of confinement, which prevented them from absorbing the power of the stars and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

You know, after reaching the Jindan stage, the immortal cultivators can absorb the terrible spiritual energy of heaven and earth when practicing, which can unleash the greater power of magic treasures.

After reaching the Shenhua stage, the immortal cultivators can not only absorb a large amount of spiritual energy of heaven and earth, but also absorb enough power of the stars, which can exert the strongest power of the immortal cultivators in the Shenhua stage.

Now this damn Moon God has obviously used a powerful secret method to cut off the two people's absorption of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth around them, as well as the power of the stars, so that they can't exert the strongest magical power...

The Moon God himself can indeed absorb it, and with the increase and decrease, the two instantly fell into a very unfavorable situation.


Ye Han is now operating the Qingxuan Sect's inherited five-element technique, and his body is surrounded by the five-element power of the five-color spiritual light, which constantly shocks out the terrible five-element breath, forming a perfect five-element cycle of mutual generation breath.

If he could drive the Purple Cauldron or the Purple Cauldron Space, Ye Han would mostly rely on the power of the Purple Cauldron or the Purple Cauldron Space to burst out magical powers that far exceeded his own cultivation power...

There was no need to use spells such as the Five Elements Mutual Generation and Mutual Restraint to resist.

But now there is no way. The purple tripod and the purple tripod space have entered the confinement zone, so there is no way for me to exert my most powerful magic power.

I can only use the five elements of magic power that resist each other to resist most of the confinement power of the moonlight sword.

The confinement power of the moonlight sword cannot completely seal his meridians and magic power...

But the giant net confinement spell of the moonlight starlight column released by the Moon God actually confines the absorption of the spiritual energy of the world and the power of the stars, blocking them outside the filter.


This Moon God is really hard to deal with!

Ye Han's eyes trembled, revealing a trace of solemnity, and his body suddenly shook and emitted a brilliant white light...

This white light was flawless and burst out instantly, surrounding Ye Han's figure...

White Jade Chasing Light!!!

The beam of light trembled, and Ye Han's figure was like a dazzling beam of white light, bypassing the golden moon flames one after another, and rushed to a height of tens of thousands of feet!

Ye Han can actually fly? !

The Moon Goddess couldn't believe her eyes! This is clearly the power of the forbidden air law! !

This is bad!

The inheritance of the ancients allowed Ye Han to refine it?

A scene that surprised the Moon Goddess even more appeared!

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