Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 200 Zombie Puppet

No one expected that under the siege of so many demonized monks, the first one who could not hold on was Lin Hongyan...

In the chaotic situation, everyone was desperately trying to protect themselves, and no one saw how Lin Hongyan was bitten by the monster.


Lin Hongyan, who was bitten by the monster, was trembling with a hazy gray light rune, exploding and bursting, and her body turned into ashes in an instant.

At the same time, Lin Hongyan's figure fell from the air.

The substitute talisman worked, blocking this fatal blow for Lin Hongyan.

Lin Hongyan's face was also pale and terrified. If it weren't for the substitute talisman, she would have fallen now. The immortality she pursued, everything she worked hard for, and the family's earnest hope for her were all gone.

At this moment.

Several magic weapons of demonized monks, with an astonishing black magic flame, bombarded Lin Hongyan in the air...

Although she had experienced many battles, Lin Hongyan had just escaped death and had never experienced such a dangerous situation. She was a little flustered for a while, and she tapped her fingers and released a pair of fire rings...

The Fire Ring Flame Great Sage collided with the magic weapon, bursting out with astonishing flames and magic energy, and the hot flames and magic energy exploded...

Although the attack of these magic weapons was blocked...


Aww! ! !

With a roar of a monster, a monster with fangs rushed out from the bursting flames and magic energy, opened its bloody mouth and bit down on Lin Hongyan's head!

Lin Hongyan's face was pale. She didn't expect that she would suffer a great loss in the same move?

At this moment!

Whoosh! ! A sharp sound of breaking through the air flew over.

A dazzling green sword light hit the mouth of the monster with its bloody mouth wide open...

Puff! !

The monster's fangs spurted out a mouthful of black and red devil blood, and it screamed in pain, shaking its head constantly, and blood and flames flew everywhere...

Lin Hongyan felt someone grab her clothes and flew backwards...

Several magic weapons released by the demonized monks passed by Lin Hongyan's body, and the protective shield on her body was cut open with an amazing ripple.

Ye Han's figure was like a strange ghost, leading Lin Hongyan to dodge the magic weapon attacks of the demonized monks...

Lin Hongyan broke out in a cold sweat instantly. If it was Ye Han who took action, she would be torn to pieces directly.

Looking at Ye Han, Lin Hongyan showed gratitude and said, "Junior Brother Ye, thank you!"

Ye Han said in a deep voice, "Don't be in a hurry to thank me. I can save you this time, but I may not have a chance next time."

As he said this, Ye Han's magic power surged, and the six wooden flying swords spinning on his body, along with his spiritual consciousness, constantly blocked the magic weapon attacks of the demonized monks.

His six flying swords were as flexible as his own fingers, blocking most of the attacks, and very lightly removed the magic energy, sword energy and knife energy from the magic weapon attacks of the demonized monks...

Such amazing sword control is really amazing.

Others saw that Lin Hongyan was not really killed, and they all breathed a sigh of relief.

You know, as long as one of the five people is killed, it can be declared that their adventure action has absolutely failed.

Because, they want to break the ban by relying on five people to perform the five elements formation to break the ban, and one person is missing.

Seeing that Ye Han can still save people at this critical moment, everyone is surprised.

Ye Han's magic power seemed to be endless, and his spiritual awareness and sword skills were far beyond the reach of ordinary Qi Refining cultivators.

Qin Minghui's eyes also showed a hint of appreciation. Ye Han's ability to save people also ensured that their adventure had not failed...


Everyone knew that if they continued to fight like this, they might not be able to explain here.

After all, there were still so many monsters around, and that hateful mastermind had not made a move...

So, Qin Minghui shouted decisively: "Retreat!"

As she shouted angrily, the eight gems hovering above her head spun around, spewing out a water mist and spiritual light, which continued to spread in all directions. Suddenly, an astonishing cold air flashed around...

And a large area of ​​mist surged up, directly surrounding a hundred feet in radius.

This kind of magic skill is definitely not something that a Qi Refining cultivator can perform.

The figure wrapped in the magic energy sitting on the huge magic beast showed surprise in his eyes: "Huh?! This woman! Definitely not a cultivator in the Qi Refining Stage!"

As he spoke, he muttered something in his mouth, and the mysterious formula came out of his mouth. With a wave of his hand, a trace of scarlet blood flew out of his finger, and turned into a rune in the air...

Flew to both sides of the big hole.

The rune hit the air and exploded violently, turning into a blood rune formation, spreading seven or eight feet, and the magic light column instantly suppressed the impact...

Boom! !

The ground rumbled and trembled, and the rocks on the ground kept exploding.

One by one, black skeleton hands, or big hands with flesh and blood, broke through the wall...

Then the figure drilled out...

A human-shaped zombie monster actually crawled out from it. Most of the flesh and blood on these human-shaped zombie monsters had rotted, and their bodies were covered with black magic flames.

These guys crawled out one by one, there were hundreds of them, and they rushed towards everyone, roaring madly...

Fortunately, Ye Han and others did not go around from both sides, otherwise they would have been surrounded by these terrifying zombie monsters.

These demonized beasts and demonized monks are already difficult enough to deal with!

Now comes another circle from the outside, these terrible zombie monsters.

It was really overwhelming.

However, the icy mist released by Qin Minghui caused those demonized monks and monsters to run around like they couldn't find their direction.

Qin Minghui took the opportunity to shout to everyone: "Let's break out!"

She rushed out to one side immediately, and a blue light trembled out from behind...

She flapped her wings violently and rushed out. She connected her fingers with the eight crystal clear orbs hovering above her head. A burst of aura runes bloomed, and bright fluorescent runes were emitted, forming a formation of light explosion. …

Boom! ! !

There was an astonishing roar and explosion, and eight rays of water-blue cold light as thick as the mouth of a bowl gathered together, impacting a huge mana beam that was larger than a water tank...

He bombed directly towards the figure surrounded by black energy on the back of the huge monster...

Puff puff! ! !

Wherever the huge mana beam passed, those demonized monks were constantly being crushed and exploded.

The terrifying suffocating mana beam rushed directly in front of the huge monster...

The eyes of the black figure showed a hint of horror: "Damn it!"

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