Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2025: Phantom God Demon Lord

Ye Han never expected that he had managed to kill the Blood Soul King Beast, but he did not expect that a Demon Lord would appear at this critical moment, and judging from his tone, he seemed to have entered his territory by mistake. Already?

Yes, this place is very close to the Netherworld God and Demonic Land! ! !

Could it be that he and the Blood Soul King Beast really woke this guy up?


The cultivation level of this demon king must be at least that of the Fusion Stage. At that level, even a hundred Ye Han would not be a match for him.

No wonder the opponent's mana confinement made him unable to move! !

what to do? !

It's so terrifying. The spiritual world is full of extremely terrifying beings today, and Ye Han's level of cultivation can only be imprisoned! !

Ye Han didn't expect that he would encounter such a terrifying existence again after practicing quietly for less than twenty years.

It would be much safer if I didn't get into this muddy water! ! Sure enough, you can’t take action at will in the Heavenly Spirit Realm! ! ! There are too many powerful guys.

However, this guy claimed to be the Demon Lord, which reminded him of the clone of the Demon Lord Baotian who had been fighting with him in the underworld for many years.

Could it be that I was so unlucky to meet this guy?

If that's the case, then I'm really in big trouble!

Thinking of this, Ye Han couldn't help showing a hint of helplessness in his eyes, but he still managed to keep his spirits up and said respectfully: "Senior, I have no intention of disturbing you, but I am being chased by my enemies, so I have to...!"

Before Ye Han finished speaking, the voice said calmly: "I have no interest in your affairs, and you don't need to explain to me. But I admire you very much. Although your cultivation level is not high, you are very courageous." Ah! I admire you for making a person from the Immortal Clan’s family tree!”

Ye Han was very surprised that the Demon Lord could say such words.

It also gave Ye Han the hope of living. The immortals and the demons were originally sworn enemies. He made the right protector into a puppet, which may have won this guy's favor...

Maybe this is his hope for survival.

So, Ye Han replied: "Senior is exaggerating. I have no choice but to do so many things. Of course, it is also because I am wanted by the Immortal Clan and have no other way to survive. Refining an Immortal Clan as a puppet is also Nothing to worry about."

Having said that, Ye Han felt that this so-called Demon Lord might not be the real Demon Lord, and there might be other reasons.

On the other hand, this guy said that the right protector is a member of the immortal family tree? So what's the difference? Is it a difference in status and bloodline?

However, no matter what kind of existence this demon lord is, this terrifyingly powerful cultivation is definitely not something he can deal with!

Now he has no power to fight back. Maybe this guy is more powerful than the Immortal King! !

What an unlucky thing. I was just happy about catching the Blood Soul King Beast, but within a few breaths of happiness, this terrible guy came! !

I really don’t know if it’s a blessing or a curse!

However, the Demon Lord said calmly: "Okay, it seems you are the person I want to find! You are an ancient human being and you are alone, very good!!"

Following the words of this demon king.


Buzzing circles of extremely terrifying power vibrated and surged out in the air, turning into ripples in space.

A large hole was torn open in the space by a pair of invisible hands, sweeping over Ye Han's body.

A breath of astonishing force of space tearing came, and Ye Han felt as if his whole body was wrapped by the power of space, and he was completely unable to move and was pulled into the space channel.

The crushing force of space came, and Ye Han felt that he had teleported at least a thousand miles in the space channel...

With a breath, ripples in the space trembled, and as soon as his eyes lit up, Ye Han's figure emerged from the space passage, and appeared in a garden building full of exotic flowers and plants, a hill of spiritual ponds, and an extremely rich and pure aura of heaven and earth.

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth here is so abundant and pure that Ye Han has never seen it before. It feels like he has fallen into a spiritual pool. Just by breathing, he can feel the breath mana flowing...

What is this place?

Ye Han showed a hint of astonishment when he saw this place. No matter how he looked at it, this place didn't look like a place where the demon cultivator was.

However, he didn't know what the demons looked like.

And Ye Han saw a young man dressed in black, as fair as jade, with an extremely handsome face, and extremely black hair, who was shining with the weird aura of heaven and earth, sitting on a white jade-like stool. Surrounding the guy, there were actually strange little birds, standing motionless on top of him.

If Ye Han hadn't seen him, he wouldn't have known there was such a person not far from him.

The young man in black opened his eyes, and his pupils turned out to be bright golden pupils.

Ye Han had seen pupils like this many times.


Only demons with truly high-level pure blood have pupils like this.

Is this the Demon King?

The Demon Lord opened his eyes, glanced at Ye Han proudly, and said calmly: "You actually have an arm with the blood of my Demon Race! Not bad!"

Following the Demon Lord's words, his eyes lit up...

A burst of golden light and demonic energy shook Ye Han's right arm. Unexpectedly, the hand of the god and devil was not controlled by Ye Han. It automatically appeared in its true form, full of ferocious horns, and the eyes of the devil blinked on his shoulder. stand up! ! ! !

Looking at the Demon God's Eye and Demon God's Hand in Ye Han's arm, the Demon Lord showed a hint of surprise: "It's actually the bloodline of the ancient demon clan, not bad!"

As he said that, the young man stood up, looked at Ye Han indifferently and said: "Boy, now I only give you one way, become my demon king's man, go to the immortal clan to help me get some things back!! Naturally, I will not treat you unfairly!"

As he said that, the young man's figure was like a ghost, silently appearing beside Ye Han, and casually pressed down on the shoulder of Ye Han's God and Demon Hand...

With a buzz, the golden demonic energy and the dazzling runes flashed out and pressed directly on Ye Han's shoulder.

But Ye Han felt that his God and Demon Hand was surged with an extremely powerful force of imprisonment law, and the backlash injury from using the Absolute Cold Sword to kill the right protector disappeared all of a sudden.

And what surprised Ye Han even more was that after the injection of this breath, the God and Demon Hand suddenly became much stronger!

But this is not a good thing, because Ye Han has already felt that his arm has been planted with a very powerful restriction by this so-called demon king.

Unless his cultivation can surpass this guy, it is almost impossible to get rid of this restriction by himself.

This is a big trouble.

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