Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2053 The Second Test

Saying that he had changed again, Ye Han found that when he was teleported to this desolate place, his appearance, breath, and clothes had changed again.

He has transformed into a young man with blue hair and a slender figure with a baby face.

This made Ye Han frown slightly, what are you doing? Made so mysterious.

But remembering that this matter had a lot to do with Lord Youshen Demon, Ye Han also felt that it was normal to be more mysterious.

But what exactly is this going to do?

Ye Han was a little confused. The main thing was to look at the map...

Thinking of this, Ye Han immediately pointed his finger and unfolded the picture that the instigator posted.

I saw a lot of routes drawn horizontally and vertically on it. It seems that you can reach that place from many routes, because each route seems to lead to a place. There are also some weird symbols marked on it, flowers, Leaves, monsters, cultivators, balls, etc...

What is going on with these marks?

Ye Han didn't understand it yet, but the man in the cave said that they had passed the first test before they could reach that valley.

In fact, Ye Han also figured out what was going on in the first test and asked them to wander around the Tianjian Immortal City. There were many high-level immortal cultivators in the city.

If one's true similarities, differences and aura are exposed inside, it may mean that the test has failed.

Without them taking action, the immortals would deal with them.

What is this second test?

Based on what he knows now, Ye Han feels like he is selecting a special immortal cultivator to do something?

Ye Han looked around and found that his consciousness was still too imprisoned to be released, and he could only rely on his eyes to observe the surrounding situation.

Now he is in a vast and desolate land. Even if he uses the magical power of the sacred tree, he can't see very far at a glance. Because this desolate land is undulating and uneven, he can't see very far before he is blocked! !

This place is very strange, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is not very abundant. After Ye Han arrived in the Tianling Realm, it was rare for him to encounter such a boring place with spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

But the taboos here are very powerful. His consciousness, which is comparable to that of the Void Refining Stage, cannot be released, which shows how powerful the restrictions in this place are.

Even if I try to fly, I can't escape!

The place is not that good, and the trouble is not small.

Ye Han looked around carefully and understood what was going on. It was possible that this place was artificially created specifically to test or test the incoming immortal cultivators.

Because he saw that the clouds in the sky were very strange. It had been more than ten breaths since he came in, and there was no change at all. Logically speaking, it was impossible.

When he activated the Mingmu Divine Technique, he saw that there was indeed something wrong with the clouds. It hid many mysterious runes, forming a huge and continuous forbidden world...

In other words, this place is most likely a sealed secret place, a space similar to his Purple Cauldron Space.

So Ye Han concluded that this was used to test them.

However, Ye Han had no idea why Lord Youshen Demon gave him this token to participate in this inexplicable test?

The other party didn't say clearly what it was for.

But now we can only move forward step by step.

The mysterious guy said that he must arrive at the designated place within two days. If he fails to arrive, he will be eliminated.

Ye Han observed the map. Each symbol seemed to mean something to be encountered.

But now he can't tell where he is on the map.

This is a bit troublesome...

Um? ! Is there any movement? ! ? ! !

Just as Ye Han was thinking this, he felt a slight vibration coming from the west.

So Ye Han looked in that direction and saw nothing visible in the depths of the endless desolate land. However, the vibration, even though it was extremely weak according to his sensitive sense, seemed to be a mosquito. Feeling shaken...

But Ye Han still figured it out, there must be something going on.

Go check it out! ! !

Ye Han suddenly moved, and the hurricane aura erupted from his body. A terrifying hurricane rushed towards Dai Fang at an astonishing speed...

Although the movement of Ye Han's running wildly seemed loud, it did not stir up any dust. It was silent, the speed was astonishing and suffocating, and with a few flips and impacts, he was already hundreds of miles away.

Sure enough, as he flew towards that direction at an alarming speed...

Gradually there was movement.

A series of continuous roaring sounds came, followed by a strange scream and roar...

After continuing to run forward for hundreds of miles, Ye Han saw that on the horizon, a large mass of terrifying dust was surging. In the boundless dust storm, sharp black shadows that were thousands of feet long were impacting...

There was a huge golden figure, holding two long knives, tens of thousands of feet long, constantly clashing with the dark shadow.

The rolling and boundless storm continued to stir, roll, and collide in the heaven and earth, exploding into boundless waves of terrifying air...

Perhaps because the spiritual energy of heaven and earth here was not abundant enough, the battle between the two sides seemed to be a head-to-head sword battle, and the storm that shook out contained very amazing power.

Ye Han used his magic power, hid his figure, and accelerated again to run rapidly in that direction.

At this time, he could see clearly that there were two sides fighting in front of him, a huge black puppet.

This black puppet had four arms, holding two huge black flat sticks in his hands. When he waved it, the space was shocked by a terrible ripple storm. The power of the four huge black sticks was very terrifying, and the golden figure was defeated step by step...

The golden figure should be a cultivator. He used some unknown spell, and his huge power was also very terrifying. When he waved a huge golden long sword, the space was crushed and shattered! !

Every time they blasted against each other, there was a terrifying roar and explosion, and the storm that shook the world was swept away...

Ye Han observed it and found the problem.

This guy didn't even have the magic power to drive. He relied on his body and the sword skills to frantically resist the attack of the black four-armed puppet.

Can't use magic power?

Ye Han could sense that the other party seemed unable to use their magic power to fight against the pitch-black four-armed puppet!!

Could this be a test of their physical strength?

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