Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2069 Wanshulou

Yuwen Family.


Fourth floor.

Ye Han stood in front of a huge bookshelf, holding a very simple book. The title of the book was written in simple immortal language, called Wannian.

Ye Han turned the pages very quickly. As soon as his consciousness moved, the book turned the pages quickly. It took him only a dozen breaths to finish reading the entire book.

Then Ye Han picked up another book and continued to turn it quickly...

For immortal cultivators, the higher their cultivation level, the faster they read and memorize...

Because what they read is not some kind of secret method or magical power, there is no deep comprehension. Reading too much will easily cause mental fatigue.

Now Ye Han basically reads any book about any record in this reading building. There are all kinds of content, including biographies of immortal cultivators, cultivation experiences, adventure areas, monster species, distribution of mythical beasts, geographical environment, legendary historical records, etc.

After Ye Han read these books endlessly, he has a better understanding of the Tianling Realm, and many questions that he didn't understand before have been answered.

Just like what Ye Han was very surprised about before, some monsters in the Tianling Realm have reached the level of the Spiritualization Stage, but they have not yet transformed into human form, and their intelligence is not much different from that of ordinary monsters, and is not very high.

According to the records of some books, it is because these monsters are monsters evolved from another kind of primitive ancient beasts, also known as uncivilized monsters.

These monsters only rely on instinctive cultivation, and they cannot advance after cultivating to a certain degree. After reaching a bottleneck, they cannot become higher-level monsters without special opportunities.

This factor is also the best thing that most immortal cultivators in the immortal world like to hunt, after all, the flesh and blood of these guys are very valuable.

However, these uncivilized monsters do not have the demon pills, Yuanying, demon souls, etc. of civilized monsters.

It can be said that there are many shortcomings. Just strength is not as valuable as civilized monsters.

Of course, this kind of civilized monster is no longer called a monster, they are called monster cultivators.

And unlike the earth realm, the status of monster cultivators in the heavenly spirit realm is quite high.

The hugeness of the entire heavenly spirit realm is not comparable to the earth realm. The fairy race continent alone is the size of countless earth realms.

And there are three huge forces in the heavenly spirit realm, namely the fairy race continent, the monster race continent, and the demon race continent.

The heavenly spirit realm is also a complex and chaotic interface among many interfaces. It is also an interface with many natural treasures and many disputes.

Mainly because the cultivation resources of this heavenly spirit realm have not been fully developed and not occupied by one race, so the struggle is fierce. Many race wars have occurred, and now the three major forces have not stopped fighting...

And Ye Han also learned a lot about the records and descriptions of the interface through some books.

He thought that there was only one heavenly spirit realm in the upper realm, which was already very vast and huge. It turned out that this world was even more vast and huge than he imagined.

It is said that there are tens of thousands of interfaces like the Heavenly Spirit Realm in the entire universe, and there are many interfaces that have not been discovered, which can only be reached by stronger and more powerful cultivators.

And small interfaces like the Earth Realm, there are countless interfaces connected to the Heavenly Spirit Realm alone...

It can be said that if you cannot become an immortal cultivator, it is absolutely impossible to travel through the entire interface of the universe.

In addition, Ye Han also read many books about races, which is a lot. In fact, the history of the entire cultivation world is the grudges and struggles between the major races, and the wars are paved...

The major races have risen and fallen, fighting openly and secretly for thousands of years, and they are all records of wars between these races. Ye Han has also read a lot of records about the ancient human race. Many secrets that cannot be understood in the Earth Realm have also been seen here.

Just as Ye Han had guessed before, there are only a small number of ancient people in the earth realm, and there are also branches of the ancient people in the sky spirit realm, but compared with the three major races and other powerful races, the ancient people here are also quite weak. There is a small race that has a place to settle down in the sky spirit realm. It is said that the place is called the ancient city of heaven, which is a no-man's land at the junction of the demon race and the monster race.

However, this ancient city of heaven should not have much to do with the ancient people in the earth realm.

The main record of the fight between the ancient people and that race is tens of millions of years ago. When the ancient people were the most powerful, they occupied a lot of huge resource-rich interfaces, which caused the jealousy and fighting of the major races.

To put it bluntly, the fight between races is basically a fight for cultivation resources...

After most of the areas of the ancient people were deprived, they were also split into several ancient people's bloodline lands.

It is said that there is still a huge star realm that is completely controlled by the ancient people, called Pangu Realm.

There are also some records about Pangu Realm, but Ye Han just wrote them down after reading them, and didn't take them to heart. After all, he is alone now, and it is impossible for him to go to any race or something like that.

In addition, in the records about various monsters, in addition to uncivilized monsters, there are also powerful creatures such as divine beasts, ancient beasts, wild divine beasts, mountain and sea ancient beasts, etc. in the upper realm.

Then there are all kinds of records of natural materials and medicinal materials. After all, it is a super interface. There are many things that Ye Han has never seen. Finally, he found the answer here.

It has been a long time since I stayed in the ocean of books so freely.

Ye Han enjoys the feeling now very much. He feels very fulfilled every day. It feels like he has returned to the Qingxuan Sect of the past. He just has an identity and can read all kinds of books in the sect without restrictions and travel in the entire ocean of knowledge of cultivating immortals.

The more you know, the better. The more you feel the power of this Tianlingjie Star Realm...

As for the racial relations between the major star realms, they are also very complicated. Generally speaking, the powerful races have more resources and masters, and the law of the jungle has not changed much.

In this way, Ye Han misses the Qingxuan Sect in the earth realm a little bit. I wonder if they are doing well now!

Ye Han sometimes feels that cultivating immortals is for longevity and immortality. Is it eternal loneliness and immortality?

Of course, Ye Han was not the only one who felt this way. Many immortal cultivators in books also felt the same way...

Ye Han stayed in the Yuwen family for three years.

That day, he was refining the sixth-level demon blood elixir in the cave, and a message came: "Fellow Daoist Ye, are you in Tianjian Immortal City?! I'm trapped in Pota Mountain! Save me!!"

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