Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2097 Ancient Tower Guard

Although the huge tower that fell from the sky had a terrifying attack power, the defense power of the two huge towers in the double-tower passage was also amazing. When it fell, it just shook violently and separated a lot, but it didn't break.

To put it bluntly, it was like two pieces of wood placed side by side, and a piece of wood fell from above, which only separated the two pieces of wood, but did not break the two pieces of wood.

In this case, as the huge tower in the sky fell, the two towers of the double-tower passage were squeezed and separated.

Instead, the passage where everyone was was exposed, but when the impact was suppressed, countless rocks also impacted.

The countless rocks in the passage bulged like peaks.

Pah Pah Pah! ! !

Everyone rushed up from the gaps between the huge rocks in the collapsed huge passage...

At that time, they saw it clearly.

Most of the huge tower that fell from the sky was inserted in the middle of the double-card passage, tilting and about to collapse.

As the four people continued to run towards the cliff, Ye Han suddenly frowned and asked everyone: "Did you feel it? After those towers fell, the forbidden power and violent aura here are increasing."

Yes, Ye Han's powerful divine sense has already sensed that the forbidden power here is increasing before these towers fell, and the violent negative emotions have also increased a lot.

Before, as everyone continued to go deeper into the Pota Mountain, they could also feel that the more they went deeper into the Pota Mountain, the stronger the confinement power was.

The divine sense restriction and the flying restriction were all increasing, forcing everyone to run on the ground, and the divine sense detection range was constantly shrinking.

But it was still within their expectations.

Now it has suddenly increased a lot, obviously because these towers suddenly broke through the space and fell down, and obviously they were going to bring a lot of terrifying confinement power down.

What's the situation? Are they so unlucky that they encountered a natural disaster?

As soon as Ye Han asked this question, the faces of the others moved and they also reacted.


How could the imprisonment power here become so strong?

Bafang Cailai said, "Yes! But..."

Before he finished speaking.

A startling roar of a monster came from the cliff beside him, followed by the trembling of a terrifying demonic aura, and a huge figure walked out from the top of the cliff.

The figure that appeared in the real world was several feet tall, with a black armor all over his body. The armor was very thick, holding two huge swords, and exuding a terrifying demonic aura.

The helmet this guy wore had two huge horns, and the position of his face was actually a black piece, with only a swastika shape on it, emitting a blood-red light.

Seeing this several-foot-tall humanoid armor-like guy!

Everyone's face changed.

Yuwen Hong couldn't help but shout, "Why did the ancient tower guard come out?"

The others also looked solemn. The ancient tower guard was a powerful existence that only existed in the high tower of Pota Mountain. No one knew whether they were puppets, living beings, or other existences.

But the magical power and armor defense are very terrifying, and it will be very troublesome if you encounter it.

Was it this ancient tower guard who was roaring just now?

And at this time, an even more terrifying scene appeared.

The shocking roars of boom boom boom shook terribly, and the sound came from a distance.

The ancient tower guards appeared behind the ancient tower guard, and the swastika holes on the helmets revealed a terrifying murderous aura.

Seeing this scene, everyone's face changed. The aura emitted by these ancient tower guards has exceeded half of the peak cultivation of the Spiritualization Stage. Moreover, it is said that these guys are immune to many spells, and their defense is very amazing. It can be said that they are terrible existences that are not afraid of spells and physical attacks!

If there is only one, it is absolutely impossible for everyone to be the opponent. They can deal with this guy together.

But now there are seventeen ancient tower guards! ! !

This is a big trouble.

Huchi! ! The ancient tower guard's swastika helmet visor radiated a bloody aura, and he suddenly swung the long sword on his arm, pointed at Ye Han and the other four and roared: "Kill!!!"

With the amazing roar of the ancient tower guard, a terrible storm was shaken out, and his figure moved, looking pitch black, a terrible hurricane, killing Ye Han and the other four...

At the same time, the other ancient tower guards also swung their terrible long swords, shaking the sky and the earth, and killing Ye Han and the other four!

Bafang Cailai roared in horror: "These guys are not easy to deal with, we'd better hide..."

Before he finished speaking.

Ye Han's figure was like a terrible hurricane storm, with brilliant golden light surging on his body, and the fist on his arm instantly twisted and burst out, with terrible diamond power.


Ye Han roared and his fist exploded instantly. The terrifying power of the Vajra Fire God Art was unleashed with a heavy punch. In an instant, the space seemed to be twisted and shattered, forming a golden light vortex fist force, which blasted towards the ancient tower guard who was rushing over...


The ancient tower guard looked at Ye Han who was rushing over and roared. He swung his huge long sword, bursting out a terrible sword intent and sword technique, and turned directly towards Ye Han's head. Wherever he passed, the space was distorted by the sword light...


Ye Han's punch directly ignored the long sword slashed by the ancient tower guard, penetrated through the gap in the sword light, and directly attacked the chest of the ancient tower guard...

Bang! ! ! ! ! ! !

A brilliant golden light burst, and the entire metal armor chest of the ancient tower guard was dented by this punch. The extreme dent made the swastika hole on the helmet of the ancient tower guard spurt out amazing blood light...

Then the entire limbs of the armor flew out.

It's so terrible! !

Ye Han's punch directly broke the armor of the ancient tower guard who was known to be immune to spells and invalid to physical attacks.

In an instant.


A terrible storm erupted with a deafening sound, and the ancient tower guard was blasted into pieces, like a fire meteor, blasting and crashing into the distance.

Boom boom boom!

Clang bang bang!!!

The armor fragments that were bombarded hit the wall of the mountain, constantly making muffled explosions, and some even hit other ancient tower guards, knocking them all away.

This ancient tower guard that was said to be not afraid of spells or physical attacks was just like this? !

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