Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2100 Breaking into the tower? !

Seeing that Ye Han actually captured the ancient pagoda scorpion alive, everyone looked surprised. They must know that no matter what kind of monster exists, as long as it is alive, it is worth several times more than the dead one.

This ancient pagoda divine scorpion is neither a monster nor a cultivator. It is a very special kind of creature.

In fact, there were rumors that these ancient pagoda creatures, when they were banned from entering this dark armor, were actually normal racial cultivators, as well as ancient monsters and the like.

Once someone is banned from entering these armors, the armor will absorb their flesh and blood, making them integrated with the armor, forming a special kind of ancient pagoda creature.

So these guys are actually ancient monsters and immortal cultivators.

As for why they were sealed in these special armors and what the significance was, no one knew.

Perhaps they were deliberately refined into these ancient pagoda creatures by their enemies or huge immortal cultivators so that they could defend and protect the ancient pagoda.

But what's the point?

Ye Han didn't know, and neither did anyone else, because there was no correct and reasonable explanation.

For example, this time, so many towers suddenly came out of the sky, and it started raining down directly in the abyss of broken towers. They didn't figure out what the reason was.

It's just that they are already in it, and they can only take one step at a time.

Now they are in the high tower between the two towers that were just smashed down.

Because the entire tower was turned upside down and the top of the tower was stuck into the ground, they entered from above and fought their way down.

To find the treasure sensed by Bafangcai.

I didn’t expect that besides killing all the creatures from the ancient pagoda along the way, I wouldn’t gain much.

They are all ordinary treasure materials, and there are no such things as heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

I can only go crazy all the way down.

This is almost the top of the tower.

Unexpectedly, I met a very powerful ancient pagoda god here.

After everyone worked together, they finally killed this guy.

Yu Wenhong said to Ye Han: "Fellow Taoist Ye really has you. If it weren't for you, it would really be impossible. I really love and respect you more and more for Taoist Taoist."

After hearing this, Ye Han frowned slightly. This Yu Wenhong has been saying these complimentary and endearing words to him recently, intentionally or unintentionally. Even a fool can see this.

Ye Han smiled and said: "With the help of Ping Liangzi's Tongtian Evil Treasure, if it weren't for this treasure, it would be really difficult for us to kill this guy."

Ye Han's words were polite. If he used all his strength to arrange other magical treasures, it would be very easy to deal with this ancient pagoda scorpion.

But in this way, more of his methods and treasures were exposed.

Naturally, there is no need to expose one's own methods and treasures like this. However, after killing all the way, the harvest was too little, which made Ye Han very dissatisfied. After all, using these magic powers consumes mana and strength. What is harvested? Compared with the mana and strength consumed, although the gains far outweigh the consumption.

But if you can't get many good things, there is no need to waste time.

Instead, Bafangcai came and said: "Everyone, that thing should be on the next floor. Let's go quickly. My induction is already very obvious."

And Ping Liangzi said: "I have already said that these fallen towers should not have any good things and there are still a lot of seats. Let's look for the new tower that appeared first!"

Liangzi frowned and said, "It's dangerous for us to come in this way and we can't find anything good. It's a waste of energy. If others discover the new tower first, then we will lose more than we gain." "

Although Ping Liangzi's main target is Ye Han's body, the emergence of the new tower is also one of its main targets, and only when he gets to the new tower will he have more opportunities to deal with this kid.

The dead woman in these places has always been wary of him, and the risk factor is not enough, so it is difficult for him to take action.

Because he could also see that although this Ye Han was only at the peak of God Transformation, his real strength was far beyond that, reaching almost the middle stage of the Void Refining Stage, and he also hid many powerful methods.

When it explodes, the full strength may be more terrifying than I imagined. If I want to get this guy's body, I have to do it when I am 100% sure. Otherwise, I will lose everything and I will be killed. Killing it is also very possible.

After all, this boy looks unusually tall, especially when it comes to physical strength training. He is also practicing the legendary Vajra Fire Magic Skill of the Immortal Clan, and he already has strange fire.

Obviously this guy hasn't fully unleashed his strength yet.

After listening to Ping Liangzi's words, Ye Han and others also agreed. Their main goal is to find the ancient monument in the new tower and complete the mission of Tianxuan Star King.

Otherwise, they would all be in trouble, not because they were looking for many treasures.

Ye Han said: "Let's go to the next floor and take a look. Maybe it's really a good thing."

"Let's go! Everyone, be careful."


Everyone could feel that this fallen tower was not something no one had ever been to, and it had already been rummaged through. They just didn’t know why there were so many ancient tower guards, or from the space cracks in the sky. Fallen.

There must be monsters when things go wrong, and there are definitely other situations. Some unforeseen situations suddenly appear in the world of immortality. Either there is a very big danger, or there is a very big opportunity...

So wasting time in these places is better than going to their original destination.

As they spoke, everyone moved towards the next level of the tower...

Tianjian Fairy City!

Yuwen family.

Outside the vast hall, the teleportation formation suddenly surged brightly. Ancestor Yuwen appeared outside the formation and quickly headed towards the main hall...

Arriving outside the main hall door, Patriarch Yuwen bowed respectfully and said, "Master, there is an emergency in Brota Mountain."

As soon as this statement came out.

The people in the hall replied unhurriedly: "Say!"

Ancestor Yuwen immediately said: "According to the information from our people, a large number of dilapidated towers suddenly appeared in Broken Tower Mountain, tearing apart space barriers and falling from the sky, and causing certain losses to our people. According to our information, It is initially estimated that at least hundreds of dilapidated towers have fallen, and countless ancient tower guards have walked out of the ancient tower and are operating within the Guotashan area. I don’t know if anything special will happen.”

"Master, should we send more people to see what's going on, or should I go there myself."

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