Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2217 Are the worms about to hatch?

Seeing the small tender bud on the purple tripod, Ye Han showed a strange look, not as surprised as before.

Because this golden tender bud did not grow on the lid of the tripod, but on the body of the tripod.

What kind of fruit can grow from the tender bud growing on the body of the tripod?

Ye Han didn't know, but he had such an experience, that is, the time when the life gourd grew, seven life gourds allowed him to give his clone, and let the clone absorb all.

His clone had some incredible changes. The vitality of the clones of ordinary cultivators is not so strong, and the cultivation is not so fast.

If it weren't for the inheritance of the ancients that prevented his purple tripod space from being activated for so long, it is estimated that his clone's current cultivation is even more terrifying than it is now.

When he entered the soul trial of that year, in just over 900 years, his clone advanced to the cultivation of the middle stage of the refining void, although a lot of it was because he absorbed a lot of the power of the laws of heaven and earth that Fairy Bai had comprehended after practicing with her.

But without the supplement of the Life Gourd to change the physical talent, the clone's cultivation would not be so fast.

It can be said that Ye Han did not fully release the benefits of the Life Gourd.

And now this so-called Dingtian Divine Pillar, he felt that it should be a treasure of the same level as the Fantian Pagoda, or a stick treasure, and it was a bit uneconomical to let the purple tripod absorb it...

And what grew was not the sapling on the lid of the tripod, but on the body of the tripod, which was definitely not a fruit that increased the spiritual roots and souls.

What could it be?

Ye Han hesitated for a moment and decided to drive the purple tripod to let it give up absorbing the Dingtian Divine Pillar...

However! The idea just came to his mind.

Buzz buzz buzz! !

The purple tripod suddenly emitted a buzzing vibration, indicating that Ye Han should not interfere in this matter...


Ye Han was stunned. He didn't expect it to be like this. The purple tripod obviously had other intentions!

With a frown, Ye Han decided to let the purple tripod absorb the Dingtian God Pillar. On the one hand, he felt that he could not compare everything with the previous situation. After all, the Dingtian God Pillar absorbed by the purple tripod this time was a top treasure, not the previous Three Realms Gourd...

On the other hand, if the purple tripod absorbs this top treasure, even if the fruit grown is not very satisfactory, it can also increase the power of the purple tripod and make the purple tripod grow.

So after comprehensive consideration, Ye Han still ignored this matter.

He moved his consciousness and observed the situation of Zhang Qingshan in the purple tripod space.

I saw that Zhang Qingshan was still sitting cross-legged on the treasure pool, which had become a pool of spiritual liquid. As Zhang Qingshan meditated and practiced, circles of spiritual liquid swirled out and wrapped Zhang Qingshan's figure, making Zhang Qingshan's body wrapped in a circle of spiritual liquid surging.

There are still many burn marks on the exposed skin of Zhang Qingshan's body. Although it has faded a lot, it still looks like there is no sign of complete recovery. It can be seen that Zhang Qingshan's injuries are terrible.

However, once a strong body like Zhang Qingshan and Ye Han is injured, it is indeed more difficult to recover. It is like a top-grade sword. It is generally very difficult to crack. Once a crack appears, it is very difficult to repair it.

Zhang Qingshan and Ye Han have cultivated their bodies so powerful because they have used enough natural treasures and practiced powerful body-refining techniques.

So once injured, it is difficult to recover from the injury. After all, it is not easy to hurt them as powerful as them. Of course, they have encountered powerful opponents.

In fact, it is not just physical injuries, but other injuries are also the same. The more powerful the cultivator is, the more serious the injury is and the more difficult it is to recover.

Ye Han took a look and saw that Zhang Qingshan had been in seclusion for so many days to recover from his injuries. He only recovered a little. It would take at least decades to fully recover to a combat-ready state!

The cultivation of Zhang Qingshan's treasure did consume a lot of spiritual energy in the beginning, and it attracted most of the spiritual energy in his purple cauldron space at once, but the spiritual energy absorbed in the end was not particularly much.

Moreover, Ye Han's clone had given Zhang Qingshan some healing pills, so Zhang Qingshan didn't need to absorb too much spiritual energy, but concentrated on healing.

Seeing this, Ye Han breathed a sigh of relief and was about to withdraw his consciousness...



A violent roar came from an island in the purple cauldron space.

What's going on?

Ye Han's mind moved and he immediately sensed the island. He saw that the island was where the strange insects were, and suddenly there was such a violent roar, which made Ye Han a little worried...

I saw!

Shashasha! !

A shocking rustling sound came from the island, and all the strange insects inside seemed to be stimulated, and they rushed out of the cave frantically.

Poisonous centipedes, blood-spotted ants, fire-eating insects, and ten-thousand-year-old snow and ice insects all swarmed out like a tide, rushing madly towards the direction of the roar.

When Ye Han saw this scene, his heart moved. Isn't that where the eggs of the strange 朏朏 worm are located?

Immediately, Ye Han's spiritual sense looked towards the eggs of the 朏朏worm, and this sight was incredible.

The eggs of the 朏朏worm, which were originally only the size of a fist, have become as tall as a foot. The whole thing is covered with strange blood veins, and it has opened a lot of mouths that are twisting and moving like small mouths! !

Those blood-spotted ants, poisonous centipedes, ten thousand-year-old snow and ice worms, fire-eating insects, etc., all rushed into the small mouth of the 朏朏 worm frantically...

Gurgle! ! !

The eggs of the 朏朏worm accepted all the strange insects that came in, and frantically devoured these strange insects that merged in...

As they continued to devour these strange insects that poured in, the eggs of the 朏朏worm also grew larger at this time, and it was visible to the naked eye that they had changed from a foot to four or five feet in size.

Seeing this scene, Ye Han was extremely shocked: "What is going on? Is the 朏朏worm going to be born?"

Thinking of this, Ye Han's eyes showed a solemn look. After thinking for a while, he suddenly used his consciousness to drive those strange insects that he could control!

Buzz buzz buzz! !

As Ye Han's powerful consciousness surged over, the strange insects that rushed over to the 朏朏 insects began to stabilize their bodies, scattered in all directions, and returned to their nests!


An amazing scene appeared! !

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