Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2220: The Earth Collapses

Feeling this, Ye Han's face showed joy, and he understood what Zhang Qingshan's magical power of seeking good fortune and avoiding danger had sensed.

Besides entering this altar, going anywhere else is a road to death!

It turns out that only the collapse of the altar can open a passage to the second heaven in the first heaven of this three-layer land.

That is to say, if you don't enter the altar, you can't find the entrance to the second heaven! !

It is also very normal that it is a dead end in other places.

At this time!

Boom! !

The sky, who knows how high it is, suddenly made a deafening collapse explosion...

The sky broke into an extremely huge hole, and countless huge rocks crashed down!

Ye Han's body trembled without hesitation, and he flew up to the entrance in the sky...

You know, although the altar collapsed, the thousand-fold gravity of the entire Three Heavens did not disappear. Although there is no prohibition of flying here, the mana consumed by flying is not ordinary.

This is why Ye Han and Zhang Qingshan did not fly in the Three Heavens after entering the Three Heavens...

After all, it is naturally very difficult to drive a body that is a thousand times heavier to fly.

When Ye Han flew up like this, his speed was hundreds of times slower than normal, as if he was slowly climbing up.

At this time, the huge rocks falling from the sky attacked so crazily. Ye Han looked at this scene, his body burst into golden light, and his fists madly blasted out fists!

Boom boom boom! ! !

Endless roars and explosions, huge rocks were blasted into pieces or rushed out...

And Ye Han spun around and landed on a huge rock that had fallen, his feet suddenly bursting with power...

Boom! !

With a violent explosion, Ye Han's figure was like a fire meteor, half sprinting up into the sky, so he saved a lot of mana!

Ah, the reason why Ye Han had to sprint up against these rocks was because he found that although the rocks above were collapsing, a huge hole was exposed.

But there was a mysterious breath of power repairing the huge hole, as if it was slowly healing.

If he didn't rush up, the entire entrance would be closed in a while, and he didn't know how to open it. Could he have another altar?

Immediately, Ye Han rushed up! !

He understood that this was what Zhang Qingshan told him, why he had to come out as soon as possible, because if it was too late, he would not have time to rush up.

Ye Han also knew that his speed of using mana to sprint was too slow, so he turned over again and reached a huge stimulating place. He exerted force on his feet and a roaring and exploding storm rushed up...

As Ye Han rushed up madly and continuously, he finally rushed to the front of the huge cave that was constantly collapsing. Sure enough, there was a mysterious and profound law force that was constantly repairing the collapsing cave.

When Ye Han reached the edge of the cave, the entire huge cave no longer began to collapse, but was rapidly spreading and growing rocks again!

It sounded a bit awkward. What does it mean to spread and grow? Because these rocks really grew back visible to the naked eye!

If it continues to grow like this, the entire cave entrance will be closed.

Ye Han turned over and grabbed, and a golden palm came out, grabbing the cave wall, and immediately felt a swirling amazing force in it!

Ye Han didn't have time to think so much, and used both hands and feet to rush out golden light. At this moment, the Vajra Fire God Art also operated to the extreme power explosion.

Boom boom boom! ! !

Ye Han's figure was like a meteor, rushing towards the huge hole along the growing rocks.

Perhaps it was aware of Ye Han's arrival, and the hole was healing faster and faster...

I have to be faster! !

Ye Han felt this, gritted his teeth, and frantically operated the Vajra Fire God Art. His muscles turned dark gold at this time, and his speed suddenly increased a lot...

The entire huge sky and the entrance of the hole were also constantly healing! !

Ye Han felt that these healing huge rocks seemed to push him to the middle.

But now he had no way to retreat, and he could only rush forward to Xier frantically.

But the speed of healing of this huge hole in the sky was too fast. It only took seven or eight breaths for it to become only a few dozen feet large...

It's bad! !

Is it too late?

Ye Han had already felt the power of the healing masses, and he was still thousands of feet away from the exit of the hole! !

Boom! !

The rocks behind him had already closed together, making a violent explosion, and chased him madly.

I don't believe it! !

Ye Han gritted his teeth and roared, and the Vajra Fire God Art's Vajra Flame figure shook out of his body. The power of his hands burst to the extreme, and he madly punched the rocks behind him with two punches! !

Boom! ! ! !

A bright storm like a golden sun exploded, and Ye Han's figure seemed to have been attacked by an extremely terrifying attack, and his whole figure flew up...

Ye Han suddenly rushed up thousands of feet high and rushed out of the ground that was constantly closing...

The moment Ye Han rushed out of the ground!


A large violent and suffocating storm burst out, and the huge hole in the ground that was constantly healing also merged together at this moment, without a trace of gap.

Ye Han was also sweating coldly. Even if he was a little slower, he might be trapped in this healing ground.

If it was ordinary ground, it would not matter. With his ability, the ground of thousands of feet could not bury him at all. The key is that this healing ground contains a very mysterious and profound law power.

He clearly felt that if he was trapped in these healing grounds, he might be buried in it for the rest of his life and it would be difficult to get out.

After all, this three-layer sky is too mysterious, and under the pressure of a thousand-pound gravity, it is really possible that he can't get out!


The moment Ye Han rushed out of the hole, he immediately felt an amazing spiritual energy of heaven and earth!!

The place where he was now was lush and green. There were extremely tall trees, and the breath of countless natural treasures was surging in it.

Obviously, the second level of the three heavens was completely different from the first level. The spiritual energy of heaven and earth here was abundant, and there were definitely countless natural treasures.

Ye Han felt his magic power recovering just by breathing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth here.

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