Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2225 Successfully Obtained the Sword

Buzz buzz buzz!!

Circles of purple spiritual light swirled, and purple rune chains appeared in the purple cauldron, which directly wrapped around the chain tightly.

As the long sword was controlled, these chains reflected a trace of rune condensed light, which was extracting the breath of the long sword!

As the purple cauldron extracted the breath of the long sword.


A trace of gray rune spiritual light began to tremble on the lid of the cauldron, and a trace of gray sapling sprouts actually grew on the lid of the cauldron! !

Seeing this sprout, Ye Han's eyes were full of joy. He didn't expect that this long sword could actually grow a sapling, and it was a sapling on the lid of the cauldron.

So what kind of fruit will grow from this? Increase the fruit of the sword spirit root? That's impossible. I have never heard of such an immortal root as the sword spirit root.

The fruit of the sword law? Or the fruit of the sword intent?

No matter what it looks like, Ye Han feels that it is very important to him. After practicing for so many thousands of years, the treasures that grow on the lid of the purple tripod have never disappointed him and brought him countless benefits.

However, the sword intent emitted by this long sword is really terrible. If he hadn't used a high-level substitute talisman to avoid the fatal blow, he would have lost most of his life and cultivation if he didn't die now.

Moreover, Ye Han could judge that the master of this long sword had a high level of cultivation, which was definitely higher than the level of Youshen Mojun and Tianxuan Xingwang.

Is that a cultivator above the fusion stage?

Why would such an existence cut off this stone tablet?

However, before Ye Han could think about it.

Hualala! ! !

The huge tree suddenly shook violently, and the whole tree burst out with a green glow. The leaves trembled and burst out with a furious breath.

Seeing this scene, Ye Han's face moved, revealing a look of horror. What does this giant tree want to do?


Papapapa! !

The huge fruits on the giant tree began to shake one by one, making crackling sounds.

Ye Han immediately remembered that many immortal cultivators, monsters, and demon cultivators were sealed in those fruits at the inheritance tree...

Now this giant tree...


Ye Han suddenly pinched his fingers and chanted a spell, activated the Vajra Fire Divine Art, and the aura of the immortal fire burst out from his body. His body trembled, and he suddenly turned around and ran away!


The gravity of the second heaven is not ordinary, up to 1,500 times the gravity. Although Ye Han used all his strength to perform the art, the speed was too fast! !


Ye Han just rushed out a distance of seven or eight thousand feet! !

Hiss hiss hiss! !

A terrible roar came from the side, and a black shadow rushed out from the bushes. A strange insect with huge fangs and black horns, like a big longhorn beetle, rushed out and roared at Ye Han...

"Get out of here!"

Ye Han roared, and the Thunder Five Elements Golden Hoop in his hand shook and burst out a circle of flame storm, bombarding the strange insect! !

Bang! ! !

A violent suffocating explosion exploded, and the strange insect was directly blasted away...


Rustle! !

The ground around was rustling, and the bushes were shaking violently. Strange insects of strange shapes swarmed from the surroundings and attacked Ye Han frantically! !

Instantly! !

A circle of storms of Qi burst out from Ye Han's body, and the purple-gold arc of the Thunder Five Elements Golden Hoop in his hand burst instantly, and his body was also stimulated by the Demon-Breaking Thunder! A very terrifying force burst out all at once!

Boom boom boom!!

Ye Han's Thunder Five Elements Golden Hoop blasted out countless stick shadows, forming an endless stick shadow, and bombarded every strange insect that rushed over with extreme accuracy!

Although these strange insects have very powerful bodies and very amazing evasive magical powers, under the bombardment of Ye Han's Thunder Five Elements Golden Hoop, none of them can escape his attack.

Clang bang bang!!!

There were explosions like the collision of metal and iron, and the Qi of the Gangfeng burst out. These strange insects were simply unable to resist, and they were bombarded and flew out one by one. While Ye Han attacked frantically, he rushed forward, and wherever he passed, he rushed like a whirlwind, and the stick shadows continued to bombard, and countless strange insects flew out.

At this time.

Pah pah pah!

The fruits on the huge tree also fell like raindrops. It made a muffled explosion on the ground, and strange insects, monsters, and even human-shaped cultivators burst out...

The eyes of these guys burst into amazing green light, and their vitality seemed extremely strong!


Crash! !

The huge technology vibrated, and suddenly those strange insects, monsters, and cultivators all chased Ye Han frantically! !

Ye Han felt the powerful aura of these guys. Each of them was at the level of the Refining Void Stage, and they had the terrifying magical life aura of the giant tree. It was definitely not easy to deal with.

If the number was not large, if there were only a few, Ye Han would still be confident of dealing with them!

But this was not a few, but hundreds!

And there are so many strange insects besieging him. Don’t look at Ye Han, who seems to be invincible. He keeps hitting with his stick and blows away all the strange insects that are besieging him.

But in fact, these strange insects were just blown away, and they were not really fatally injured. Only some of the weaker ones were killed!

That is a very small part.

And there are so many fruits on the jade tree. If they continue to fall, he will definitely be unable to resist!

So it is better for Ye Han to leave, and he can’t fight with this guy here! !

In a blink of an eye!

Ye Han rushed out of the range of the giant tree!

And those strange insects, monsters, cultivators, and strange insects released by the fruits of the giant tree did not seem to give up, and they still chased him frantically! !

And the speed is extremely fast, and a considerable part of them is even faster than it. If this continues, it will be caught up sooner or later.


Ye Han immediately slapped the storage bag and released the formation beads one by one!


As Ye Han pointed his finger, his mana burst out, driving these array beads to form an array on the ground!


Buzz buzz buzz! !

These array beads emitted rune auras, which were arranged by themselves, forming a vast expanse of brilliant auras, surging with strange auras!

And when those strange insects, monsters, and immortal cultivators rushed into this brilliant aura!

An amazing scene appeared! !

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