Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2239 Earth Spirit Lord

Boom boom boom!!

The earth hand released by the Earth Spirit Venerable turned into a strange handprint of a formation matrix and rushed towards Ye Han's clone. Wherever the fire passed, the heaven and earth shook with a strange force of confinement!

This was able to cast such a spell in a gravity of 1500 times!

Obviously, the Earth Spirit Venerable had completely gotten used to the gravity of the second heaven, and had practiced a lot of spells specifically for the second heaven.

In addition to being able to adapt to the gravity of the second heaven, the confinement force emitted by this big hand was very terrifying, and it suddenly made Ye Han's clone's body several times heavier!

If the body became heavier in other places, it would naturally not have much impact, but under the gravity of the second heaven of 1500 times, after increasing the weight several times...

Ye Han's clone immediately lost control of his body shape, as if he could not move, and watched this huge earth hand crush and bombard him! !

At this moment.


A circle of purple rune spiritual light surged, and a purple rune vortex spun out above Ye Han's clone, covering the clone all of a sudden!


A beam of brilliant spiritual light trembled, and Ye Han's clone was covered by the spiritual light and disappeared from the spot all of a sudden.

Seeing this scene, Tu Lingzun's face changed and he showed a look of horror: "Impossible?! Why is it gone?"

Immediately reacting, Tu Lingzun shouted: "Clone? Secret realm?!"

Boom! !

The huge hand suddenly slammed into the area where Ye Han was just now, and the building ruins and rocks in that area were instantly blasted into pieces, and the space trembled violently...

"Damn it! Ran away! !

Tu Lingzun looked at the empty space and cursed angrily. Suddenly, he felt something strange, turned his head and looked in the distance. He felt that someone was spying on him! !

Ye Han saw the look in Tu Ling Zun's eyes, and his heart moved. This guy's cultivation is really amazing. He actually saw through his true body at once! !

After thinking for a while!

Ye Han's figure trembled with a spiritual light, and appeared on a huge stone. He looked at Tu Ling Zun and said, "Daoist Tu Ling Zun! It's really not easy to meet people of the same race here!"

Yes, Ye Han's current appearance and image, blood is all immortals, and Tu Ling Zun is also an immortal. He also came with an idea.

He remembered clearly that Tu Ling Zun had said just now that he had known the way to enter the third heaven. If he wanted to enter, there should be a way.

Moreover, this guy's cultivation and magical powers are amazing, and he is not so easy to deal with.

The important thing is what kind of danger is there in the third heaven. He may not be able to deal with it alone. If he can join forces with Tu Ling Zun, there will be several chances!

Of course, Tu Ling Zun does not look like a good-tempered guy.

But he may not accept his suggestion!

After hearing what Ye Han said, Tu Ling Zun said coldly: "Same clan? What same clan are you talking about here? Listen to me, hand over the treasures on you, otherwise you will die without knowing how."

As he said that, he looked at Ye Han with a haughty face.

Listening to Tu Ling Zun's words, Ye Han choked. He was not the type to show goodwill to others easily. Many times, he would not cooperate with other immortal cultivators unless it was absolutely necessary, especially this kind of immortal cultivator who he had only met once, and he didn't look like an easy guy to get along with.

This is all for himself. He is of the same clan, but this guy is still so arrogant and uncooperative. He is worthy of being a real immortal! He has a bad temper!

Ye Han was also angry, but he still said patiently: "Fellow Daoist Tu Lingzun, if you really want to fight with me, you have to think about it. This three-layer heaven is so dangerous. If we join forces, we will have a better chance, right?"

Ye Han's words were both soft and hard. If you want to fight, I can accompany you, but isn't our main purpose to leave this three-layer heaven and find the opportunity treasure of the three-layer heaven?

After hearing this, Tu Lingzun said lightly: "It seems that you are very confident in yourself! But! Confidence is useless, you have entered the range of my control!"

While speaking, Tu Lingzun suddenly pinched the formula and chanted the spell quickly, and a strange statue hand treasure appeared in his hand with a flip of his palm. With his magic power, the seal continued to merge into this treasure.

Buzz! !

The statue hand suddenly moved, emitting a terrible law power and imprisonment power.


Tu Lingzun slapped the ground heavily, and the statue hand slammed down to the ground!

Boom! !

A brilliant piece of soil burst out, and the big hand seemed to hit the ground directly and exploded...

If you look closely, the exploded soil is like tiny runes that keep drilling into the ground.

In an instant, within the range of tens of thousands of feet around, circles of mysterious rune auras burst out!

Boom boom boom! ! !

A series of continuous roars continued to hit the ground, and huge metal formation pillars continued to hit within a radius of 100,000 feet, forming a huge circular formation light shield!


Huhu huhu huhu! !

This huge circular formation light shield madly devoured the surrounding heaven and earth aura and continuously strengthened the formation's confinement and defense power! !

This moment!

Ye Han was trapped in this formation, and he couldn't help but frown. He had already felt the horror of the defense of this formation, and it was definitely not something that could be opened by force in a short period of time!

This Earth Spirit Venerable actually had such a big hand to set up two formation traps here?

Ye Han was a bit wrong!!

But at the same time, it was also obvious that this Earth Spirit Venerable did not lie. He had a lot of arrangements in the second heaven, and he also got enough resources and treasures, so he dared to release such a large formation.

The key point is how he mobilized the spiritual energy of the heaven and earth in the second heaven?

There must be special treasures.

Looking at Ye Han's sluggish look, Earth Spirit Venerable said confidently: "Do you know how powerful it is? Don't think about escaping today."

He has dealt with so many cultivators in the second heaven, and he has encountered many situations, like Ye Han. There are many cultivators who use clones to test, or use other means to test, but the main body is still behind, so he has a double formation!

The opponent will definitely not be able to escape!!

Ye Han also felt that his body became extremely heavy in this formation, as if he was trapped in a gravity more than 2,000 times stronger! !

But Tu Ling Zun himself did not seem to be affected at all.

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