Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2249 The statue is resurrected?

This huge lake gave Ye Han a sense of danger. He stood thousands of feet away and did not dare to approach easily.


Ye Han slapped his storage bag, and a metal puppet flew out. He grabbed the metal puppet and threw it towards the lake! !

In the third heaven, under two thousand times the gravity, Ye Han could only throw the metal puppet thousands of feet away with such a strong force...

But this was enough.

Boom! !

As soon as the metal puppet flew over the lake, a terrible roar exploded, and a water column rushed out from the lake, and this water column hit the metal puppet...

Puff! !

A muffled explosion surged, and the moment the water column hit the metal puppet, the metal puppet melted into nothingness.

And it only happened in an instant, it looked as if it was directly hit by the water column and disappeared.

Seeing this, Ye Han's eyes shrank and he was alert. He felt that he was right. When the water column hit him, he could clearly feel that his metal puppet was completely melted in an instant.

Although his metal puppet was not a very advanced puppet, its defense was not so weak. It was destroyed in such a short time without leaving any debris.

It can be clearly known that although this lake can emit amazing spiritual energy, there are special secrets and restrictions in this water, and the attack power is amazing.

Before he figured it out, Ye Han did not plan to get close to this lake. If he encountered danger in this ghost place, no one would come to save him.

This second heaven was so strictly guarded by the earth spirit that it was impossible for another cultivator to enter the third heaven except him.

Tianxuanxing King and Youshen Demon Lord cultivated themselves so much, just to open the gate of the third heaven by themselves. They couldn't get in by themselves, let alone come in to save themselves.

Ye Han decided to bypass the lake first, maybe there would be other discoveries. Although it consumed a lot of mana, it was the only way to bypass the lake and avoid unknown dangers.

Thinking of this, Ye Han did not stop, retreated thousands of feet, and ran around the lake from a distance across the lake...

The forbidden air ban of the third heaven was still very powerful, and the spiritual consciousness could not be released. Ye Han did not expect that the lake would be so huge. After running for more than 100,000 miles, Ye Han's mana was consumed a lot, and it felt that he could not bypass the lake at all.

Is it only possible to find a way to pass through the lake?

Just when Ye Han wanted to give up bypassing the lake.

Ye Han found that there was a bulge on the flat ground at the edge of the sky...

It looked like a human figure!

Is there someone else here?

Seeing this scene, Ye Han could not help but show surprise, and his eyes became alert. He was still thinking that the second heaven was guarded by Tu Lingzun, and the forbidden spirit cannon that entered the third heaven was also in Tu Lingzun's hands.

How could someone enter the Third Heaven?

However, anything can happen in the world of immortal cultivation, and it is possible that someone entered first!

However, as Ye Han rushed forward, the figure became clearer and clearer, and Ye Han knew that he had thought too much.

As he rushed over, he could see clearly that it was not a figure at all, but a huge statue of himself, a statue with a human body and a snake tail.

This huge statue looked like a beautiful woman, with eyes showing longing and looking at the front of the lake.

Apart from this statue, there was nothing else around.

However, the image of this statue with a human body and a snake tail has been seen countless times in the Third Heaven, and it must have a great relationship with this Third Heaven.

Even Ye Han felt that the mysterious woman in the Shuiling coffin was actually a human body and a snake tail?

However, in the books and various materials he had read, there were very few records of such an existence. Could it be that there is really another outer world outside the Ten Thousand Worlds, as some immortal cultivators in the books speculated, and a cultivation body shape completely different from this Ten Thousand Worlds.

The so-called different systems, the most important point is to get rid of the shape of the immortal body...

The so-called immortal body shape is human form. In the youth world, all major races, regardless of their appearance and characteristics, have slight changes, but they all maintain the shape of human form, that is, the immortal body, which is theoretically the most suitable form for practicing immortal methods.

Especially the monster race, why do they try every means to practice to a certain degree to transform into human form, just to practice better, become immortals, and become the shape of the immortal body, so that they can have a better prospect of practice.

And the shape of human body and snake tail is unheard of. No race will keep half of the monster form and half of the human form to practice. Isn't that losing both ends?

On the contrary, the image of this statue with a human body and snake tail is extremely beautiful. Ye Han feels that he dare not be a little similar to the mysterious woman in the Shuiling coffin.

This makes Ye Han think that the mysterious and powerful purple tripod he owns is not also a treasure from the sky, and does not belong to the Ten Thousand Worlds?

Thinking of this, Ye Han slowed down and walked towards the huge statue vigilantly.

This statue looked very small from a distance, but when you got closer, you would find that it was hundreds of feet tall, and the carving was lifelike, as if it really existed...

Is this not a real statue? !

Ye Han always felt that this statue was a bit strange, and he didn't dare to get too close. The Three Heavens was a place full of dangers and extremely powerful beings. If he got wrong, he would lose everything...

After getting close to it for dozens of feet.



Ye Han felt the two purple tripods in his sea of ​​consciousness buzzing at the same time, and a sense of excitement surged up...

Obviously, there was a treasure in this statue that the purple tripod was interested in. Ye Han also became excited. After being in the Third Heaven for so long, would he finally gain something?

Ye Han was thinking so...

Buzz! ! !

The statue suddenly vibrated with a buzzing sound, and circles of rune condensed light kept flashing on it.

An amazing scene appeared.

Kakakaka! !

A burst of mechanical vibration and cracking sound kept surging on the statue, and the whole statue was covered with mysterious runes...

Buzz! ! !

The statue's eyes suddenly vibrated, blood-red light shone through them, emitting a suffocating and dangerous aura, looking towards Ye Han.

This guy actually came back to life?

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