Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2266 Not easy to deal with!

Ye Han felt that he couldn't hold his Thunder Five Elements Golden Cudgel, and his body retreated hundreds of feet...

Ye Han's eyes showed horror. This warrior magic cultivator only attacked with one move, and Ye Han felt the horror of this guy's physical strength! It is definitely the limit of the limit of the cultivators in the Void Refining Stage.

Because Ye Han himself is a cultivator in the Void Refining Stage, and his physical body is extremely strong!

The power of this warrior magic cultivator is actually much stronger than his physical strength of the Vajra Fire God Art that has been used to the extreme! !

If it weren't for his Thunder Five Elements Golden Cudgel and the blessing of the Demon Breaking Divine Thunder, he would probably be seriously injured by the attack! !

Boom boom boom boom! !

The terrible impact storm continued to vibrate and surge in this huge hall and broke out!


Buzz buzz buzz! !

The entire hall was lit up with a forbidden rune aura, which enveloped the entire hall!

Although the impact of the two people was very terrifying, it still had no effect on the hall!

Obviously, this hall had a very terrifying defensive ban, which could withstand the two people's bombardment attack! !

At this moment!

The ghost of death on the body of the martial general Fa Xiu Shenzu roared: "Die!!"

The moment he spoke, the figure of the martial general Fa Xiu Shenzu trembled, and the speed was extremely fast. He waved the Fang Tian Hua Ji, swept out a brilliant golden storm, and turned into a series of golden shadows of the Fang Tian Hua Ji, bombarding Ye Han all over the sky.

Ye Han held the Thunder Five Elements Golden Hoop Stick in both hands, and the Demon Breaking Thunder trembled violently. Circles of purple-gold arcs constantly stimulated his flesh and blood...

Boom boom boom! !

Ye Han's body expanded and burst out with astonishing purple-gold arcs, his aura burst out, and the Thunder Five Elements Golden Hoop Stick spun wildly...

Boom boom boom!!

Boundless light explosions and thunder burst out, and the purple-gold arcs trembled wildly, bursting out countless stick shadows to block in front of him!

Bang bang bang!!

Countless golden shadows of Fang Tian Huaji bombarded down, and were constantly blocked by the stick shadows, and burst out boundless golden and purple storms bombarded, and the whole hall was shaking like an earthquake. Under the continuous impact of the electric and golden storms, the forbidden runes of the whole hall were surging! !

Ye Han frantically mobilized the aura of the two purple tripods to continuously replenish his consumed mana...

But he was still bombarded by the terrifying golden shadows of Fang Tian Huaji and retreated step by step.

In just a short while, Ye Han had consumed half of the aura of the two purple tripods, which required more than a dozen seventh-level demon blood pills to restore the aura! !

If he continued to fight like this, all his gains in the Third Heaven would be wiped out. Moreover, he saw that this martial general and magic cultivator was absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth while attacking. Like him, he was not afraid of the consumption of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

If he really consumed it, this guy should be able to mobilize the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the huge lake of the entire Third Heaven.

Ye Han knew that although his purple cauldron was very powerful and could restore mana without limit, the prerequisite was that he still needed to consume elixirs and natural treasures, or the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the purple cauldron space.

So to deal with this martial general and magic cultivator, if he competed in consumption, he would not be able to compete at all...

The lake was so big that he could not find the edge...


Who wants to compete with the martial general and magic cultivator in consumption and physical strength?

The physical strength of this martial general and magic cultivator was obviously higher than his, and if he consumed it, he could still recover from such a huge spiritual lake...

Wouldn't that be comparing his own shortcomings with others' strengths?


Soul Devouring!!! !

Ye Han waved the Thunder Five Elements Golden Hoop Cudgel frantically while driving his two souls to directly launch the Soul Devouring Divine Power! !

Buzz! ! !

His two souls instantly opened their third eyes, bursting out circles of amazing soul brilliance, surrounding each other to form a circle of swirling soul devouring brilliance!

Surge towards the figure of the martial general and magic cultivator god clan! !

Yes, the soul of this martial general and magic cultivator god clan is actually powerful, but Ye Han has two souls, and the soul devouring launched together is not ordinary strong!

Ye Han also knows that he can't beat this guy in a physical mana competition!

But as for the soul, at least he has an advantage of two against one! !

Sure enough!

Whoosh whoosh! !

Circles of soul aura swirled, and the martial general and magic cultivator god clan was still resisting Ye Han's soul devouring magical power!

In an instant!

Buzz! The third eye of the dead ghost behind the general Faxiu Shenzu also opened! !

Boom boom boom!

The two sides actually competed with each other in terms of soul power.

The souls of the two continued to impact in the void, shaking the space at this time, and vibrating out an extremely amazing storm vortex! !

Ye Han and the general Faxiu Shenzu were unable to attack their opponents at this time, and froze in place...


The souls of both sides fell into a stalemate at this time, and no one could do anything to the other.

The soul of this general Faxiu Shenzu is also so powerful? ! !

Ye Han's face became solemn, and his soul felt that he could not resist it? It seemed that he was going to be counterattacked by the soul of the general Faxiu Shenzu! !


Ye Han was not afraid of soul consumption!



Ye Han immediately mobilized the aura of the Purple Cauldron and converted it into the aura of the soul to replenish his own aura of the soul! !


Buzz buzz buzz buzz! !

The aura of the soul that Ye Han's two souls burst out suddenly became several times stronger! !

Huh! !

The soul of the martial general and magic cultivator finally fell into a disadvantage and was sucked into the soul space of the two souls! !

Not bad!

This martial general and magic cultivator can absorb the spiritual energy of the heaven and earth here, restore their magic power, and strengthen their physical body, but they can't use the aura of the Purple Cauldron to restore and bless their soul aura like Ye Han!

Not only this martial general and magic cultivator, most of the immortal cultivators want to restore their soul aura in a short time, which is also very difficult to do. In addition to some rare natural treasures and elixirs, only Ye Han, who has a heaven-defying treasure like the Purple Cauldron, can restore the power of the soul! !

This is the advantage that Ye Han could think of in dealing with this martial general and magic cultivator.

As expected!

As the martial general and magic cultivator's soul was sucked into the soul space, it was fighting with Ye Han's two souls, and it exploded with a deafening roar, as if the entire soul space was about to burst! !

However, the reason why Ye Han used the soul-devouring ability was not just for this purpose.

The most important thing was to get what Zi Ding wanted! ! !

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