Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2275 How could the Tyrant Token be lost?

In the purple cauldron space!

Buzz buzz buzz!

Circles of purple rune ripples rippled out, and the clone White Fairy appeared in the purple cauldron space with the ripples of these circles of purple rune spiritual light...

Both of them had a considerable loss of aura, which made Ye Han frown and sent a trace of spiritual light to the clone...

Immediately knew what was going on. The clone and the White Fairy were indeed caught up by the Great Guandao Cultivation Clan, and the situation was very bad. He actually secretly summoned other magic cultivators and guarding gods to besiege the clone and the White Fairy together!

In fact, the two sides only fought once and consumed a lot of the clone and the White Fairy's mana!

If the clone and the White Fairy hadn't seen the opportunity early and teleported back to the purple cauldron space directly, I'm afraid they would have been besieged to death now.

Ye Han felt this and frowned. These magic cultivators and guarding gods were not really dead. They were still smart enough to besiege his clones like this...

This is not easy to deal with! He had to be more careful. Both the clone and the White Fairy had consumed a lot of his resources to refine them, and the loss of one was very large.

Moreover, if he lost any one of them, he could not continue to use dual cultivation. The loss was not calculated in this way.

Now the clone and the White Fairy could do many things for him. It would be best if they could be preserved.

Now he could release the clone in another place and continue to lure them over.

Ye Han directly activated the purple tripod aura, released the purple tripod aura to restore the mana consumption of the clone and the White Fairy, and then released it again...

Ye Han found that after getting this purple metal rune, the purple tripod was improved in all aspects. Originally, if the purple tripod aura was absorbed by the existence other than Ye Han's body, the effect would be much worse.

Now, it is not much different from the absorption of the main body, but the consumed elixir and spiritual energy of heaven and earth still need to be consumed.

This is unavoidable. Generally speaking, the purple cauldron needs to absorb as much elixir or natural treasures and spiritual energy of heaven and earth as it needs to recover its mana.

However, Ye Han's clone and Fairy Bai's cultivation level is improving very fast. Now they are both at the fifth level of the Refining Void Stage, which is faster than Ye Han's main body.

Of course, this is also because Ye Han spared no expense to continuously let the purple cauldron's aura be absorbed by both, and the effect of the dual cultivation of the two is beyond Ye Han's imagination.

After a while.

The clone and Fairy Bai have completely recovered their cultivation and mana.

Ye Han pinched his fingers and chanted a spell to drive the space exit of the purple cauldron space. A circle of purple rune spiritual light trembled, and the space exit appeared. Ye Han's clone and Fairy Bai came out from it, moved their bodies, and flew in one direction.

And Ye Han went in another direction.


At the same time.

In a side hall thousands of feet away.

Roar! !

The Daguandao Faxiu God Clan looked at the empty side hall and roared in exasperation...

The other Faxiu God Clan looked at each other, not knowing what to say. They really couldn't figure it out. They had clearly surrounded the side hall from all sides to prevent the outsider from escaping.

But after chasing them inside, they still let them escape, and they didn't even know what means they used to escape! !

No wonder the Daguandao Faxiu God Clan was so angry. Of course, he was mainly angry that he had lost the golden token that General Lu gave him. That was the key to opening many restrictions.

How could he report to General Lu! ! !

No way!

No matter what, he had to find that damn outsider! ! !

At this moment!

Hualala! !

The guarding God Clan and Faxiu God Clan who were surrounded together all made way out.

Shashasha! ! !

A heavy sound of friction on the ground came from a distance. I saw the huge tail of General Lu, twisting his body, and slowly walking towards the Great Guandao Fa Xiu Shen Clan with a very cold expression.

Seeing the approaching General Lu, the Great Guandao Fa Xiu Shen Clan's expression stiffened, and bowed carefully, not daring to look directly at General Lu.

General Lu walked in front of the Great Guandao Fa Xiu Shen Clan and said coldly: "What are you doing here? Where is the outsider? Didn't I ask you to let the other generals out?"

Damn it, he felt that the Great Guandao Fa Xiu Shen Clan gathered here, and thought they had besieged the damn outsider, but they were all stunned here, and the outsider was nowhere to be seen.

They actually threw aside all the things he told them to do. Isn't this courting death?

The Great Guandao Cultivator trembled, bowed and said: "General Lu, I... I lost the Tyrant's token...!!"

The Great Guandao Cultivator's huge body and aura were actually very weak in front of General Lu, and they even stuttered when they spoke. It was unknown whether it was because of the lack of intelligence or because of fear.

After hearing this, a terrible death aura suddenly burst out from General Lu's body. He grabbed the Great Guandao Cultivator's collar and cursed: "What? You actually lost the Tyrant's token? Damn it! Are you a dead man? You can't even do this!!"

As he said this, the black death aura on General Lu's body suddenly turned blood red, and a hideous and terrifying shadow kept twisting on it, obviously furious and about to go crazy.

I want to rescue Xuechan, but without enough generals to help, how can I deal with the damn tyrant?

What is so good about this guy? He lost the tyrant token? ? Why doesn't he just die? Damn it! ! ! !

Looking at the exposed and almost crazy General Lu, the Great Guandao Fa Xiu Shenzu didn't dare to resist at all, and bowed and said: "I don't know... It's... He is attacking me...!"

Listening to the words of the Great Guandao Fa Xiu Shenzu, General Lu immediately understood what was going on. It was obvious that the cunning outsider saw the Great Guandao Fa Xiu Shenzu using the tyrant token and directly used despicable means to snatch the tyrant token.

Although the Great Guandao Fa Xiu Shenzu was very brave when he was alive, he has lost a lot of spiritual wisdom over the years, so it is very normal that he didn't take precautions.

Damn it, it's all my fault for being careless.

General Lu thought about this matter with annoyance. He could only say that he was too careless. He thought that this damn Daguandaofa Xiushen Clan could handle this matter. He really shouldn't...

But what's the use of complaining now? The token has been taken away by the other party. If he doesn't have the token, it will be very troublesome for him to find the tyrant!

Damn it! ! How could he lose the tyrant token? Asshole! ! ! !

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