Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2306: The Shrine Rises

What's going on? !

Ye Han didn't expect that the dragon-shaped token on the blood-red dragon would suddenly fly out!

Moreover, Ye Han didn't put it in a treasure like a space ring, but in a storage bag.

In this case, he let this thing fly out?

You know, it's not a space.


Ye Han's mana surged subconsciously, and he reached out and grabbed a golden hand towards the token!


Puff! !

The moment the mana golden hand grabbed the token, it was directly shocked by the token. The strange runes vibrated into a huge hole, and in an instant it rushed out of the Golden Spirit Hall and flew into the sky...

Not good!

There is danger!

Ye Han immediately felt it, and there was a very dangerous feeling surging...

But it was too late to stop the token, because everything happened too fast, and under the terrible gravity of the third heaven, he couldn't fly that fast! !

At this time, the token had already rushed out of the forbidden light shield of the underwater temple and rushed into the spiritual lake!


Buzz buzz buzz buzz ! !

The token emitted a circle of amazing spiritual runes in the underwater temple, which continued to ripple and spread out...

The entire spiritual lake was rippling!


Ye Han looked up at this scene and frowned...

And just as the dragon-shaped token flew out of the forbidden light shield, the entire golden dragon-shaped runes continued to ripple out.

In a very hidden underground palace in the underwater temple, in a huge water spirit coffin.

A huge figure was lying in the water spirit coffin.


Buzz ! !

The huge figure suddenly opened his eyes, and a brutal and terrifying aura burst out from the figure. Circles of black and red flames gushed out from his mouth and nose, and suddenly formed circles of extremely terrifying flames!

Who is it? Dare to touch my things! ! ! !

The figure burst into an extremely angry roar!


Buzz buzz buzz! !

Rumble! ! ! ! !

The entire underground palace was constantly shaking at this time, rumbling and shaking...


In the underwater temple.

On the fourth floor of the mysterious little tower, there was only a statue of an unparalleled beautiful woman, and a shadow of a woman's soul was rippling out of it with golden runes...

Rumble! ! ! !

The whole little tower suddenly shook violently at this time, and the entire light shield restriction also shook.

Buzz! The woman's soul suddenly trembled, and a stunning golden rune aura shone out. She looked surprised and couldn't help but exclaimed: "Finally succeeded!! Was it General Lu? Or that damn outsider?"

As she said this, the woman excitedly said: "I knew that the damn tyrant would do this!!! I want to be free!!!!"

Hahahahahahaha!!! ! !

As the woman said this, she laughed wildly, and her laughter was a little crazy and not like a normal person...

Of course, if someone has been imprisoned for tens of thousands of years, anyone might be a little abnormal.


Outside the Golden Spirit Hall!!

Ye Han looked at the spiritual energy of heaven and earth that was constantly stirring in the sky, and the huge dragon-shaped rune...

What exactly is going on?

The reason why Ye Han was a little worried was that he felt that this vibration was not only extraordinary, but also gave him a very dangerous feeling. As far as Ye Han's current cultivation was concerned, this kind of danger that could be directly felt was definitely not an illusion, but something really dangerous happened...

At this moment...

Boom boom! ! ! !

The entire underwater temple was shaking violently, and it began to slowly rise to the surface of the lake...

As the underwater temple rose, the strange evil spirits at the bottom of the lake began to become restless, and as if they were very scared, they spread rapidly in all directions, and the water of this huge spiritual lake was shaking.


The lake water surged and vibrated, and the entire boundless huge spiritual lake began to roll continuously. As the lake water continued to roll, it stirred up thousands of feet high waves, surging in all directions...


The boundless waves spread out in all directions, and the huge underwater palace gradually emerged from the water. The boundless spiritual light trembling lake water continued to fall along the forbidden light shield...

Ye Han stood outside the Golden Spirit Hall, watching the rippling waves of the lake water, and the gradually brightening underwater palace stood on this boundless lake! !

This underwater palace actually reappeared on the lake?

Ye Han looked at this scene and was also shocked. He didn't expect that the dragon-shaped token on the blood-red dragon would have such an effect?

At this time!

Hmm? !

This extremely violent breath?

Ye Han's eyes suddenly flashed with a trace of vigilance, because he suddenly felt a violent and terrible breath, locking onto his soul...

And this terrifying and violent breath, he felt it from the golden token!

This breath is too terrible!

Ye Han's face suddenly changed. He suddenly found that the bridge that he had come to before to enter the underwater temple also reappeared on the water surface at this time, and he could see it thousands of feet away from him.

The best policy is to run away! !

Ye Han's body trembled immediately, and he rushed towards the bridge frantically. Under the drive of Jiuchong Qinghong, he performed the light-escaping divine step. His speed was amazing and suffocating. He turned into an amazing white light and rushed towards the bridge...

The reason why he was so anxious to escape was because this tyrannical breath gave him an irresistible feeling! !

If he didn't leave now! It would be too late.

What great opportunity, Tianmen, what does that have to do with him? Now it's better to save his life.

Ye Han's white light rippled and trembled, and he had already rushed to the edge of the huge bridge...

At this moment!

Ye Han suddenly felt a sense of danger that made him feel creepy, and his hair stood up at this time!

At this moment

"You've come to my palace, do you still want to leave?"

A voice that was extremely overbearing and full of majesty shook the air, creating a terrifying storm ripple...

A terrifying spiritual hand that was tens of thousands of feet long gathered in the sky, crushing down an endless terrifying storm, and blasted down towards the sky above Ye Han's head! !

Not good! ! !

Ye Han immediately felt that this terrifying spiritual hand contained a terrifying force that he could not resist, crushing down towards his body, and he was completely unable to move! !

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