Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2324 Imprisoning the Emperor!!!

Damn it! !

The Tyrant God Emperor roared in anger, his eyes wide open, filled with endless anger.

Huh! !

He stretched out his hands without hesitation, and in an instant, two dragon-slaying swords shining with cold light appeared in his hands, as if they contained endless power.

Then, he used all his strength to swing the dragon-slaying swords, trying to block the extremely terrifying stick shadow! !

There was only a "bang!!!!" earth-shaking sound, like two stars colliding, and the powerful energy that burst out made the whole space tremble.

However, at this moment, the Tyrant God Emperor clearly felt that an indescribable huge force was constantly gushing out from the stick shadow, and the dragon-slaying sword in his hand was gradually unable to withstand this terrifying pressure.

In the blink of an eye, the Tyrant God Emperor's arms seemed to be pressed by a mountain, and burst open under the heavy load! !

Puff! ! !

Blood splattered and severe pain came, but he gritted his teeth and held the hilt tightly, refusing to show weakness.

But even so, the stick shadow was still unstoppable and continued to hit the Tyrant God Emperor...


The Tyrant God Emperor's entire body was blasted away like a fire meteor!


His body hit a purple-gold metal wall like a meteorite, rebounded, and his flesh and blood collapsed, and he couldn't help but scream.

What's more terrifying is.


The metal wall continuously rushed out purple-gold chains, which directly wrapped around the Tyrant God Emperor's body, and all of a sudden wrapped around his hands and the Dragon Slaying Divine Sword!

Crack, crack, crack!!!

The purple rune aura trembled with a deafening buzzing sound, and the Tyrant God Emperor found that his mana and body were completely imprisoned in these circles of chains, and were directly pulled in the space in a big shape.


The two dragon-slaying swords in his hands were instantly taken away by the chains, as well as the space ring on his finger...

Damn it! !

The damn chains were snatching the treasures from him.

The Tyrant God Emperor had never been humiliated like this before, even when General Lu and that damned bitch Xuechan were plotting against him, he was not so embarrassed! !

And something even more humiliating was coming!

Huh! !

Ye Han, holding the Thunder Five Elements Golden Hoop Stick and wearing the Broken Immortal God Armor, slowly flew in front of the Tyrant God Emperor, looking at the Tyrant God Emperor with cold eyes and said: "You're done! But I don't have time to deal with you!!"

As he said that, he moved and flew towards the cover of the purple tripod! !

There was an endless thunder disaster erupting outside, what was Ye Han doing outside?


What humiliated the Tyrant God Emperor was that this damned Immortal Clan bastard didn't take him seriously at all, as if he was meat on his chopping board and could be manipulated at will!

Damn it!

This emperor has never been humiliated like this! !

The Tyrant God Emperor was furious and frantically tried to drive the divine power in his body to break free from the chains! ! !

But! !

He was desperate. His previous consumption was too great, and the vertical and horizontal power emitted by these chains made him feel that he had no power to resist.

After all, this was the ominous thing in the legend! !


But what did this damned Immortal Clan guy rush out for?

Was he going to let the thunder tribulation kill him?

Ye Han didn't care what the Tyrant God Emperor thought or what kind of humiliation he suffered!

He only thought about one thing! !

That was to pass the tribulation! ! !

The reason why Ye Han put the Tyrant God Emperor into his purple cauldron was, on the one hand, to make sure that the Tyrant God Emperor was already at the end of his strength and had no power to resist.

Outside the purple cauldron, there was the spiritual energy of the third heaven, and the arrangement of the spiritual lake could give the Tyrant God Emperor enough power to resist most of the power of the heavenly tribulation!

But even so, the Tyrant God Emperor had been severely injured, and his strength was less than one-tenth of his peak.

Ye Han dodged two fatal attacks in a row in the purple cauldron, and was not affected at all. He was able to burst out the most powerful mana and magical power, which was a move of the two people's fight just now.

Ye Han's Thunder Five Elements Golden Hoop blasted away the Tyrant God Emperor's Dragon Slaying Divine Sword that could easily block his attack before.

On the other hand, the Tyrant God Emperor still had a lot of treasures on him. If he died outside, all those treasures would be destroyed. In order to kill the Tyrant God Emperor, he consumed so much treasure and mana. Isn't that equivalent to wasting it in vain?

He didn't want to miss this trophy!

The most important thing is that the Purple Cauldron has been exposed. This Tyrant God Emperor must know the origin of his Purple Cauldron, so he naturally cannot let this guy go!

His cultivation and desire to become an immortal are all on this Purple Cauldron, so how could he let his Purple Cauldron be leaked?

The Purple Cauldron is now strong enough to deal with this already very weak Tyrant God Emperor!

The reason why Ye Han did not have time to arrange this guy was for another thing, he could not avoid this heavenly tribulation.

Otherwise, it would be the same as before, although there was a heavenly tribulation, his life span did not get enough growth! !

This is what As Saint Son told him about the disadvantages of avoiding the heavenly tribulation. If he fails to gain the recognition of heaven and earth and experience the baptism of thunder tribulation, it is impossible to go further, reach the peak of heavenly way, and become an immortal!

Because this road to advancement is rugged and full of difficulties and obstacles, only by experiencing countless hardships and tests can one break through one's own limits and move towards the supreme way.

Otherwise, it will be like sailing against the current, if you don't advance, you will retreat, and even fall into a place of no return. Therefore, practitioners must always be vigilant and constantly sharpen their will and strength, so that one day they can gain the recognition of heaven and earth, withstand the test of thunder tribulation, and thus achieve a higher pursuit of heavenly way.

This is why Ye Han advanced to a higher level of cultivation several times, but there was a very strange problem of life span, that is, he did not experience the heavenly tribulation, cleanse his soul and body, and get a supplement of life span.

Therefore, after Ye Han avoided the power of most of the heavenly tribulation, he could not continue to not experience the heavenly tribulation, and he had to go out and endure this heavenly tribulation himself!

After all, at this stage of his cultivation, if he does not experience these heavenly tribulations, the heavenly tribulations he will experience later will become more and more terrifying, and will have a great impact on his life span and cultivation.


Crack! !

Ye Han trembled and flew out of the purple cauldron! !

Boom! ! !

As soon as Ye Han came out of the purple cauldron, a series of earth-shaking roars rolled and surged in the thunder and tribulation clouds in the sky! !

A terrible heavenly tribulation destructive force that frightened Ye Han came down! !

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