Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2337 Something is wrong!


Accompanied by a thunderous roar, the ancient beast, which was as huge as a mountain, appeared and rushed out of the sea.


It opened its bloody mouth that could accommodate everything and let out a deafening roar, as if the entire Tianling Sea was trembling.

In an instant, the wind and clouds surged, and lightning and thunder roared! The huge mouth of tens of thousands of feet suddenly opened, forming huge and terrifying storm ripples and vortexes.


These vortices were like black holes in the universe, emitting a palpitating breath, as if they could devour all life and power.

In a flash!

Rumble!!! The sea water and the spiritual energy of the world within hundreds of miles around seemed to be swallowed by this terrible vortex black hole, and gathered towards the extremely terrible storm vortex, and condensed into an incomparable terrifying suction in a very short time!

Boom boom boom...

The violent storms rolled like surging waves and swept towards Ye Han in the sky.

Faced with such a powerful attack, Ye Han did not show any fear, but a cunning light flashed in his eyes, as if he had expected the other party to do so.

"This guy finally couldn't help it!"

His figure shook slightly, and layers of dazzling radiance ripples immediately rippled around his body. At the same time, the powerful mana in his body gushed out in an endless stream, performing the Vajra Fire God Art and the Light Escape God Art.


It made his own speed soar to the extreme, like a lightning-fast speed, and broke free from the coverage of the ancient beast's swallowing magic...

Successfully escaped danger?


The ancient beast saw that Ye Han had escaped from his control, and he burst out in anger. He roared even more fiercely, and the storm of rage on his body burst out, and he accelerated to chase Ye Han.

Ye Han felt the extreme anger of the ancient beast, and his mouth moved, knowing that this guy had been angered.

But this is not enough!

Ye Han flew away while patting the storage bag.


Accompanied by a dull roar, a circle of terrifying sword intent that made people's heart palpitate erupted like a volcano.

Swish, swish, swish! ! !

In an instant, the twelve Qingxuan divine swords flew out quickly like a smart fish...

In a flash, countless extremely terrifying sword intents and mana burst out from the twelve Qingxuan divine swords, gathering into a vast and boundless breath full of green and mysterious sword intent!

It has to be admitted that after a long period of intensive practice and life-and-death struggles in the Three Heavens, Ye Han's magical powers in all aspects have been greatly improved.

Especially in such a terrifying gravity environment in the Three Heavens, he must carefully save mana to stimulate the power of his magical powers, which also made him achieve a huge breakthrough in the fine control of his magical powers.

Now, when he uses the same amount of mana to drive the spell, the power of the spell he casts is more than twice as strong as before!

This is the outstanding manifestation of mastering the magical powers of cultivation to a subtle state! !

It happened so fast! !

Ye Han quickly pinched his hands and chanted a spell, muttering something in his mouth.

Then, the twelve Qingxuan divine swords suddenly burst out with brilliant green sword intents that were thousands of feet high, and the light was dazzling.

As Ye Han lightly tapped his fingers, these green sword intents were like meteors across the sky, and with unparalleled power, they fiercely bombarded the ancient beast that was chasing closely.

These ten thousand feet long, brilliant green sword beams, passed through the boundless storm waves, and in an instant, they had already impacted the ancient beast!

Aww! ! !

The ancient beast also realized the extraordinaryness of Ye Han's extremely terrifying sword intent, and opened its mouth to let out a huge roar, and spewed out black and red swirling demonic light balls.

These demonic swirling magic light balls contained extremely terrifying forces that swirled the world, and they impacted out in an instant! !

Clang bang bang bang ! !

The green sword intent released by the huge Qingxuan sword, which was like a pillar supporting the sky, rushed into the sky like a surging torrent, and collided with the high-speed rotating magic light balls.

Boom boom boom boom ! ! ! ! !

In an instant, countless heart-pounding blue lights burst out, forming a dazzling storm, as if to tear the entire space of heaven and earth apart, and the shock burst out terrible space ripples.

The deafening explosion echoed between heaven and earth, and even the Tianling Sea area set off a huge wave, and the waves rolled up to the sky, reaching a height of ten thousand feet.

And those unrestrained and raging sword storms were like wild horses, spreading outward madly with the momentum of overwhelming mountains and seas...

However, at this thrilling moment!

Although the ancient beast withstood most of the fierce attack of the blue sword light with its own powerful strength, there was still a terrifying blue sword light that was ten thousand feet long. At the moment it was hit by the black and red demonic vortex light ball.

It actually bypassed the obstruction of this solid defense line in an extremely weird way and fell fiercely on the huge body of the ancient beast! !

Ao! ! !

The ancient beast suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis, and let out a roar that shook the earth. Its huge claws blocked the huge green sword light...

In an instant! !

Bang! ! !

A terrifying storm of explosive metal and iron that reaches the sky and the earth, shocks erupt in the space, and the boundless wind storm surges...

The ancient ancient beast still successfully blocked this attack with its huge arms! !

The boundless storm impacted...


The ancient beast immediately realized something was wrong!

Although the power of this green light sword light is not too terrifying, it contains a powerful and extremely strange power to break the forbidden, and it actually penetrated his terrifying defensive claws...

Phew! ! !

The green light sword light directly penetrated the claws of this ancient beast, and a wave of blood light came out!

Ouch! ! !

The ancient beast suddenly couldn't help but let out a piercing scream. It never expected that Ye Han actually had such magical power to break the ban. It was beyond the control of his cultivation level! ! !

Damn it! !

How could this bastard have such powerful power to break the ban? !

The ancient ancient beast is very puzzled by the current situation, and the Qingxuan Sword Intent that has penetrated into the body's arm is constantly erupting with terrifying sword intent impacts...

Ouch! !

The ancient beast screamed in great pain, and a very dangerous feeling suddenly came over him! !

It seems that I shouldn't have to deal with this damn Ye Han! !

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