Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2357 The existence of the middle stage of fusion

Boom! !

Whoosh! ! !

A loud noise was heard!

Then came a series of sharp and piercing whistles!

Ye Han's body was like a rocket being ignited, continuously emitting dazzling white light.

His figure moved as fast as lightning, and every tremor could cross a distance of thousands of miles.

However, what made Ye Han feel solemn was that although he had tried his best to escape, the aura that was chasing him showed no signs of weakening, but instead gave him a sense of oppression that was getting closer and closer.

What was worse was that at this moment he clearly felt the other party's incomparable powerful aura!

"Damn it!"

Ye Han cursed inwardly: "This is definitely not the strength that an ordinary fusion stage god cultivator can have! This person must be an existence that has surpassed the middle stage of fusion!"

It was really too unlucky. Why did he encounter such a terrifying opponent at this moment?

You know, if any precious treasure is leaked, it will attract countless strong people to fight for it.

Therefore, every cultivator adheres to the principle of "not showing off treasures" and never easily exposes the treasures they own to others.

Unfortunately, in most cases, they are often helpless, such as the earth-shaking catastrophe caused by Ye Han's Ghost Skull Treasure Mirror's advancement this time. It is hard not to attract attention!

The opponent is so relentless, and the momentum and speed are amazing. Obviously, there is no intention to give up!

Damn it! Ye Han frowned tightly, stretched out his hand and slapped the storage bag on his waist. A high-level flying wing symbol instantly turned into a dazzling golden rune and shot out. After trembling slightly around his body, it turned into a pair of huge golden wings formed by countless golden runes and appeared behind him!

At this moment, Ye Han used all his strength to activate the hurricane fire in his body. In an instant, the hurricane of the fire exploded like a violent whirlwind!

Boom! ! ! ! With a loud bang that shook the world, a jaw-dropping wave of terrifying golden light suddenly burst out from Ye Han's body, blasting out like an extremely powerful bomb!

Boom! ! !

With a loud bang, a shocking and powerful golden light suddenly exploded, sweeping across the world together with the fierce storm formed by the hurricane fire!

With the blessing of these two powerful forces, Ye Han's speed soared suddenly, and it increased by more than double in the blink of an eye.

Whenever the golden wings behind him flapped violently, a dazzling golden light would be shot out, cutting through the void with unparalleled speed and suffocating power, and disappearing in the distant horizon in an instant!

Tens of thousands of kilometers away!

A deafening, earth-shaking roar suddenly sounded! !

Boom boom boom! ! !

The huge black wings that stretched out from behind the Zichuan Immortal were like dark clouds covering the sky, continuously bursting out terrifying storms of astonishing black and gray air waves.

These storms were like surging waves, and like the doomsday power that destroyed the world, rushing through the vast sky like lightning, chasing Ye Han who was fleeing in front of him with the momentum of wind and lightning!

The face of the Zichuan Immortal was very gloomy now. He was very sure to catch up with the damn immortal cultivator who got the treasure.

According to his cultivation experience, when the heavenly tribulation occurred, he could tell that it was a genuine immortal treasure that came into the world.

Even he, the owner of Zichuan Free City, who has practiced for tens of thousands of years, has only three immortal treasures on him, and one of them cannot be refined and used.

This time he went to the Ancient God's Tomb and met his old rival, that damn bastard. He got a fairy treasure and broke through the bottleneck of his cultivation. The opponent who was originally evenly matched with him was better than him, so he had to give up the opportunity of the Ancient God's Tomb and could only return in a very embarrassed state.

Unexpectedly, when he was about to return to Zichuan Free City, he encountered such a fairy treasure to overcome the tribulation! !

Fairy treasures are something that can only be encountered by chance, and when his consciousness said that the owner of the cultivator did not have the aura of the five elements fusion that only the cultivator in the fusion stage had, the other party was definitely not a cultivator in the fusion stage.

Under such circumstances, his success rate in snatching this fairy treasure would be very high! !


Buzz! !

True Spirit Technique! !

A circle of amazing and boundless black and gray auras suddenly shook out from Zichuan Immortal's body, forming a series of creepy runes that shook out.

Boom! ! !

Zichuan Immortal's speed suddenly increased a lot, and he chased in the direction where Ye Han flew away! ! !

A little guy in the Refining Void Stage also wants to escape from his palm?

Dream on!!

Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh!!

Ye Han flew rapidly to a mountainous area full of huge pillars that looked like pillars supporting the sky. The spiritual energy of the heaven and earth here was very abundant and complex, and there was a very mottled demonic energy mixed in it. There must be quite a lot of powerful demonic beasts here.

However, Ye Han also felt that the speed of the fusion stage cultivator who came to kill him was getting faster and faster. It was obvious that he was catching up with the secret method of acceleration.

Damn it!!

He will definitely be caught up if he continues like this!!

Ye Han knew very well in his heart that although his magical powers and spells far exceeded those of the same level cultivators, the one who came this time was in the fusion stage. Judging from the magical aura he burst out, he was at least in the middle stage of the fusion stage!

If he met such an existence, he would definitely have no chance of winning!!

If they fight, his own losses will be huge. Although he has the heaven-defying purple cauldron on him, the purple cauldron needs to consume many elixirs and natural treasures to restore enough mana.

At that time, even if he can save his life and escape, the consumption will be very large, just like being chased by the damned snow cicada before. He didn't take any advantage, but consumed a lot of his cultivation resources. It's not worth the loss! !

Got it!

Ye Han had an idea in his mind.

So, he quickly flew down to the ground, flying through the peaks of the pillars of the sky.

When flying over, Ye Han tapped his fingers and released a series of formation beads...

And when Ye Han flew over these peaks.

Buzz buzz buzz! !

These formation beads began to release amazing rune auras, and a series of formation light pillars burst out into the sky, and began to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth within a radius of dozens of miles.

As Ye Han arranged the formations along the way, the spiritual energy absorbed by these formation beads became more and more amazing, forming a chaotic spiritual energy of thousands of miles.

It seemed that Ye Han's arrangement had an effect!

Aoaoao! !

The roars and roars of the earth-shaking monsters came from the depths of this area...

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