Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2361 Beast Devouring Worm

Why is Ye Han considered this way?

Because, after Ye Han came to this ancient land of wilderness, he found that the only way to get to the ancient land of wilderness is through the wild sea.

Moreover, the spiritual energy of the heaven and earth in this ancient land of wilderness carries a special wild breath. For ordinary cultivators, it would have a negative impact on their own skills if they want to absorb and refine these wild breaths.

On the other hand, these breaths that permeate this ancient land of wilderness all year round also have an extremely strong suppressive effect on the spiritual consciousness of cultivators. Even with Ye Han's powerful spiritual consciousness, when he arrived in the ancient land of wilderness, this spiritual consciousness could only sense more than one-tenth of the range under normal circumstances.

What is more terrible is that in the ancient land of wilderness, because the spiritual energy of heaven and earth contains a special wild breath, cultivators cannot mobilize the spiritual energy of heaven and earth here to enhance the power of treasures and magical powers.

What does it mean?

It means that after reaching the stage of transformation, the power of cultivators using treasures, magical powers, and secret methods is quite limited by the mana driven by their own cultivation.

Only by mobilizing and absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth can the magical powers of treasures, magical powers, secret methods, etc. be fully unleashed.

The more powerful the cultivator is, the wider the range of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth can be mobilized!

However, it is impossible to mobilize the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in this ancient land of wilderness, because the wild aura will destroy the magic matrix of the cultivator's magic power, causing chaos in the magic power and treasure power, and triggering uncontrollable situations.

For example, Ye Han wants to cast a sword formation and mobilize the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to enhance the power of the sword formation to kill the enemy. Under normal circumstances, the power will naturally become very powerful because of the mobilization of enough spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

In the ancient land of wilderness, the mobilized spiritual energy of heaven and earth contains the wild aura, which not only makes the sword formation unable to enhance its power, but also destroys the matrix, making the sword formation difficult to control, pointing east and hitting west, and even accidentally hurting oneself! !

Therefore, it is much more difficult for cultivators to survive in the ancient land of wilderness than in other places.

Han Yuwan and others who ascended from the earth realm were far inferior to him in cultivation. How could they come to the ancient wilderness to move around?

Even if they all became immortal cultivators in the refining period, it would be very difficult for them to move around in the ancient wilderness!

This is also the reason why the ancient wilderness has become an area that cannot be controlled by the races competing for the heavenly spirit world.

However, the ancient beasts in the ancient wilderness are very adapted to the atmosphere here. They can absorb the spiritual energy of the heaven and earth and the wild breath here to practice, and can also mobilize the spiritual energy of the heaven and earth to fight...

Under this situation, fighting against the ancient wilderness in this ancient wilderness is full of disadvantages.

So Ye Han did not dare to show up in the ancient wilderness, and could only shuttle through the dense forest to find the location of the ancient god's tomb.

According to the information Ye Han had previously inquired in Zichuan Free City, the ancient god's tomb should be in the central area of ​​the ancient wilderness.

However, he is still on the edge of the ancient wilderness, and it is not so easy to enter the central area of ​​the ancient wilderness.

On the contrary, this ancient land of wilderness also grows a lot of natural treasures, and rare medicinal materials that are difficult to find in other places, although most of them are not mature.

But Ye Han transplanted them into his Zi Ding space regardless of whether they were mature or not, increasing the variety of natural treasures in his Zi Ding space, so that he would not be unable to find them when he needed them...

Hmm? !

Ye Han silently shuttled through the dense forest, and suddenly a trace of vigilance appeared on his face. He moved his body, and the Earth God's Flawless Art started to operate, turning into a silent breath, and drilled into the ground under an extremely huge tree...

Following the criss-crossing tree roots, Ye Han drilled into the ground at an amazing speed...


Boom! Boom! Boom! !

The deafening roar continued to sound, as if the whole world was shaken.

The heavy footsteps sounded like a mountain giant stepping on the ground. Each step caused the ground to shake violently, setting off violent hurricanes. The wind raged and swept through the mountains and forests within a radius of dozens of miles. The trees swayed and the branches and leaves flew, as if the end of the world had come.

I saw a huge wild ancient beast covered with purple-black scales running away in panic.

It had two huge horns on its head, and its body was thousands of feet long, like a moving hill.

However, at this moment, the overlord of the wild ancient land was terrified and fled desperately!

What exactly made such a powerful wild ancient beast feel afraid?

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!! A black and blue whirlwind suddenly blew up, whistling past with a fierce momentum.

In this gust of wind, there appeared strange creatures that were several feet in size, as black as ink, and with extremely hard shells. Their mouths are long and narrow, as sharp as swords, covered with dense and long teeth, exuding a creepy and terrifying breath.

It turns out that it is these mysterious and terrifying wild and strange insects that can make the wild ancient beasts so afraid!

They may be the real masters of this ancient land.

Let alone how this wild ancient beast escapes!

Just say that when Ye Han first arrived at the wild ancient land, he was attacked by wild and strange insects.

He took great efforts and consumed a lot of mana to get rid of the pursuit of the wild and strange insects.

Not to mention that the strange insect chasing this wild ancient beast this time is the famous beast-eating insect in the Tianling world!

It’s not surprising to think that even the wild ancient beasts as big as mountains are afraid of it, which shows how cruel this insect is!

A buzzing sound was heard, and the group of beast-eating insects came in overwhelming numbers, like a plague of locusts. Wherever they passed, no grass grew and the mountains and forests were destroyed.

In the blink of an eye, they caught up with the huge ancient wild beast.

Hiss hiss hiss!!

The beast-eating insects made a harsh, piercing sound, opened their long, sword-shaped mouths full of sharp teeth, and actually pierced directly into the body of the ancient wild beast.


The ancient wild beast screamed in pain, and the sacred and fierce shock brought out a terrible storm of wild wild energy. The huge horns shocked out a series of terrifying hurricanes of energy vortexes...

Boom boom boom!!

The boundless and terrifying hurricane forcefully swept the beast-devouring worms that were besieging him away...

But the beast-devouring worms were just knocked around by the hurricane and the wild energy. They frantically vibrated their wings in the air, making a harsh buzzing sound, and turned into black and blue light, rushing madly in the direction of the wild ancient beast!

When these beast-devouring worms were covered with black and blue light, the violent winds that the wild ancient beast burst out were directly hit into holes.

Countless beast-devouring worms frantically bit the wild ancient beast and screamed...

Just when the wild ancient beast was about to be bitten and screamed! !


Buzz buzz buzz! Those beast-devouring worms suddenly buzzed very agitatedly, and flew away like locusts madly! !

Why did these beast-devouring worms suddenly fly away?

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