Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2363 Earth Spirit Milk

Ye Han's so-called good luck was not because he encountered this injured wild ancient beast and killed it easily.

He simply picked up a big bargain, and killing the wild ancient beast that was almost killed by the beast-swallowing worm was only secondary.

The most important thing was that he found that there was a very amazing breath of heaven and earth spiritual energy in the nest of the beast-swallowing worm, and then he found that there was a rare earth-geng spiritual milk in the nest of the beast-swallowing worm, which was a treasure for healing and body refining.

This harvest really surprised Ye Han. After all, this thing was also a very precious treasure in Xuanlong Xiancheng. A small bottle had to be exchanged for a spiritual treasure, and this should be a spirit vein of earth-geng spiritual milk...

If it were in the past, even if Ye Han encountered this kind of heaven and earth spiritual energy, a very amazing spirit vein or mineral vein, it would be very difficult to find it, let alone bring it directly into his purple tripod space.

After practicing the Earth God's Flawless Art, especially when the art was practiced to the third level, he was not only able to perform the earth escape technique more easily, but also gave him a magical ability to explore and sense the mineral veins and spiritual veins around the places he passed by.

However, the most amazing thing about this magical power is that it can actually lead these extremely precious spiritual veins and mineral veins directly into the mysterious purple tripod space it owns!

At this moment, after Ye Han quickly dealt with the corpse and flesh of the wild ancient beast, he did not hesitate to perform the Earth God's Flawless Art.

In an instant, he was seen pinching the magic formula and chanting the spell quickly, and circles of shocking earth-based magic auras bloomed around his body.

Buzz buzz buzz!!

These lights penetrated into the deep ground under his feet like a tide, making Ye Han's mind seem to be naturally connected with the entire land.

Then, he continued to explore along the spiritual vein of the Earth God Spirit Milk... Suddenly, Ye Han's expression changed, and he sensed a strong spiritual fluctuation not far ahead.

Got it!!

Ye Han was delighted, and his Earth God Flawless Art's mana accelerated his speed forward.

As he got closer, Ye Han finally found a core area of ​​the Earth God Spirit Milk hidden deep in the ground.

It was a very strange thing hidden in a mountain peak, a clear and bottom-penetrating Earth God Spirit Milk that exuded a strong spiritual energy!!

"Great! Found it!"

Ye Han was so excited that he could not restrain himself. He did not hesitate to use his unique magic formula and instantly released the powerful power of the Earth God Flawless Art. I saw an amazing gray-black spiritual light and mana gushing out like a surging wave, drilling into the hard rocks in the belly of the mountain...

These ground rocks are extraordinary. They have been mingled and cleansed by the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and the wild breath for tens of millions of years.

Although it has not yet transformed into a precious spiritual stone, the aura contained in it is still extremely amazing.

If it goes through hundreds of thousands of years of precipitation, it is very likely that strange beings such as mountain spirits or mountain spirits with independent consciousness will be born here, which is not a rare thing.

With the continuous penetration and fusion of the aura of the Earth God's flawless power, Ye Han finally succeeded in using his own magic power to tightly surround the core area that exudes the fragrance of the Earth Geng Lingru.

At this moment, he thought to himself: "I think the reason why this place can breed such a rare Earth Geng Lingru is probably due to this thing?"

Ye Han excitedly patted the mysterious object that continuously produced Geng Lingru, and he was very happy.

He secretly rejoiced that his previous summary was indeed correct! Because of the magical purple tripod, his way of practice is very different from that of most immortal cultivators.

Other immortal cultivators first look for enough cultivation resources, then find a safe place to practice in seclusion, and only break through when they encounter a bottleneck, continue to explore rare opportunities and magic weapons, and step by step embark on the conventional path of cultivating immortals.

However, relying on his own unfathomable cultivation, all-pervading magical powers, and incomparable precious treasures, Ye Han has the confidence to go out and explore, to pursue more powerful magic weapons and opportunities.

He knows that the immortal cultivation path he has chosen is full of endless dangers, but many immortal cultivators actually want to take this path in their hearts. Unfortunately, most people often find it difficult to persist to the end and die halfway.

And those who can really make it to the end will definitely become the best among the immortal cultivators...


Time flies, and it's already four days later! After some hard work, Ye Han finally succeeded in stepping out of the nest of the wild ancient beast. This giant beast was very cunning. It actually blocked the entrance of its nest with the whole mountain. If Ye Han hadn't used the Earth God's Flawless Skill, it would have been difficult to find the exit.

In his hand, he held a piece of irregular milky white thing with holes, which looked like stone and metal.

This was the strange treasure that he had spent four days to find from the depths of ten thousand feet, which continuously produced the Gengling Ru.

"This should be the spiritual core treasure that gave birth to the Gengling Ru!"

Ye Han carefully played with it and observed it, and found that there were many mysterious runes in it. This kind of rune was born from the brewing of heaven and earth. It was not like the rune made by the cultivators. It was very orderly...

It was a very natural rune aura. Ye Han looked at these runes and suddenly felt as if he had some enlightenment. His magical power of following the laws of nature seemed to have some enlightenment! !

Ye Han felt like he had caught something, but he couldn't feel it. This feeling made Ye Han a little confused, but this must be a good thing. He was a cultivator in the Refining Void Stage who had practiced for thousands of years. Even in the Heavenly Spirit Realm, he was a middle-to-upper-level cultivator.

Things that could make him feel something were definitely not annoying.

It was a pity that his mind was not here now. He wanted to find the ancient tomb of the gods. On the one hand, he was indeed very worried about the people who ascended from the earth. After all, this ancient land seemed to have good opportunities, but the risks were also great. Whether it was encountering strange insects or ancient beasts, they were all very difficult to deal with.

Can they really survive in this wild land? After all, ordinary cultivators in the Refining Void Stage of the Heavenly Spirit Realm did not dare to come to this ancient land to search for treasures easily. After all, the risks were too great.

For a cultivator, if the risk is greater than the benefit, then he will never come. If it is not dangerous, there will not be so many resources and treasures in the ancient wilderness. After all, which cultivator would not spend a lot of effort to get the treasures that can exist in the world of cultivation?

How can it be possible that treasures are easily available?

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