Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2381 Is there something good ahead? !

Boom boom...

Ye Han's hands turned into two huge golden hands, like fine iron, grabbing an extremely huge chain, and climbing towards the chain...

The chain was shaking all the time, rippling out a very terrible space ripple storm.

These storms impacted Ye Han's golden hands, shaking constantly, and impacted Ye Han's figure constantly shaking.

Ye Han looked back and saw that he had reached the middle of the chain. The huge hall was still shaking under the impact of those huge wall fragments...

And with the continuous impact of these huge wall fragments, the forbidden light shield surrounding the hall was violently impacted, and began to ripple out circles of runes, and the black and gray wild air was also collapsing and dispersing.

Ye Han knew that his decision was indeed correct. The safety of the hall was only temporary. Under such a violent impact of the wall and rocks, the defensive restrictions of the hall could not last long.

Maybe in a few dozen breaths, under the impact of this exploding city wall, the defense ban of the hall will also collapse. At that time, it will also collapse and shatter like those city walls, scattered throughout the boundless sea of ​​stars!

Only through this chain can we enter the area of ​​the ancient tomb that has not collapsed yet to find opportunities or find a safer area!

On the contrary, the chain kept vibrating because the ancient tomb was still flying in the boundless sea of ​​stars. The space turbulence storm was very shocking, so he could only use the Gangqi hand of the Vajra Fire God to grab the chain and move forward. Otherwise, the space ripples caused by the vibration of the chain alone could shake Ye Han away...

Ka Ka Ka!

Ye Han controlled the Gangqi hand and kept rushing out along the chain. Although he was also constantly shattered and exploded by the vibration of the chain, he kept stable and continued to move towards the chain! !

Sure enough!

After dozens of breaths, Ye Han finally reached the mountain wall connected by the chain. The place where the chain was connected was a huge demon-like head, with its bloody mouth biting the huge ring buckle of the chain!

And Ye Han had just reached the chain ring...

Boom boom boom!!

A series of earth-shaking and extremely violent roars exploded. The huge forbidden hall connected to the chain was hit by countless huge rocks at this time. The forbidden light shield finally couldn't hold on and burst directly under the crazy and suffocating impact.

Bang bang bang!!

The whole hall exploded in pieces at this time, and the chain that was dragging the hall shook violently, rolling up a terrible storm and rushing towards this side...

Not good!!

Ye Han didn't dare to stop. His body trembled and a circle of golden storm ripples burst out. He rushed to the mountain wall, rushed up along the mountain wall, and found a huge circular hole within hundreds of feet...

Ye Han rushed into the hole without hesitation, and immediately felt the amazing spiritual energy and wild breath coming from the hole!

However, Ye Han didn't stop at all, and rushed into the hole frantically...

He rushed into it a thousand feet...

Bang! ! !

A violent roar exploded, and the chain bounced back and hit the mountain wall. The whole mountain wall was shaking and shattering. The terrible shock storm caused by the impact made the hole collapse continuously!

Bang! !

Ye Han's figure was also hit by this terrible impact force, and a terrible impact wave rolled up behind him...

Boom boom boom!

Ye Han's figure was hit by this terrible storm and rolled and surged endlessly, and he rolled and rushed out directly.

Bang, bang, bang!

Ye Han's body continuously hit the mountain wall passage, and he was directly hit thousands of feet away.

Fortunately, he released the defensive forbidden light shield in time to protect his body, and his body was strong enough, so he didn't suffer much damage under such a terrible impact.

However, Ye Han was still hit hard enough that he almost collapsed on the ground! !


Almost finished!

Ye Han let out a sigh and climbed up from the ground.

His judgment was completely correct. The chain could pull such a heavy hall to fly away without breaking or deforming. It was not just heavy. If it hit him, even if his body was strong, he couldn't resist it.

Now he can preliminarily conclude that this ancient tomb must be flying to a place, but the ancient tomb is too big, millions of miles wide. If it is directly in the boundless sea of ​​stars, the amount of breath it will consume is too amazing.

So this tomb may be abandoning some unimportant areas to reduce its own burden and fly across this boundless sea of ​​stars?

Of course, regardless of whether the tomb is abandoning these unimportant areas, many buildings cannot be saved under such a terrible storm attack.

But the core area of ​​this ancient artifact will definitely not collapse so easily...

According to Ye Han, it is estimated that the opportunities and treasures in the ancient tomb should also be within the scope of this core area.

However, the ancient tomb of the gods was flying in the boundless sea of ​​stars and constantly collapsing, which put a lot of pressure on Ye Han. If he could not enter the core area of ​​the ancient tomb of the gods in a short time, he might be sent out of the boundless sea of ​​stars by these collapsed areas...

So, Ye Han felt that he had no time to delay, so he got up directly and moved forward quickly.

While running, he slapped his storage bag, and more than a dozen pill bottles flew out, and poured these pills into his stomach.

Because after such a series of battles and passing through these dangerous areas, the pills that were previously in his stomach had been completely absorbed by the purple tripod, and more than half of the breath had been used up...

Unable to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth here, this is the biggest trouble for Ye Han or other immortal cultivators after entering this ancient tomb of the gods.

After all, if the immortal cultivator does not have enough mana, it will consume a lot of magic to cast magic spells, which is equivalent to losing more than half of the combat power and the means to protect himself.

Ye Han has the Purple Cauldron and the Purple Cauldron Space, through which he can restore his mana, so that he can use some powerful magical treasures to protect himself.

If he continues to consume it like this, it will be difficult to deal with. In short, his losses are still greater than his gains.

However, as he rushed forward, Ye Han found that the breath rushing along this circular passage gradually contained a very strong normal spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

Is there something good ahead? !

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