Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2389 Sword Intention Clone

Ye Han did not dwell on this matter for too long, after all, what was happening before his eyes was beyond his imagination.

Buzz buzz buzz!!!

Just when he had no time to think, the mysterious Three Swords Boy Fruit in his hand began to show a few tiny cracks, as if it would turn into wisps of green smoke and drift away at any time!

"What should I do?" Ye Han was shocked and opened his mouth without hesitation and took a deep breath.

Hiss hiss hiss!!!

I saw a group of gas flashing with spiritual light instantly wrapped the Three Swords Boy Fruit tightly, and then quickly drilled into his mouth like a smart little snake.

In an instant, a powerful and suffocating sword energy surged like a tide, rushing straight into Ye Han's mouth, and raging and colliding in it.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Han's whole body was shrouded by the extremely terrifying sword energy, and the whole person was like a sword out of its sheath, exuding an unparalleled sharp momentum.

However, a scene that surprised Ye Han even more emerged immediately. He heard a low humming sound, and he clearly felt that the Nascent Soul in his abdomen suddenly trembled violently, and at the same time burst out dazzling spiritual light. These spiritual lights seemed to have life, actively absorbing the mysterious breath from the sword energy fruit.

"Why is this happening?" Ye Han couldn't help but fall into deep confusion.

According to common sense, it should be his own body that absorbs these breaths and then transforms them into his own sword intent, or he can use them to practice shocking swordsmanship.

But now, it is the Nascent Soul that is absorbing the breath of the sword energy fruit, which is really incredible! Could it be that there is a so-called "sword intent spiritual root"?

If there is such a thing, then what does it look like?

Faced with such a strange situation, Ye Han had no idea for a while. He could only silently observe the changes in his body, hoping to find some clues and clues from it.

After all, he had taken the fruit of the Purple Cauldron many times. Even if it was a different fruit each time, the results produced each time should not be much different. Either spiritual roots were produced, or his physique changed.

But this time, it actually acted on the Nascent Soul. What was going on? Could it be that he was going to give birth to the sword intent from his own mind?

However, Ye Han didn't guess it right at all!

Because, as the terrifying sword intent aura of the fruit continued to merge into his Nascent Soul...

Ye Han's Nascent Soul actually trembled slightly at this time, and began to swell, and his belly actually grew bigger...

What was going on?

As the breath of the Nascent Soul continued to expand, its belly grew bigger and bigger. Ye Han felt that the breath of a living being was brewing in the body of the Nascent Soul? !

Ah? !

Could it be that the Nascent Soul was about to give birth?

Of course, the Nascent Soul would not give birth to a child.

As the Nascent Soul's breath expanded more and more, it opened its mouth and sprayed out circles of sword intent aura, blood and Nascent Soul aura surged out, and it continued to twist and tremble in Ye Han's Dantian, gradually forming an amazing Nascent Soul aura?

No! !

It's not the breath of a Nascent Soul, but the breath of a living being? !

Ye Han was a little confused about what was going on in front of him. Was it a Nascent Soul or something else? !

As the breath of a living being sprayed out by the Nascent Soul continued to surge, it gradually turned into the appearance of a baby.

Suddenly, Ye Han felt that there was a special connection between him and this baby...

He was very familiar with this breath, which was exactly the feeling of his connection with his clone! !

Clone! !

Did this fruit condense a sword clone? !

Ye Han finally felt what was going on. He felt the relationship between himself and this figure. It was not that there was an extra Nascent Soul, but that another clone was brewing!

And the breath of this clone was filled with a very amazing sword breath, and it was obviously a clone with absolute swordsmanship talent.

Ye Han had been thinking about whether he could refine another clone, but he had never found a way. After all, a clone requires many treasures or skills, and it takes a little chance to refine it.

It is not something that can be refined just by wanting it.

After all, as his cultivation level gets higher and higher, he needs more and more elixirs, various treasures, and time to comprehend the laws of heaven and earth, and one clone is obviously not enough.

Now the sword fruit has actually brewed a clone for him, which makes him more than just a surprise. He never thought that the result of this sword fruit would eventually be a clone! !

This is much more useful than giving him another spiritual root or an infant.

At this time, the breath of the sword fruit was finally absorbed, and the breath of the sword fruit was indeed formed as the breath of the infant continued to spurt out, forming another clone of his.

Ye Han opened his mouth and sprayed.

Whoosh! ! !

A spiritual aura surged out, surging out in a circle of amazing spiritual auras, and with the surge of an amazing and suffocating sword intent, the sword intent clone appeared in front of him.

Ye Han felt that when the clone appeared, his sword intent perception suddenly increased a lot.

In other words, not only did he have a clone, but his sword skills also improved a lot inexplicably.

In this way, when he uses the Sword Emperor Sword, the Absolute Cold Sword, the Qingxuan Sword Formation, etc., the power will definitely increase a lot! !

More importantly, the spiritual root of this clone is a very rare sword spirit spiritual root, whether it is practicing and comprehending swordsmanship or performing swordsmanship, it has a great advantage.

However, this clone is still very weak now, and its cultivation has just reached the Golden Core Stage. Without the cultivation above the God Transformation Stage, it cannot play any role in fighting...

However, it is possible to let the sword spirit clone enter the Purple Cauldron space to practice and improve the swordsmanship...

Thinking of this, Ye Han's consciousness moved, and he felt that he and the clone had a special telepathic breath, so he let the clone enter the Purple Cauldron space.

This is really a great joy. The point is that for ordinary cultivators who want to refine their own clones, the consumption of their own foundation, as well as the cultivation of Qi, blood, and mana is also very large, and the clone that Ye Han took from the Sword Qi Fruit has almost no effect on him, but the breath of the Purple Cauldron and the breath of the Nascent Soul are reduced a little.

But the effect is that it only takes a while to recover after taking the elixir.

This is the biggest surprise! !


Ye Han was surprised for a short time.

Boom! !

The entire huge hall suddenly shook violently! !

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