Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2038: Fragments of Crescent Moon Flying Boat

Ye Han found that as he moved forward, the True Immortal Spiritual Qi gradually became abundant again. Although it was not as strong as the place in the medicine garden, it was also quite abundant.

And Ye Han did not have such a situation in other places. Obviously, the Bi Tian Divine Lord had indeed calculated everything. It was really difficult for Ye Han to get any advantage from such an existence.

As Ye Han ran rapidly and passed a long mountain road, he climbed a huge mountain. Looking around, a magnificent and huge mountain extended out. I don’t know how many mountains are inside. This True Immortal Palace is really huge. It can accommodate a world.

When did his purple tripod space also have such a huge world?

After so many years of cultivation and expansion, his purple tripod space is now nearly a mile in size.

It can be regarded as a small world. As far as he knows, when he was in the earth realm, the entire Tianlan area was only tens of thousands of miles in size, which is of course considered very large.

However, Ye Han had extraordinary experience, and the secret space area he had seen was much larger than his purple cauldron...

In fact, now his purple cauldron space has been completely shaped into a space that can give birth to true immortal spirit energy. The strength of this aura may be incomparable to the entire Fengtian Continent.

Not to mention the value brought by the number of natural treasures in this purple cauldron space...

At least, even in the Tianling Realm, the natural treasures, spiritual medicines and various treasures in his purple cauldron space are more amazing than many medium-sized races.

So Ye Han is also very careful. If ordinary high-level immortal cultivators know that he has so many treasures on him, which immortal cultivator would not want to take advantage of him?

The area where the Green Sky God is located should be deep in this spiritual mountain land. Although there are many rocks and trees in this spiritual mountain land, there are not many natural treasures. Ye Han has no time to search for these natural treasures.

After all, the space of his purple cauldron is already saturated with the natural treasures and spiritual medicines planted there, and it is very difficult to plant more. The point is that ordinary natural treasures planted there are no use now.

It must be a very rare treasure.

It is worth mentioning that Ye Han's purple cauldron space is still expanding itself, and the speed of acceleration is more than ten times faster than that of the past. If it continues like this, it is very normal to grow to a size of 100,000 miles in another ten thousand years.

By then, the power that can be exploded will be extraordinary.

Ye Han rushed forward along the mountain road, and when he reached some places on the mountain, there were some flat grounds where he could stay...

Ye Han also found some treasure opportunities, but most of them were left by the owner of the Great Dream Fairy Palace accidentally, right?

The most interesting one is a Taoist method that allows Ye Han's soul to attack out of his body, called the Divine Aperture Spirit Technique, but it is not easy to practice. Ye Han's powerful double divine thorns will also take a lot of time to practice, but Ye Han has no time to waste practice.

Therefore, Ye Han was not in a hurry to find the Lord of the Blue Sky, but casually looked for some opportunities. If there was anything he liked, he would collect the treasures of heaven and earth.


Before Ye Han found the Lord of the Blue Sky, a major discovery in a valley forced Ye Han to speed up to find the Lord of the Blue Sky! ! !

In a huge valley.

A huge crescent-shaped flying boat fragment was inserted on a mountain wall...

Ye Han looked at the huge flying boat fragment that was nearly ten thousand feet in size, and his eyes were very complicated...


Is it really the crescent flying boat?

Is it a coincidence?

Yes, Ye Han felt that this huge flying boat fragment was the crescent flying boat he found in the Hell Tower of the Tianji Palace that year. He took it out of the Hell Tower and brought it back to the Qingxuan Sect.

Before he went to Wuxie Sect, he had never brought this Crescent Moon Flying Boat with him, but left it in Qingxuan Sect...

When he was in Tianling Realm, Xuanlong Immortal City, Ye Han had already issued a task to find the ancient cultivators of the Earth Realm who ascended...

At that time, he had received news that a group of ancient cultivators of the Earth Realm appeared on a Crescent Moon Flying Boat.

And he entered the True Immortal Palace, also known as the Great Dream Immortal Palace, because he heard that a group of ancient cultivators of the Earth Realm had opened the ancient tomb of the gods. He thought that it should be the people in the Earth Realm that he was concerned about who successfully broke through the Star Continent, the eternal prohibition, broke through the ascension channel, and successfully entered the Tianling Realm.

However, he had been in this Great Dream Immortal Palace for so long, but he had never found any news about them, and there was no situation to know where they were.

Finally, he saw the fragments of this Crescent Moon Flying Boat in this place. He felt that he was not mistaken. The fragments of this Crescent Moon Flying Boat were definitely the fragments of the one he brought out from the Tower of Hell! !

So Ye Han stretched out his body, made hand gestures and chanted a spell, and released a huge golden hand, which turned into a huge size, and pulled the fragment off the mountain wall.

There was a small crack in the crescent fragment...

That's right!

It was the crescent flying boat! ! !

Ye Han looked at the crack and was very sure that there was such a small section of the crescent flying boat, which had been hanging on his body for many years...

If it weren't for the role played by the purple tripod to save himself, he might have died there that year.

There is a small section of this Crescent Moon Flying Boat that is broken. He remembers this crack clearly, and he will remember it no matter how long it has been.

There is no such coincidence between them. Even the structure of the crack is exactly the same.

"I don't know how they are doing!! We must find them quickly."

Distant memories flooded Ye Han's mind like a tide. Although many years have passed, he can't forget any memory about the earth. After all, he is a cultivator with extraordinary memory. Moreover, how could he forget such an important person and so many people who care about him?

"No one should die, but it is hard to say whether there will be other dangers. We must find them quickly."

Ye Han thought so in his heart, pinched his fingers and chanted a spell, and a circle of purple rune aura surged out, turning into a big hand to grab the fragments of the Crescent Moon Flying Boat and put it into the purple tripod space...

It's not Ye Han's fault that he is worried about the people on the Crescent Moon Flying Boat. How powerful is the Crescent Moon Flying Boat? It has been cracked like this. Where did the rest go?

So he thought he should find Lord Bi Tian as soon as possible and let him go with him to find someone...

Because he already felt that the entire Great Dream Palace seemed to be undergoing dangerous changes!

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