Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2456 Immortals and Mortals

In a space of heaven and earth surging with spiritual light, there are treasures that are spinning with bright spiritual light hanging from silk threads in this space...

There are all kinds of treasures, such as swords, guns, clubs, swords, tripods, mirrors, bowls and drums, shields, armor, clothing, etc.

It can be said that they are treasures commonly used by cultivators, and they are all available in this space.

Ye Han walked under this space full of treasures. He was not interested in the treasures that were emitting light, and his face was very solemn.

He has entered the 999th floor of the Thousand-Layered Spiritual Platform for a long time, and this is part of the test of the so-called Great Dream Wonderland.

This place is like a fairyland, full of treasures, treasures of heaven and earth, each of which is rare and powerful. If you can get one of them, you can gain huge gains...

However, Ye Han knew that it was not that simple. Although these treasures were extremely attractive, there was no telling what would happen if they were touched randomly, and he did not think that these things were real.


Tick ​​tock!

Suddenly there was a sound of surging water coming from ahead, followed by a sound of dripping water falling...

Ye Han's expression changed. Is it raining?

Sure enough, as Ye Han walked out of this area full of treasures and filled with treasures, in front of him was a vast expanse of mountains like the Optimus Pillars, and below was a world filled with the aura of fairy spirits.

But at this time, it starts to rain lightly, but at the same time, the sun shines down...

Between these peaks, rainbows are formed in the sky, like a fairyland...

Is this really a wonderland?

Ye Han felt that he had been taking risks in high-intensity immortal cultivator battles over the years, and the sense of crisis had been surrounding him, unable to stop, and his mood could not help but calm down at this moment.

If this was a fairyland, it would be great if I could practice and live here.

I don't know whether it was because Ye Han suddenly had such a feeling in his heart, or because of other reasons, Ye Han suddenly felt an unprecedented sense of relaxation. He couldn't help but squat in front of this huge cave and began to meditate...

When Ye Han activated his skills...

Buzz buzz! !

Ye Han's body was like a boundless vortex, like a bottomless pit, pulling up the spiritual energy of the world and the world, and then his body continued to pour in, making Ye Han's aura continue to expand at this moment. stand up……

He felt that his cultivation was improving at an unprecedented speed.

This is so fast! !

Ye Han was immersed in this surge in cultivation.


A faint roaring and vibrating sound surged like muffled thunder throughout the boundless Optimus Pillar mountain stream.

Hoo ho ho! !

In the aura of the boundless surging and rolling mountain stream, there are countless huge purple dragons composed of true immortal spiritual energy. They are ten thousand feet in size and cannot be seen in the end. They are swimming and tumbling in the boundless huge mountain stream...

Ouch! !

This huge purple dragon let out an extremely excited roar and seemed to have seen where Ye Han was. It rolled up a boundless wave of terrifying storm and rushed towards Ye Han's location.

Buzz buzz!

This extremely huge purple dragon drew directly over, and purple aura continued to pour into Ye Han's body...



Ye Han felt the two purple cauldrons in the Sea of ​​Divine Consciousness vibrating and surging with circles of purple rune aura, forming a strange traction force, constantly swallowing and inhaling the purple aura transformed by the purple dragon... …


Ye Han felt that his cultivation had skyrocketed again. In just a few breaths, he had broken through from the first level of integration to the second and third levels...

Bang bang bang! !

A series of astonishing shocks and roars, Ye Han's meridians exploded in an instant, and terrifying storms struck in circles...

Buzz! ! !

An astonishing and extremely powerful mana light explosion erupted from his body in an extremely terrifying way! !

Cultivation in the middle stage of integration! !

What exactly is going on? Why did my cultivation level rise so quickly? Feeling this extremely powerful force, Ye Han felt happy from the bottom of his heart and indulged in the surge in cultivation.

What surprised Ye Han even more was that with the influx of purple aura runes, his lifespan was also increasing rapidly, and the purple tripod was also increasing the speed at which he increased his lifespan...

Before, the growth rate of life span increased by half a day every day, but suddenly it increased by one day...

Soon, his lifespan after entering the combined stage increased in just a few dozen breaths...

Ye Han has been obsessed with this surge in cultivation speed, and everything is changing.

Soon, he actually broke through the combined stage and reached the powerful stage where it was extremely difficult to successfully break through...

Tao, Tao, Tao! Fairy, fairy, fairy!

I want to become a flying fairy riding the wind, traveling across all realms and boundless heaven and earth...

Ye Han transformed into a fairy wearing a white robe, flying into the boundless world...

After practicing for so many years, he has transformed into a real immortal immortal, possessing divine magic that defies heaven, and a true immortal existence that lives with the heaven and earth and coexists with all the worlds...

Ye Han looked at this boundless world, and his heart was filled with emotion...

How wonderful it would be if all this were true! !

He finally broke through the realm of true immortals that countless immortal cultivators dream of, and dreams of immortality, living the same life as heaven and earth, and coexisting with all worlds...

It's a pity that all this is caused by the Great Dream Wonderland! !

As soon as this idea came up!

Buzz buzz! !

Hoo ho ho! !

A strange rune aura surged out of Ye Han, who was traveling through the world, and the surrounding world also twisted and changed, turning into boundless ripples and twisting...

In an instant.

Ye Han's true immortal cultivation disappeared and his state of mind returned to normal!


Not only did Ye Han's true cultivation disappear, but his own cultivation also disappeared...

He went from being an immortal cultivator in the integration stage to the stage of refining the void, transforming into gods, Yuan Ying stage, and forming the elixir...

In the end, he turned into a mortal without any cultivation! !

This time, the true immortal who possessed the unparalleled power to create heaven and earth was transformed directly into a mortal...

Where is my cultivation? Where is my mana? What's wrong with me?

Any cultivator with cultivation is extremely afraid that he will lose his cultivation and become a mortal again...

What's more, Ye Han really fell from the realm of a true immortal to a mortal all at once. If he were so big, it would be immeasurable, and Ye Han's state of mind would collapse.

He walked aimlessly in this world, feeling very tired after walking hundreds of feet. Is this the consequence of losing his cultivation?

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