Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2468 Who is the other one? !

It was only a matter of time before the Great Dream Palace collapsed in the boundless sea of ​​stars, otherwise he would not have been so nervous and kept asking Ye Han to find his body through the thousand-layer spiritual platform as quickly as possible...

Although he saved his body in time as he thought, he did not expect that the spiritualist who should have fallen long ago was still alive and well, and he did not know how he survived on the terrible metal giant in the distance...

Now he has swallowed the blood of the divine beast and burst out the power of the flying dragon beast! !

He is in danger!

Tsk! Ye Han is also finished! !

Lord Bi Tian frowned at the spiritualist of the flying dragon beast and did not plan to continue.

Ye Han was swallowed by the evil spirit of the spiritualist, and it was a pity that he could not get the treasure on this guy, but he was not the opponent of the spiritualist, and he could not even save himself, so how could he help Ye Han?

If I could still deal with Tong Ling, how could I let go of the immortal treasure that he had taken away? !

However, I was lucky to be able to take back my body.

Don't be greedy!

Immediately, a circle of silver rune aura suddenly vibrated from the body of Lord Bi Tian, ​​and flew out towards a huge hole in the air...

The layers of holes that came out should be bombarded by Tong Ling...


"Want to run?!"

The flying dragon beast roared, and its huge flesh wings trembled violently...

Boom! ! The boundless terrifying storm rushed out, and the flying dragon beast turned into an extremely violent space storm and chased after Lord Bi Tian! !

Back then, this damn Lord Bi Tian made me so miserable, how could I let this guy go?

Besides, it is obvious that the cultivation of Bi Tian Shenjun has not been fully recovered now. Once this guy has fully recovered his cultivation...

With Bi Tian Shenjun's means and temper, and the opportunities and treasures I have obtained, especially the fairy treasure, he will never let me go so easily!

And I have so many treasures on me, and I will never let other cultivators think about it. Even if Bi Tian Shenjun does not deal with me, if this matter is revealed, I will have endless troubles. He is not strong enough to be afraid of any cultivator.

Once those legendary terrifying old immortals are attracted, before I have completely absorbed and refined the fairy treasure, I will definitely not be the opponent of those guys. Moreover, I don’t have a physical body yet, how difficult it is to reshape a physical body.

But the physical body of the damn fairy cultivator that I just robbed is indeed an excellent physical body. He plans to take over Ye Han’s physical body.

Before that, I still have to deal with this damn Bi Tian Shenjun first!

Ah! !

As the spirit flying dragon beast roared, a pair of huge wings flapped violently and rushed out directly, and the speed was much faster than that of the Green Sky God.

The flying dragon beast opened its extremely terrifying bloody mouth, and suddenly formed a circle of mysterious blood runes that rippled and surged in it, and suddenly sucked towards the figure of the fleeing Green Sky God!

Whoosh whoosh!!!

A series of extremely amazing humming and swirling directly led to the ripples of space within a radius of thousands of miles. Instantly, strange and terrifying blood-red pupils vibrated in the space...


As these extremely terrifying blood-red pupils vibrated in the space, a series of soul blood lights rushed out, and the fleeing Green Sky God's figure was bombarded crazily...

Swish whoosh whoosh whoosh!!

The continuous blood-light pillars chased the figure of Lord Bi Tian like an airtight giant net and bombarded him crazily!

Damn it!

This guy still practiced such a powerful evil method. Does he really not want to achieve the great way?

Lord Bi Tian's eyes showed a trace of anxiety. The bright silver runes on his figure kept exploding. His figure was like a series of suffocating and amazing brilliance. He drilled out directly from the gap of the soul blood light that moved there...

Between the pursuit and the escape.

Lord Bi Tian turned into a silver bright brilliance and rushed out of this huge pit, rushed out of the Great Dream Fairy Palace and came to the boundless sea of ​​stars.

Just as he thought.

I saw that the huge wings on both sides of the huge Dream Palace, which was originally millions of miles in size, had begun to collapse and shatter. The entire huge Dream Palace was disintegrating in the boundless sea of ​​stars, and the continuous collapse and explosions came out, with earth-shaking roars, and countless huge rubble and building fragments scattered in all directions.

However, Lord Bi Tian had no time to watch these. The suddenly dazzling silver storm runes on his body surrounded his figure, and his figure flew away directly...



With a roar that shook the earth, the huge figure of the flying dragon beast also rushed out. Although compared with the entire Dream Palace, the figure of the flying dragon beast was just as small as an ant...

But the shocking and terrifying storm that rushed out was not just ordinary horror, and it rushed towards Lord Bi Tian.

However, at this moment.

Bang! ! ! !

There was an earth-shaking roar, and a brilliant purple-gold arc of light burst out directly at the neck of the flying dragon beast...

Boom! ! ! !

A dazzling golden figure attacked from the explosion.

Ye Han was wearing the Tyrant God Armor, which covered the body of King Kong. He held the boundless and dazzling rune Thunder Five Elements Golden Hoop Stick and rushed out directly! !

Whoosh whoosh! !

Ye Han's figure flew out in an instant and rushed into the boundless sea of ​​stars! !

Impossible! ! !

Seeing this scene, the flying dragon beast's spiritual pupils widened and exclaimed in disbelief...

He didn't sense anything, but this guy actually broke his evil spirit's swallowing with one blow and rushed out!

But what if he came out?


The flying dragon beast opened its bloody mouth and let out a thunderous roar, roaring its huge wings and slapped Ye Han's figure...

Boom! !

Ye Han's body was hit by the thousands of miles long wings, and he rushed towards the collapsed Great Dream Palace like a fire meteor!

Hmm? ! Is it them?

As Ye Han rushed towards the collapsed Great Dream Palace, he suddenly felt an extremely familiar breath, which appeared on the side of the Great Dream Palace where he rushed down!

It was the breath of Fairy Ningyu, Han Yuwan, Fairy Yulan, Fairy Qingfeng, and Red Dragon Girl...

Hmm? ! Who is the other one? !

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