Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2562: The worms are about to hatch? !

Ye Han sat cross-legged on a jade-like formation ice bed, which exuded a trace of amazing true immortal spiritual energy and an endless healing breath...

Hiss, hiss, hiss!

And all around were huge ice-blue jade statues of ancient monsters, which opened their mouths and spurted out a stream of spiritual light that poured into Ye Han's body like a tide.

There were hundreds of these statues, in various forms...

He was chased all the way by the damn Shuangyang Demon Emperor, and his injuries were very serious. Moreover, his soul and meridians were also damaged by the destruction of the treasure.

In short, he was able to save his life by being chased so madly by the Shuangyang Demon Emperor. That was because he came to the ancient demon world and was driven away by the poisonous dragon ancient demon.

However, it cannot be said that he was saved, but only temporarily, because the poisonous dragon ancient demon clearly said that he wanted him to do a very dangerous thing. If he did it well, he could live, but if he didn't do it well, he would die.

Ye Han had no choice at all, after all, the Poison Dragon Ancient Demon had planned to save him just like that...

Moreover, Ye Han could see that if he had answered or behaved in a way that would not let the Poison Dragon Ancient Demon, he might have been caught by the Poison Dragon Ancient Demon and used as a furnace to suck dry, how miserable it could be...

It was because the Poison Dragon Ancient Demon was satisfied that he arranged this special place for him to heal his wounds.

He also asked the Poison Dragon Ancient Demon a few questions about what star realm this place was.

It turned out to be the Ancient Demon Realm.

The Poison Dragon Ancient Demon was also very surprised. How could Ye Han, a cultivator in the Fusion Stage, come to such a distant Ancient Demon Realm from such a distant Heavenly Spirit Realm.

After all, even if a cultivator in the Mahayana Stage wanted to fly to the Ancient Demon Realm, he would have to pass through many dangerous places, and it would take hundreds of years to fly over several dangerous places and reach the Ancient Demon Realm...

How could Ye Han, a cultivator in the Fusion Stage, do that?

Ye Han also explained that he was accidentally teleported here...

This made Ye Han understand his specific location now, which was already several areas away from the Heavenly Spirit Realm.

It's not easy for me to go back to the Heavenly Spirit Realm now.

And Bai Xue, Han Yuwan and others are in trouble.

But there is no way. Ye Han can't even protect himself now. Although the Poison Dragon Ancient Demon hasn't told him what dangerous things he should do, there is no need to think too much, it is an extremely dangerous thing.

After all, can something that a Mahayana cultivator can't do completely be a simple thing?

And it can't be a simple thing to have such high requirements for a fusion cultivator?

Ye Han feels that it is definitely more dangerous than going to the Three Heavens and the Great Dream Palace.

But there is no way. How can he be the opponent of the Poison Dragon Ancient Demon? Moreover, he feels very clear that the Shuangyang Demon Emperor who came to Baotian Demon Lord for help has not left, and may still be trying to deal with him.

After all, he captured Baotian Demon Lord and exposed a lot of situations to Shuangyang Demon Emperor. He has used the teleportation magic so continuously. With Shuangyang Demon Emperor's experience, how could he not guess that he has a restored heaven-defying treasure?

Well, it doesn't matter! As long as he is still in the world of immortal cultivation, he will not be able to avoid this kind of struggle as long as he is alive...

This is the fate of immortal cultivators! The fittest survive, the strong are respected, this is the world of immortal cultivation!

Ye Han meditated for an unknown period of time, slightly opened his eyes, patted the storage bag and released several bottles of pills, an extremely amazing pill aura surged out, and he took it...

With the operation of mana, he refined the top-grade healing pills he had just taken. Among these pills, there are pills that restore spiritual consciousness and mana, restore the soul and meridians, and restore the backlash injuries...

There is no way, he is now in the territory of the poisonous dragon monster. Although he doesn't know if she is monitoring him, he doesn't want to move the purple tripod at all, and he doesn't dare to move the purple tripod space.

After all, this poisonous dragon monster is mysterious and powerful, and his personality is also very changeable and knowledgeable. He is definitely the strongest immortal cultivator he has ever met...

If he reveals a little clue, the poisonous dragon monster may see through his clues.

Ye Han was also using the healing to delay some time, so that he had more time to prepare and understand what the Poison Dragon Ancient Monster was going to do.

During this period, Ye Han also sorted out the spoils of his killing of Baotian Demon Lord and Silver Star Ring.

To be honest, if he had not been chased too hard by the Double Yang Demon Emperor, consumed a lot of energy, and was injured, he would have gained a lot this time.

Especially the blood-red starry sky stone, the core of the silver star ring that he accidentally obtained. Now the purple tripod has condensed a blood-red star sapling into fruit. If nothing unexpected happens, the speed of ripening a fruit is much faster than the previous fruit.

However, the purple tripod now has a special aura change. The star power has undergone unexpected changes. In the star power of the purple tripod, a special pulling force begins to be contained...

This makes Ye Han feel that it may be a good thing or a bad thing, because the pulling force of the purple tripod is actively absorbing the star power, which may make powerful beings discover that he has a treasure like the purple tripod.

Moreover, he now recalled carefully that among the high-level immortal cultivators he had met recently, some seemed to know the origin of the purple tripod on his body.

Including when Baotian Demon Lord drove the flying boat to chase him, he seemed to recognize it...

Otherwise, why would he chase him so closely?

However, what made Ye Han feel relieved was that in the end, whether it was the Lord of Baotian Demon or the great Mahayana cultivator in the Star Ring, they were all eliminated by him, so that the Purple Cauldron was prevented from leaking out.

This Purple Cauldron seemed to be called the Heaven Devouring Cauldron...

In fact, Lord of Baotian Demon was not wiped out by him, but was caught in the Ghost Skull Treasure Mirror. However, when he was chased by the Twin Suns Demon Emperor, he did not have time to control the Ghost Skull Treasure Mirror, so the Ghost Skull Treasure Mirror absorbed most of the soul of Lord of Baotian Demon...

This made Ye Han a little helpless. Originally, he wanted to use the power of the two souls to absorb and control the soul of Lord of Baotian Demon, and learn some secrets of the Heaven Devouring Cauldron and the secrets of the demon clan from him.

However, Ye Han also felt that it was a bit dangerous to do so. After all, Lord of Baotian Demon was not an ordinary demon clan, and he must have a very high status among the demon clan.

Some demon clans were imprisoned because they would have trouble after being killed, so they were imprisoned to consume all the demon energy in the restriction and die...


There are many good things on Baotian Demon Lord, especially the magic armor, which is a fairy-level defensive treasure, called the Star Magic Armor, which can actually absorb the power of the stars, and contains a very amazing star formation!

That is really a good thing! !

Ye Han was practicing in seclusion, and suddenly felt something, and suddenly opened his eyes: "The 朏朏worm is about to hatch?!"

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