Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2570 Chasing the Moon Rabbit?

Ye Han was very sure of Zi Ding's reaction, but he also became more alert. After all, that place didn't look safe.

However, the Godly Veil that Ye Han released again turned into a swirling aura of gray light runes, causing Ye Han's figure to disappear into the air and turned into a mist that flew silently into the blood-red death star ring...

Sure enough, as Ye Han's figure approached, he could see more and more clearly that the blood-red curse power and death breath on the blood-red star ring surrounded it, forming a wriggling evil aura...

The closer Ye Han got to the blood-red star ring, the more he felt the terrifying aura, which could actually penetrate his Godly Veil and the defense of the star power...

The surface of the blood-red star ring had a lot of big holes, which looked like they were bombarded by spiritual cannons or something like that.

"In that big pit!!"

Ye Han flew around the blood-red star ring for tens of thousands of miles, and finally felt the location of the treasure that the purple tripod sensed. It was in a bottomless pit on the back of this star ring, which was filled with a very shocking blood-red flame.

This big pit looked extremely huge in the air, tens of thousands of miles in size, and there was a blood-red mist in the sky. In the rolling flames, there were strange evil shadows and flames surging in it!

And the location of the treasure that the purple tripod sensed was in a position in this big pit...

Ye Han thought in his heart and flew directly to the location of the big pit.

Who knew that as soon as he approached the sky above the big pit!


Ye Han felt that the blood-red star ring came with a terrible pulling force, followed by a forbidden air ban, which sucked his flying figure directly down...

Not good!

Ye Han immediately mobilized the power of the stars to flow into the Star Magic Armor, shocking a circle of starlight runes to surge, revealing his figure, and the Star Magic Armor spun a circle of starlight in an instant.

It made Ye Han's figure seem to be as bright as a star. In this way, the invisible protection of the sky-covering divine veil released was useless.

After the Star Magic Armor released this circle of starlight, it turned into a bright starlight and stagnated in the air, like a huge starlight, and actually resisted the forbidden air ban.

Not good!

The treasure is going to leave!

However, the moment Ye Han showed his figure, his purple tripod felt that the treasure that was sensed suddenly turned into a spiritual light and moved quickly...


Feeling this situation, Ye Han did not stop in the air. His face condensed, and his figure quickly turned into a bright starlight, chasing in the direction where the treasure was quickly leaving!

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Ye Han used the Nine-Layer Light Hong and the Light Escape Divine Step at the same time. With the help of the Star Magic Armor, his speed suddenly increased several times...


Ye Han's speed was much faster than that of the treasure. He almost rushed to the sky above the moving treasure. The blood-red mist below was too terrifying. It blocked his sight and made him unable to see the situation of the mist at all!

No matter!

Ye Han gritted his teeth and rushed towards the blood-red mist.

Boom! !

Ye Han's figure dived down directly like a bright starlight meteor. The blood-red mist was shocked and rolled up at this time!

In an instant!

Woo woo woo woo! !

Those blood-red mists must have transformed into hideous and terrifying demon-like figures, and they burst out with terrifying howling roars, and rushed towards Ye Han's figure in an overwhelming manner!

These ferocious figures in the bloody mist exuded a breath containing the power of the death curse, and also the forbidden evil power, and rushed towards Ye Han frantically...

Ye Han saw this scene and slapped his storage bag!


A circle of purple-gold arcs and lightning flew out with the Thunder Breaker.

Ye Han's mana burst out, and the Thunder Breaker spun around, forming a circle of purple-gold arcs of lightning above his head.

Get out!!

With Ye Han's roar, the Thunder Breaker's purple-gold arc burst out, and the lightning mana burst out...

Bang bang bang!!

With the continuous collision of the two Thunder Breakers, terrifying purple-gold arcs of electricity blasted out...

Bang boom boom!

Purple lightning flashes of Demon-Breaking God Thunder burst out one after another. A Demon-Breaking God Thunder was tens of thousands of feet in size. Wherever it struck, the blood-red evil demons were constantly defeated and annihilated, turning into countless smoke and dispersing! !

This Demon-Breaking God Thunder was originally the nemesis of evil demons, and under the drive of the Thunder Breaking Sky Hammer, the lightning flash was so powerful that it was not something these guys could stop!


The reason why Ye Han released this Thunder Breaking Sky Hammer was not just to block these guys!

It was to shake off the blood-red fog that blocked the view and had a more dangerous aura...

Boom boom boom! !

Ye Han pinched his fingers and chanted a spell, and with a flick of his finger, mana, Demon-Breaking God Thunder, and star power poured into the Thunder Breaking Sky Hammer like a tide! !

Boom boom boom! !

The Thunderbolt Hammer swelled up when it saw the wind, and the terrifying lightning storm that rolled up began to swirl, turning into a lightning storm that was tens of thousands of feet in size and swirling in the air!


With Ye Han's roar, he pointed his finger.

Boom! !

A thunderstorm that shook the heavens and earth spun with the Thunder Breaker Hammer, continuously exploding into a shocking purple-gold arc of lightning vortex. As Ye Han pointed his finger...

Boom boom boom!

The tens of thousands of feet of thunderstorm vortex shook out a series of purple-gold arcs of demon-breaking thunder, which exploded and crushed in the direction of the blood-red mist!

Everywhere it passed.

The countless blood-red evil spirits were constantly bombarded and exploded, and the blood-red mist that blocked Ye Han's sight was constantly shocked by the purple-gold arc. The entire huge blood-red mist pit was being rolled up and shattered by the boundless thunderstorm...

Ye Han was also very shocked by the thickness of the blood-red mist. It was tens of thousands of feet thick. When it appeared below...

Just saw! With the shock of the blood-red mist, it exploded.

A blood-red rabbit-like creature that was several hundred feet long, with blood-red long hair all over its body, huge ears, a purple metal rune on its forehead, and terrified eyes, was fleeing forward rapidly!

Seeing this blood-red rabbit, Ye Han's face changed, and he said in surprise: "Moon-chasing rabbit? The treasure is on it!"

Yes, Ye Han had read about this creature in some books. It was called the Moon-chasing Rabbit, and it was a very rare ancient monster that could survive in the sea of ​​stars!

And the treasure aura that Zi Ding sensed was on this creature! !

But was this creature really the Moon-chasing Rabbit?

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