Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2600 Descendants of the Northern Spiritual Dragon King?

"Another fragment of the Panlong cage containing the Bu Tian Stone!"

Looking at the metal fragment in his hand, Ye Han's eyes showed a look of pity. This was the third fragment containing the Bu Tian Stone he found in the Ancient Dragon Realm!

In the years of searching for the silver dragon fang in the Ancient Dragon Realm, because the Ancient Dragon Realm had been sealed for millions of years, the real and rare treasures of the Ancient Dragon Realm had basically been plundered by the cultivators of the Ancient Dragon Realm.

So it is almost impossible to go to any dangerous place to find natural treasures, just because there are many cultivators above the Fusion Stage in the Ancient Dragon Realm.

On the contrary, most of the treasures of chance are in the hands of these cultivators, and any treasure land is strictly controlled by the major races, restricting entry and opening.

It can be said that everything in the Ancient Dragon Realm is arranged clearly because of the seal, controlling the consumption of cultivation resources and treasure land.

Not only that.

According to what Ye Han has seen and heard in the Ancient Dragon Realm over the years, almost all the great masters of the Mahayana stage in the Ancient Dragon Realm are lying in the water spirit coffin, saving their lifespans and waiting for opportunities to break out of the Ancient Dragon Realm.

Because these Mahayana masters of the Ancient Dragon Realm have reached the bottleneck of their cultivation, and without much progress, they can only lie in the water spirit coffin and wait!

This is the dilemma of the Ancient Dragon Clan in the Ancient Dragon Realm.

However, the Ancient Dragon Clan now also has a biggest opportunity, which is the ancient dragon inheritance treasure land left by the ancestors of the ancient ancient dragon clan. That treasure land has always been rumored. Ye Han has already found out a lot of information when he was looking for dragon teeth in the Ancient Dragon Realm.

Ye Han can be completely sure that the so-called ancient dragon inheritance treasure land in the Ancient Dragon Realm is the treasure land where the poisonous dragon ancient demon asked him to come to the Ancient Dragon Realm to find the ancient dragon soul.

However, there has always been this rumor in the Ancient Dragon Realm, but no cultivator of the Ancient Dragon Clan has ever found it, and even many cultivators of the Ancient Dragon Clan suspect that there is no so-called ancient dragon inheritance treasure land at all.

Ye Han understood what was going on. They couldn't find it, although there were five spiritual pressures in the Ancient Dragon Realm, which were the key to opening the Ancient Dragon Heritage Treasure Land.

But the Ancient Dragon Seal was in the hands of the Poison Dragon Ancient Monster. The Poison Dragon Ancient Monster was outside the Ancient Dragon Realm. How could the dragon cultivators in the Ancient Dragon Realm find the Ancient Dragon Heritage Treasure Land?

However, Ye Han had been searching in the Ancient Dragon Realm for so many years, but he only found three dragon teeth, and the remaining two dragon teeth could not be found.

He had tried many times, and embedded the Ancient Dragon Seal Card with three dragon teeth into the golden compass, but there was no response. In other words, if all five dragon teeth were not found, it would be impossible to find the Ancient Dragon Clan Heritage Treasure Land.

Because these dragon teeth were in the hands of various races, or in the hands of unknown cultivators, Ye Han was able to find three, which was already very lucky, and the reason why the purple tripod could sense the location of these dragon teeth.

But the Ancient Dragon Realm was actually extremely vast and huge, and it might be one-third larger than the Heavenly Spirit Realm.

As long as these dragon teeth are in some mysterious place or forbidden place, or even in the storage bag of the immortal cultivator, it will be very difficult for Zi Ding to sense them.

This is also one of the main reasons why Ye Han fell into the dilemma of the Ancient Dragon Realm.

Another reason is that it is easy to enter the Ancient Dragon Realm, but it is difficult to leave. Otherwise, these ancient dragon clan's Mahayana period great divine cultivators have to wade through the water spirit coffin in order to save their lifespan?

In these years, Ye Han has been looking for dragon teeth in the Ancient Dragon Realm. With the help of Zi Ding, he has also sensed some other treasures that Zi Ding is interested in, but generally speaking, the harvest is not too great.

For example, there is a third piece of treasure fragments refined by the sky-repairing stone.

When walking in the Ancient Dragon Realm, Ye Han also had to compete with some ancient dragon clan immortal cultivators. There were also three ancient dragon clan fusion period immortal cultivators who died in his hands.

The fourth one in the Silver Dragon King is also the strongest one.

In fact, Ye Han also intended to find this Silver Dragon King, because according to the latest information he had obtained, this Silver Dragon King should have a dragon tooth in his hand...

However, he did not find the dragon tooth in the poison treasure of this Silver Dragon King, but only found the fragment of this Panlong cage.

It seems that the only way is to let the purple tripod absorb it to restore a little breath.

Ye Han pointed his finger, and a circle of purple rune spiritual light trembled between his eyebrows, and put this piece of Panlong cage fragment into the purple tripod.

As the purple rune of the purple tripod spun, the purple tripod absorbed the breath of the Panlong cage's Bu Tian stone.

Buzz buzz buzz! ! ! !

The purple tripod exuded a circle of purple spiritual light runes, and the purple-gold luster surged, and the whole purple tripod became more thorough and bright.

Although the improvement was not particularly large, but little by little, the current purple tripod was much stronger than when he first entered the ancient dragon world.

However, what made Ye Han helpless was that the first star fruit of Zi Ding matured faster, and he thought that the red star fruit behind it would also mature faster. As a result, after so many years, only one red star fruit was condensed...

It seems that Zi Ding will be slower to condense the second fruit of the same attribute. The previous ice attribute fruit was like this, and the thunder attribute fruit was also like this.

However, Ye Han was a little disappointed that he could not find the fourth dragon tooth, but there was no other way, so he could only look somewhere else.

It is said that there is a black dragon clan area in the boundless sea of ​​the ancient dragon world, and there may be dragon teeth. It's a good opportunity to go and take a look.

Thinking of this, Ye Han turned into a golden escape light and flew quickly in that direction...

In fact, Ye Han is now quite famous in the ancient dragon world, but no one knows who he is, after all, he has killed several dragon kings in the fusion stage.

Many people regard him as the descendant of the Northern Spirit Dragon King who has been missing in the ancient dragon world for a long time.

Ye Han has also heard some rumors about the Northern Spirit Dragon King, and has also heard about this origin.

It's all because Ye Han is too mysterious, and when he uses his true body, he has golden dragon scales, so he is regarded as the descendant of the Northern Spirit Dragon King.

It is worth mentioning that in the ancient dragon world, the dragon race is divided into races according to dragon scales, red dragon scales, blue dragon scales, silver dragon scales, etc.

The Northern Spirit Dragon King is the ancient dragon race with golden dragon scales, but this race no longer exists in the ancient dragon world. The Northern Spirit Dragon King is the last ancient dragon race with golden dragon scales...

So many immortal cultivators regard Ye Han as the descendant of the Northern Spirit Dragon King.

On the huge islands in the boundless sea, the boundless black and gray fog filled the entire sea…

On one of the huge islands, in an extremely huge castle.


With a shocking dragon roar, a huge black dragon flew out of the castle. His eyes showed excitement and he muttered to himself: "That's right, that guy is coming towards me!! It must be the outsider that the ancestor said!!"

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