Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 666: A brief test

Ye Han's figure was like stepping on the Cloud Chasing Divine Step, and his feet were like stepping on the Wind Fire Wheel, rushing out a hurricane storm...

The True Fire Gourd on his head continuously blasted out hot fireballs, bombarding the range of those armored beasts, and the armored beasts were bombarded and flew up, howling...

However, Ye Han did not use the True Fire Gourd at full power. Although the fireballs were incredibly hot, they only made their armors red when they hit the armored beasts, or they were blown away by the explosion, but they were not killed on the spot.

Ye Han rushed over, and the Millennium Iron Wood Sword burst out with extremely sharp Qingxuan sword beams, dazzlingly attacking these armored beasts.

I only saw that these sword beams hit at an extremely amazing speed, and the red-hot scales of these armored beasts were easily pierced.

Isn't this armored beast famous for its amazing defense of its scales?

Why was it easily pierced by the sword?

If you look closely, you will find the secret. When the fireball sprayed out by the True Fire Gourd hits the armored beast.

The scales on the armored beast will naturally stand up...

This is a relatively hidden feature of the armored beast. When the armored scales on the body encounter high temperatures, or when they encounter high temperatures at ordinary times, the scales will naturally stand up to dissipate heat...

Ye Han accidentally saw this feature when he was reading a book, and he remembered it in his heart.

That's why he released the True Fire Gourd. When the fireball sprayed out by the True Fire Gourd, the scorching fireball flames, bombarded these armored beasts, this level of scorching flames would not hurt them...

However, it can make the scales of the armored beast open and relax a little defense.

Although there is only a tiny gap.

Ye Han's current spiritual awareness and sword skills are far better than before, although he still uses the Qingxuan swordsmanship, because he comprehended the Da Geng swordsmanship, his understanding of swordsmanship and sword intentions is not comparable to that of the past.

Another important situation is that he has strengthened this set of eight thousand-year-old ironwood swords and the remaining Gengjin spirit liquid with all of them.

Although the thousand-year-old ironwood sword did not advance to a mid-level spiritual weapon, it made the thousand-year-old ironwood sword more than 50% sharper...

With such a blessing, the power of the Qingxuan swordsmanship naturally increased, and it easily pierced through the bodies of these armored beasts...

In an instant, the armored beasts fell down with howls and screams, and many monsters' souls and blood shadows wanted to escape, but were hit by gray light and dragged into the ghost skull mirror by the skull.

You know, after the Ghost Skull Treasure Mirror absorbed the souls of several Jindan-stage cultivators, the power was extremely terrifying. A lot of the souls of those fourth-level iron-armored beasts were sucked in at once...

Ye Han didn't care about the bodies of these iron-armored beasts at all, and rushed forward frantically...

The iron-armored beasts seemed to be crazy, and had no intention of escaping at all. They opened their bloody mouths and bit and attacked Ye Han frantically...

Although Ye Han's True Fire Gourd continued to spew out flames, and the sword light was fiercely killing those iron-armored beasts...

But there were still many iron-armored beasts that blocked Ye Han's attack and rushed in front of Ye Han.

Looking at the iron-armored beasts rushing over, Ye Han's eyes trembled with golden light, and his fist suddenly blasted out...

Bang! ! Ye Han's fist shocked a circle of light explosions that distorted the air, and the fist force bombarded out...

His fist instantly burst out a golden fist force, which became more than ten feet large, and instantly blasted on the iron-armored beast that rushed to his side.

Clang! ! With earth-shaking explosions, the armored beasts were blown away by the fist force of Ye Han's fist, and collided with the armored beasts that were besieging behind him...

For a moment, these armored beasts were thrown upside down. The power of the armored beasts' collision was very terrifying. Many armored beasts were knocked away hundreds of feet, and many armored beasts were also hit miserably...

Ye Han's blood refining technique has also advanced to the peak of the sixth level. With the blessing of the Nine-Turn Vajra Sutra, the actual physical combat power he has now burst out is no less than the power of Zhang Qingshan's blood refining technique at the peak of the seventh level.

Once he advances to the seventh level of blood refining technique, plus the Nine-Turn Vajra Sutra reaches the third level, it is also very normal to completely surpass Zhang Qingshan's original physical refining combat power.

Of course, that was before, Ye Han has been in this Tianji Palace for several years, plus the previous few years, it has been almost seven or eight years. I don't know how Zhang Qingshan's cultivation is now?

It is possible that Zhang Qingshan is stronger. After all, his chances of avoiding danger and seeking good fortune are not much worse than Ye Han's.

However, even though Ye Han attacked so fiercely, the armored beasts were defeated step by step...

However, the armored beasts had no intention of retreating. Instead, they became fierce and burst out with sharp blood light visible to the naked eye. They began to spit out blood light pillars from their mouths and bombarded Ye Han like a violent storm.

Ye Han's figure was like lightning, and his chasing cloud step was like a storm, constantly dodging the attacks of those blood light pillars.

He had never used the chasing cloud step in front of Fox Old Man. He didn't want too many of his magical powers to be exposed. After all, he didn't completely trust Fox Old Man, but only cooperated selectively.

In fact, his chasing cloud step had already advanced to the second level. The speed and evasion speed, when fully bursting out, were no less than that of a cultivator in the early stage of Jindan.

Of course, he didn't burst out with all his strength now, but he kept dodging, and he was able to do it with ease...

While Ye Han was killing these armored beasts and dodging their attacks, the bodies of the armored beasts that fell behind him were shrinking rapidly, which could be seen with the naked eye...

If you look closely, it turns out that golden-red blood-spotted ants are frantically devouring and eating these armored beasts' bodies.

Yes, when Ye Han killed a lot of armored beasts, he also quietly released blood-spotted ants, letting them devour the bodies of these armored beasts, letting the blood-spotted ants absorb the blood and beast crystals of the armored beasts, and letting the blood-spotted ants grow up...

You should know that these strange insects and spirit insects grow by eating, and most of these armored beasts are fourth-level monsters with treasures all over their bodies. Ye Han doesn't have so much time to collect the beast crystals, meat, and blood essence from these monsters one by one...

But they can't be wasted, so while fighting, he released blood-spotted ants to let them devour the bodies of these armored beasts, so that the blood-spotted ants can grow quickly...

That way, it won't be a waste of natural resources...

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