Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 696 Ancient Beast

This monster has a mouth that is so big that it breaks through the clouds below like a giant mountain with sharp teeth...

Seeing this, Ye Han's face changed drastically. He grabbed the ten thousand year old golden cicada silk and exerted force. His body swayed and flew out, rolling and spinning in the air, constantly collecting the ten thousand year old golden cicada silk...


Ye Han rolled over in a series of ways, stretched out his hand and grabbed the metal cube.


The behemoth's head rushed out, and its two huge eyes were like two small suns, bursting out with angry and suffocating blood...

This guy's head was so big that Ye Han couldn't see his specific appearance clearly...

But suddenly he understood that this huge guy was not an ordinary monster, but a legendary ancient beast.

Ancient beasts are actually demon beasts, but unlike demon beasts, this kind of ancient beast cannot cultivate and transform, it can only expand its body continuously. The higher the cultivation level, the larger the body size...

It is very rare in dangerous areas of the earth, and only in the boundless sea can this ancient beast be found...

No wonder this guy's aura is comparable to that of the demon king, but he can't transform. It turns out to be an ancient beast...

Ye Han understood and grabbed the cube tightly with both hands...

The huge bloody mouth of this ancient beast spun a swirling vortex of evil energy, forming a shocking swallowing force...

Boom! ! !

The space within a radius of 100 miles was shaken by an extremely amazing devouring force. The huge mouth of the ancient beast was like a huge bottomless pit, spinning with an extremely terrible suction force...

The surrounding huge stone pillars, like pillars of the sky, collapsed and shattered, and countless bricks and stones flew into the vortex of the ancient beast's mouth...

As soon as they arrived at the extremely huge vortex, those huge stones and bricks weighing tens of thousands of pounds were instantly crushed into nothingness, and continued to collapse and shatter!

It's bad!

Seeing this, Ye Han's face changed drastically, and his whole body was sucked up. The golden runes on his hands holding the cube trembled. The blood refining technique had been exerted to the extreme, holding the cube tightly...

The joints and muscles were all crackling, and the body was about to be torn in half...

Even so, the cube still maintained its speed and flew forward.

But Ye Han's body was about to be sucked by this terrible suction...


Ye Han's hands trembled and he couldn't hold on, and rushed towards the bloody mouth.

At this time,

Buzz! The misty cloud layer was covered with dazzling golden and silver runes, and a terrible forbidden force burst out...

Ah! ! The ancient beast screamed and was smashed back by the misty cloud layer...

As the ancient beast's huge head retracted, the extremely terrible suction force disappeared in an instant.

The misty cloud layer rolled violently like a raging wave, the boundless storm swirled, and the entire sky above the cloud layer trembled wildly...


Ye Han's figure, which was almost swallowed, trembled in the air, the golden runes on his hands trembled, and the ten thousand year old golden cicada silk was still in his hands, rolling in the air.

He broke out in a cold sweat, just a little bit, he was swallowed by the ancient beast...

If the restriction of the misty cloud layer had not been activated, and the ancient beast was smashed back, he would have been finished.

However, Ye Han was also strangled by the ten thousand year golden cicada silk...

His hands were covered with bloodstains. If he had not grabbed the cube just now, he would have been sucked in by the devouring power of the ancient beast. The ten thousand year golden cicada silk was too thin, and it might have strangled his hands and feet...

At least he was lucky and was not sucked in...

In the dangerous situation, Ye Han couldn't help but curse!

He couldn't help but think that if he didn't have this cube to fly in the air, he would just jump on the huge pillars of the sky and move forward. It would be a life-and-death situation.

Once these pillars pass through, they will collapse immediately, leaving him no way back.

In addition, the ancient beast is the most terrifying existence. Although this guy is isolated in the mist and cloud layer...

But the tail, claws, and even the huge mouth of the ancient beast can still break through the mist and cloud layer and attack Ye Han's body.

How difficult is this? It was simply to murder the immortal cultivators who entered this space...

This damn creator of the Tianji Palace is so crazy and twisted...

Ye Han thought so and broke out in a cold sweat.

I am not safe yet. The ancient beast has not given up yet. It keeps spinning and rolling in the mist and cloud, as if it is ready to attack Ye Han again with other tricks...

Sure enough!


The ancient beast rolled violently in the mist and cloud, and rushed out with a huge claw, and attacked Ye Han again, and rushed out a large piece of mist and cloud, rolling and surging, like a violent tsunami and waves...

Boom! !

The huge claw grabbed Ye Han...

Ye Han immediately pulled the ten thousand year golden cicada silk with both hands, and his body was suddenly ejected...

Boom! !

The extremely huge claws of the ancient beast slammed into the void, almost hitting Ye Han's body...

Ye Han's body rolled and flew in the air, pulling the ten thousand year old golden cicada silk, and the magic light shield continued to burst out from his body, dodging the claw.

However, it's not over yet.

The claws of the ancient beast were just shocked by the restriction of the mist and cloud layer and rushed back...

Boom! ! The tail of the ancient beast rushed out again and blasted towards Ye Han!

Ye Han pulled the ten thousand year golden cicada silk fiercely again, and his body flew up, avoiding the terrifying tail attack of the ancient beast...

Along the way, the ancient beast's crazy tail, claws, and bloody mouth attacked Ye Han's body in turn...

Ye Han kept pulling the ten thousand year golden cicada silk to avoid, and was chased hard...

Even if Ye Han made only one mistake and failed to avoid this guy's terrible attack...

Ye Han was about to be knocked away and fell into the mist and cloud layer. How could he be a match for the ancient beast in there?

After dodging for an unknown number of times, Ye Han finally saw a huge stone pillar that was straight and like a pillar of heaven, forming a straight line leading to a huge cliff that seemed to separate the sky and the earth. There was no end in sight!

On the cliff, there appeared a space passage with swirling gold and silver runes...

Seeing this, Ye Han was delighted. It was the passage to the next level!


At this moment.

Boom! The huge body of the ancient beast actually broke through the restriction of the mist and fell on the cliff...

Damn it!

This ancient beast actually came out? And it was guarding the entrance to the passage? Was it asking him to fight the ancient beast?

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