Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 973 Yin Yang Sword Sect

After hearing what Yin Mo said, Sha Tianzun's brows slightly moved, he touched his back and waist, and said: "If compared, Jian Twenty-nine is more powerful than the guy who appeared that day!"

The voice paused, his eyes became gloomy and he said: "Jian Twenty-nine's swordsmanship is a real killing swordsmanship!"

As soon as these words came out, Yin Mo's eyes moved, and he immediately said: "So, who was not Jian Twenty-nine that day?"

Sha Tianzun frowned and said: "Nine out of ten is not! But... I don't know, why do I think it is!"

Yin Mo asked in confusion: "Brother, didn't you fight with him? Why can't you be sure?"

Sha Tianzun smiled bitterly and said: "I really fought with him, and I was almost killed by Jian Twenty-nine!"

Hearing this, Yin Mo was helpless Said: "Tsk! No wonder the ancestor wanted to deal with him personally! It's a pity that he ran away!"

The voice paused, as if he remembered something, he slapped his head and said: "Oh, right! Senior brother! Do you think it's because the sword twenty-nine was injured?"

Sha Tianzun was stunned, smiled bitterly and said: "Now that you put it that way, then there is really only this possibility!"

"This guy is injured, but he is still so powerful, it's really scary!"


"Oh, right! Senior brother, how is your practice going? I feel like I'm about to break through!"

"So fast? How far have you practiced?"

"I'm about to break through the fourth level!"

"Fourth level?! Senior brother, how are you so fast?"

"It's very simple! Sacrifice mortals!"

"Is that so? Good! I'll try it too!"


Golden Soil!

Yin Yang Mountain!

There were two huge peaks between heaven and earth, standing like pillars among the mountains. These two huge peaks were like wonders. One of them was constantly surging with hot flames, and the mountain was full of lava leaking and flowing...

The other peak was all covered with cold white snow, a vast expanse of white, and at the foot of the mountain was a huge ice lake.

Intertwined with the lava, forming circles of hot flames...

And now, in the middle of the lake, a figure dressed in white stood in it, standing in the void, as if he did not exist in the world...

This person has a stern face, sword eyebrows and long beard, about twenty-five or twenty-six years old, very stern, and a trace of visible sword energy emanates from his body, and the surrounding figure is dazzling...

If you look closely, in this amazing lake, there are actually countless sword beams stirring in the lake. The sword beams are blue and red, and the hot and cold breath are surrounding. The stirred bottom of the water forms a strange vortex, pushing the lava cold breath of the entire huge lake to swirl...

At this time.

Swoosh! ! An amazing escape light flew from a distance, and a slender female cultivator wearing a white palace dress with three swords hanging on her back flew over this person.

The female cultivator said in a deep voice: "Grand Elder!"

Yes, this seemingly young cultivator is the Grand Elder Jian Erjiu of Yin Yang Sword Sect!

Jian Erjiu frowned slightly and replied slowly: "Junior Sister Ning! What's the matter?!"

Junior Sister Ning frowned and said: "Grand Elder, it is rumored that you went down the mountain? Have you gone down the mountain recently?"

Jian Erjiu was surprised to hear this: "Rumor? What do you mean?"

Junior Sister Ning replied: "Tianlan's Three God Sect has broken through our first line of defense, Tiangu Mountains. There are rumors down the mountain that you, the Grand Elder, have taken action! One against seven blocked the Three God Sect's Golden Core Stage!"

Hearing this, Jian Erjiu suddenly opened his eyes, and a suffocating look shot out of his eyes. Sword intention, the space was trembling and twisting, and he said in a deep voice: "Are you serious? I haven't been down the mountain during this period."

Junior Sister Ning's beautiful face showed a strange look, and said: "I was also very surprised to hear this rumor. I remember that Senior Brother was here to heal his wounds and practice swordsmanship, and he didn't go down the mountain, but it is rumored that Senior Brother's swordsmanship was profound and he blocked seven of the seven Jindan-stage great monks alone!"

The voice paused, she looked at Jian Erjiu with concern and said: "Grand Elder! How is your injury? If it wasn't Senior Brother who took action? Then who was it?"

Jian Erjiu listened He frowned at this and said, "Can a sword master stop the seven Jindan-stage masters of the Three Gods Sect? Is there anyone else besides our Yin-Yang Sword Sect? Is there any trap?"

Having said this, he did not mention his own injuries and continued, "Could it be that the other party has some conspiracy?"

After hearing this, Junior Sister Ning also frowned and said, "Yes! The fourth elder who was responsible for the first line of defense came back earlier and did not see the other party take action."

Sword Twenty-Nine said coldly, "I have said long ago that setting up a defensive ban in the Tiangu Mountains is just a waste of time. Material resources and human resources were sacrificed in vain! What good outcome can there be? "

Junior Sister Ning nodded, and did not say much on this issue, and continued: "Brother! There is also a rumor that the Three Gods Sect discovered that we had found a great opportunity treasure land, and then attacked our Jinrang. The last time Senior Brother was injured by the Black Water Demon was because of this!"

Said this, she looked at Jian Erjiu strangely and said: "Brother! Our Yin Yang Sword Sect did not find a great opportunity treasure land, how could there be such a rumor? "

After speaking, Junior Sister Ning stared at Jian Erjiu.

Jian Erjiu's face did not change, and he said lightly: "What do you mean by this, Junior Sister? Do you think that the Black Water Demon is chasing Senior Brother for this matter? "

How could he not understand what Junior Sister Ning meant? Didn't he mean that it was he who discovered the great opportunity treasure?

Did someone else ask Junior Sister Ning to ask him?

These old guys all thought that they would give Junior Sister Ning face because she was a woman? And she was the most talented female swordsman of the new generation of Yin Yang Sword Sect...

After hearing this, Junior Sister Ning immediately denied it and said, "Brother! That's not what I meant. I mean...!"

Before Junior Sister Ning finished speaking, Jian Erjiu interrupted her and said, "Okay! I know about this matter. I can tell you clearly that the sudden attack of the Three Gods Sect on Jinran and Yin Yang Sword Sect was not a whim. It is very likely related to the legendary Ascension Palace."

The voice paused, and he said with a hint of murderous intent, "As for the Black Water Demon, I will settle this account with him sooner or later!"

Junior Sister Ning saw Jian Erjiu showing murderous intent, and her heart trembled slightly. Only the Great Elder had the ability for a Jindan stage to say words to deal with an old monster in the Yuanying stage.

So, she said, "Is this matter related to the Ascension Palace? Didn't that happen a hundred years ago?"

And Jian Erjiu asked back, "Have you heard any news about the Ascension Palace in the past hundred years?"

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