Purple River
Chapter 1
So who was the one saying the demon army was too powerful?” Luo Jie, Deputy Banner Master watched satisfyingly as the elites of the Demon Army crumbled at the foot of the mountain like a sand castle in the tide. “Looks like I’m the one who is too powerful.”
Deputy Banner Master Bai Chuan gave him a stern look and ignored him.
Deputy Banner Master Chang Chuan commented in a drawn-out fashion: “Just the other day, someone was saying that we are dead for sure this time and we should all run for our lives!”
“There's nothing I hate more than a coward undermining army morale before a battle!” Luo Jie spoke with indignation, as if it had nothing to do with him: “He better hope I don’t catch him, or I will hang him on the spot!”
“Are you suffering from memory loses?! The one I’m talking about is you!”
“Huh, when did I say something like that?” He turned to Bai Chuan: “Surely he is talking about you?”
Bai Chuan watched emotionlessly at the two love rivals throwing jabs at each other, and turned the horse around: “I will go check if the Banner Master has any new orders for us.”
Twenty thousand black riders lined up quietly on top of the hill, not even making the sound of a whisper. The only thing echoed in the air was the discord caused by the retreating army of Demons in the distant, and the deep humming of the wind sweeping through the plain of Heng Chuan, “Whoosh”, as though the souls of the dead were unwilling to part away from the place of their final demise.
A warrior clad full in silver stood high up at the peak of the hill, his majestic stature and upright torso revealed the kind of respect reserved only for the commanding officer of an army. Brilliant silver radiated from his armour as the dusk fell upon him. In the midst of the sea of black riders, he was as bright as the god himself. Anyone who saw would know that was the trademark silver armour of the youngest, and the most legendary one of the “Three Young Generals of House ZiChuan”, ZiChuan Xiu.
Yet, when Bai Chuan saw the one who had the utmost respect of the entire Far Eastern Army from a distance, she only let out a soundless sigh.
She hurried her ride closer, scanning around, the ones standing guard were all part Banner Master’s personal guards, she whispered: “Gu Lei, are you crazy?! How dare you wear his armour pretending to be Master Xiu?
“ZiChuan Xiu” (Captain of the Personal Guard – Gu Lei), his face full of chagrin: “Officer Bai Chuan, I don’t want to do it either. Master Xiu insisted me to dress up like this and stand here… It’s so heavy, and I’m so tired, I have already gone through three warhorses…”
“The battle is still in full swing, what is Master Xiu doing?”
Gu Lei: “He just took a shower at the base camp, barbecued some meat and is now asleep.”
“Did he leave any instructions?”
Gu Lei: “Ah yes, he did, he said that if we are losing, make sure to wake him up immediately so we can all run for our lives.”
Bai Chuan spotted ZiChuan Xiu’s tent underneath the shades. Inside the tent, a man wrapped in the sleeping bag snored rhythmically: “Zzz, Zzz.”
Bai Chuan urged: “Sir, please, wake up…”
But the one in the sleeping bag did not even flinch.
Bai Chuan exhaled in defeat: “Sir, you’re leaving me with no choice…”
With that, she left the tent only to return with a bottle of boiled water in her hand, “I’m going to count, one, two and three!”
“Ok, fine, I surrender, I’m awake.”
He stuck his head out of the sleeping bag, eyes squinted, face still asleep… a pretty handsome young lad nonetheless, or more accurately, a boy if you judged him based on his childish smile.
ZiChuan Xiu: “What is the emergency? Are the demons here?”
Bai Chuan: “…Not yet.”
“Have the soldiers mutinied?”
Bai Chuan: “That is just a matter of time, once they find out you have been messing with them with a fake…”
ZiChuan Xiu: “I will worry about that when it happens… and the officers, all acting like children over something so petty. So did Luo Jie and Chang Chuan fight a duel over you and died?
“Sadly, both of them are still hanging onto their shameless lives. The truth is, we won, and the demons are retreating.”
ZiChuan Xiu looked surprised: “Really? That was unexpected. We actually won?” He stuffed his head back in to the sleeping bag: “Let me think on it.”
Bai Chuan waited patiently… and patiently… Till the snoring sound came once again from inside the sleeping bag: “Zzz, Zzz.”
She finally snapped, and poured the bottle of boiled water…
Imperial Calendar Year 778, a shrieking cry let out by the victor of the third battle of Heng Chuan, was not recorded in the books of history.
The Truth Behind History
Bai Chuan explained the situation of the battlefield to the half asleep ZiChuan Xiu: “The current situation is that despite their decent defeat, the Demon Army is still over fifty thousand strong, and they have with them the powerful armoured beasts. They almost broke through our defences last time, but somehow for reasons unbeknownst to me, they suddenly decided to retreat, and are in complete disarray. We, the officers in charge can’t agree on whether we should give chase or not. We await your instructions.”
Still muddled from the sleep, ZiChuan Xiu asked: “So who wants to give chase?”
Bai Chuan: “Deputy Banner Master Luo Jie, he advocates for giving chase.”
ZiChuan Xiu: “Then let him.”
“But Sir!” Bai Chuan raised her voice: “I understand the way you feel about Luo Jie, he hasn’t accomplished a single thing since he was promoted to the Deputy Banner Master except being a blowhard, in fact, I feel the same way, but the five thousand soldiers of the Far Eastern Army under his command are innocent, surely they don’t deserve to die with him?”
“Hey, come on now, how can you think that of your commanding officer? Master Bai?” ZiChuan Xiu’s eyes flashed a glint of cunningness, the kind when you are caught red-handed: “Let him go, it will be fine.”
“But the enemy forces total fifty to sixty thousand; Luo Jie’s unit has less than five thousand.”
“Bai Chuan, use your head, Luo Jie’s unit is made up of Cavalry. The mobility of his unit is far superior to those big demon brutes. Even if he can’t beat them, he can at least run, right?”
“But Sir, you know as well as I do, once that idiot Luo Jie starts to charge, he stops using his head, what if he really forgets to…”
“Don’t worry, I have prepared for all eventualities!”
Facing Bai Chuan’s inquisitive gaze, ZiChuan Xiu took out a flyer from inside the tent, it reads: Imperial Capital Funeral Parlour, from June 1st to August 30th, sixty percent discount, everyone is welcome!
“I did the math, if Luo Jie dies today, we can still make the discount, besides I’m a good friend with the owner, perhaps we can even get the urn box for free…”
Bai Chuan rode back to the frontline filled with anger, causing puzzled looks between the other two Deputy Banner Masters.
“Banner Master Xiu orders the Deputy Banner Master Luo to attack!”
Luo Jie cheered loudly: “Long live the king!” as he turned his head towards his men shouting: “Follow me!” and charged forward. Following his lead, five thousand black riders lined up in formation and charged down from top of the hill, hooves thundering, shouts echoing: “Long live the king king king…” Like the descent of a black dragon, his unstoppable force surged downward, pouncing at the retreating Demon Army.
“What an idiot! Still laughing even though he is about to die!” Bai Chuan cursed bitterly.
“Maybe not.” Deputy Banner Master Chang Chuan spoke: “I think the demon army is in shambles, I wonder what happened to them, Luo Jie may actually win.”
Bai Chuan: “So what do you think happened?”
Chang Chuan: “We don’t know, but maybe Master Xiu does. Every time he sent for Luo Jie, it is like he is telling us: The time for thinking has passed; now you just need to charge forward. We will win. I have faith in Master Xiu.”
Bai Chuan sniffed at the thought, thinking: “That is because you haven’t seen him sound asleep at the base camp, getting ready to run away.” She didn’t speak it out loud, fearing it may undermine army morale, or perhaps…
But then the battlefield developed in a way she couldn’t believe her eyes: like a hot knife through butter, Luo Jie’s force exploded forward, charging almost directly into the heart of the Demon Army. The demons scattered in all directions without even trying to put up a fight, leaving their weapons and armors behind, a complete chaos.
The Demon Army of fifty thousand strong was defeated, no, embarrassed by the Human Army with less than one tenth of their number, the like the history had never seen!
Both Deputy Banner Masters gasped in unison: “But how!”
Chang Chuan shouted: “This can’t be real, it must be a trap! Luo Jie is surrounded!”
Bai Chuan shouted back: “It can’t be a trap, look at them, the way their forces fled, so disorganized, you can’t fake something like that! Even if it was a trap, he still has a chance!”
Bai Chuan turned towards the back, raising her voice while giving the order: “All riders! Forward!”
Chang Chuan stopped her: “You do not have the authority to give that order, only Master Xiu can!”
Bai Chuan replied with a back fist and sent him tumbling down the horseback. Unsheathing her sabre, she laid it against his neck: “If you cost us this opportunity, I will kill you!” She glanced around at the stunned guards and couriers, and gave her order in a deeper voice: “What are you waiting for!”
“Toooot” Sound of trumpets came from everywhere as the sea of riders began their charge, shouting: “Long live the king king king…” Their voices shock the earth and split the heavens. Twenty thousand sabres danced in the dusk light, engulfing the entire hillside in a breathtaking masterpiece of blood and steel.
The noises soon reached the base camp and awoke someone from his dream. He stuck his head out of the sleeping bag, attempting to discern the source of the interruption. Yawn: “So we went on the offensive… Looks like Bai Chuan has noticed… Jeez, if you want to attack then attack, what is the point of shouting, can’t even have a good night sleep over here.” He stuffed his head back inside, hoping to find the way back to his sweet dreams earlier.
According to House ZiChuan’s History Record: Imperial Calendar, Year 778. During the third battle of Heng Chuan, ZiChuan Xiu personally led the charge and fought bravely against the enemy, greatly raising the morale of the soldiers! Under his command, the three Deputy Banner Masters, Luo Jie, Bai Chuan, and Chang Chuan remained calm under pressure and fought fearlessly in a coordinated fashion, allowing their thirty thousand Calvary forces to achieve a decisive victory over the elite forces of the Demon Army. Over forty thousand of the enemy forces were wounded or killed and over ten thousand were captured. Ge Sha, nicknamed to be the most fearsome demon warrior was slain by Banner Master ZiChuan Xiu himself. It was a heavy blow to the demons and the first turning point in the war of Holy Defence.
Great Find
"Have we really won?" After reviewing the aftermath of the battle, Zi Chuan Xiu muttered questioningly.
"No doubt about it, Sir, we won big time!" With a really flushed cheek, Captain of the Personal Guard, Gu Lei shouted in excitement:" This is your triumph, Sir, allow me to congratulate you; given what you have accomplished here today, the promotion to the Red Banner Master will only be a formality. Just think about it, not even twenty years old, and you already have the same rank as the Governors of every province. That is a great accomplishment; there haven’t been many precedents even in the entire history of the House ZiChuan!"
"Hoho, let me congratulate you back." ZiChuan Xiu smiled at him, absence of joy: "If I remember correctly, you are still just a Banner Warrior, correct? Perhaps becoming the Deputy Banner Master will only be a matter of time."
Gu Lei couldn't be more excited: Thank you, Sir, for your guidance! I will do everything and omit nothing in my service to you, in order to repay the gratitude you have shown me. I won't hesitate to give my life if need be…"
"Uh-huh." ZiChuan Xiu interrupted Gu Lei's monologue of a display of loyalty, and murmured to himself: "It must be a blessing to live a simple life."
"What are you saying, Sir?"
"Oh, I'm just saying to keep up the good work."
Not long after, a squad of riders came in to sight. Seeing the banner of ZiChuan Xiu, they immediately dismounted and saluted. ZiChuan Xiu brought his horse to a halt facing the rider: "Which unit are you in? And what is your mission?"
Calvary Captain replied: "We are part of Luo Jie's unit, third battalion seventh company. We are currently transporting the captives."
"Oh? ZiChuan Xiu suddenly found himself intrigued:" Are there many captives? Show me."
"As you wish, Sir!" The Captain gave a shout towards the back, ordering the riders to whip the captives forward and await inspection. The personal guards immediately surrounded ZiChuan Xiu, fearing a potential outburst from any of the demon prisoners. But that wasn't necessary at all. This group of captives are all goblins… some green skinned dwarves. They are incredibly handy little fellows, but can hardly put up a fight. They are tame by nature, easy to control. Even amongst the Demon Army, they are mostly handling the non-combative labours. You can purchase goblin servants from the human markets too; the words are that in the capital, the price goes up to thirty thousand per head.
Calvary Captain seemed to have noticed the slight disappointment in ZiChuan Xiu's expressions, feeling embarrassed. In an attempt to please his superior, he offered: "Sir, you may not know, but we found something strange amongst the prisoners."
Captain gave another shout towards the back: "Show it to Master Xiu!”
Several riders marched forward, dragging a big bulging sack behind them. The Captain began to untie the ropes, showing a flattering smile: "Sir, this is the rarest of goods.”
With that, he revealed what was inside the sack, a young female, a pretty one!
ZiChuan Xiu gave the Captain a frown: "Since when have the Far Eastern Army become kidnappers?"
Captain complained in earnest: "But Sir, she is not just some average girl! We found her inside a well-embroidered carriage; she even had dozens of guards protecting her. Many of my men were wounded in the process of capturing her! She is definitely someone important, probably someone with titles in the Demon's Court!"
"Has she been questioned?"
"She didn't say anything, and we didn't have the time to question her thoroughly. But we can leave her in your care, Sir; surely you don't want to miss out on this opportunity!" The captain spoke suggestively.
And ZiChuan Xiu replied with a sense of acknowledgement: "Hohoho, I definitely will… question her thoroughly." Those were the words from one man to another, something a man would understand merely from the tone of the voice, ranks did not matter.
As soon as the Calvary Squad disappeared from sight, ZiChuan Xiu let out a streak of evil laughter: "Luckily that bitch Bai Chuan wasn't around, or else this could proof problematic." He turned towards Gu Lei and the rest of the personal guards: "If Bai Chuan asks about it… I hope you all know what to do, right?"
Gu Lei answered with a straight face: "Rest assured, Sir, we saw nothing, we heard nothing!"
"Smart man!" ZiChuan Xiu surveyed his surroundings: "So where can I set up a camp without risking being interrupted? Can't do it over there, too barren, lack of romantic scenery, not here either, too many mosquitoes, they may ruin the mood…" He rambled on while eyeing the young girl with his lecherous gaze, till she finally…
"I'm the third Princess of the God King, Ka Dan. I'm a royalty. I demand to be treated in a way deserving of someone of my stature!" The girl spoke with her trembling voice, trying desperately to appear dignified.
All the guards gasped in unison, making it sound much louder than usual.
Gu Lei whispered: "If I may, Sir, you mustn't touch this girl, or you may incur the wrath from the Department of Military Justice!"
ZiChuan Xiu responded without so much as turning his head: "Gu Lei, you pig-brained fool!" He grumbled: "This is a great find!"
True Self
Riding in the dark with her fellow riders, Bai Chuan found herself lost in thought: the joy of victory earlier today did not dispel her doubts, how did we win so easily? The Demons had the advantage, yet they suddenly retreated; and when the Calvary of House ZiChuan attacked, they were barely met with any organized resistance… that was not the usual etiquette of the powerful and the fierce Demon Army.
But in the end a victory is a victory, irreplaceable and beyond doubt. The sea of Demon corpses stretched as far as the eyes can see, like the crops in the fall, waiting to be harvest… that was the proof. Only then did she realize her back was soaked in sweat. If there was the slightest error in her judgement, then the ones lying on the ground right now would have been the riders of House ZiChuan. And she would have to take responsibility for it. Even if she was fortunate enough to survive the battle, she wouldn’t be able to escape the punishment from the Military Constables of Ministry of Supervision[1]… I can’t take any more risks, she thought, surely the goddess of luck would not be so generous, to look after the same person twice.
“Stop chasing.” She gave the order.
Like taking a weight off their shoulders, the riders brought their horses to a swift halt. They were completely exhausted after chasing five hours nonstop, but none dared to suggest it to their lady tyrant… Everyone saw what happened to Chang Chuan the last time he tried. For the common soldiers, she seemed way scarier than the supposedly invincible Demon God King himself.
“All units make camp, send out the scouts, increase the number of guards assigned to each sentry post at night time from four to eight, double the scout’s recon range and light torches as warning!”
The couriers left as soon as she finished, Bai Chuan went on: “From now on, Deputy Banner Master Chang Chuan is in charge of the camp, I will go see Master Xiu.”
Chang Chuan stepped out behind the riders with an inhospitable look on his face: “So, I’m in charge? Is Master Bai not afraid of me taking all the credit for myself?”
In return, Bai Chuan gave him the sweetest of all smiles, and instantly, Chang Chuan’s anger subsided over half, and the rest… well, it no longer mattered.
“Are you still mad at me? I’m apologizing to you now, aren’t I? Chang Chuan, you are a man amongst men, surely you won’t stoop down to the level of a girl, right?”
Chang Chuan’s mouth twisted into a wry grin: “Fine, you win. It is not like I haven’t been hit by you before.”
“I’ll let you in on something, I just questioned some of the captives and they told me a strange story. They said that during the attack, their Commander Ge Sha and Deputy Commander Yun Shen were both assassinated. Without the head of their chain of command, their morale buckled and their forces collapsed on its own.”
“Really!” Bai Chuan was taken by surprise: “Who did it? They sure did us a big favour.”
“I only know it was done by a Human… as you may already know, for a demon, we all look the same, in a sense, it is just like how those green skinned monsters all look the same to us. Anyways, he was a very terrifying human according to the demons; he hid himself in the sand and waited for the Demon Commanders to walk past him before he struck them down from below. Both of them were killed in one stroke. ”
Bai Chuan considered the possibility: “I didn’t know someone like that existed in the Far Eastern regions, not only skilled, but also patient and ruthless. To hide himself in the sand….” She shuddered at the thought.
Chang Chuan: “I believe that our Banner Master must have known. Or he wouldn’t have given us the order to attack…”
Just the mentioning of his name made Bai Chuan flare up in anger: “You think too highly of that idiot! Did you know what he was doing when we were risking our lives? Shower, dinner and sleep… the only thing he didn’t do was fooling around with some woman… and the only reason for that was probably because he didn’t manage to find one. Which part of him looks like an army commander to you…?
Chang Chuan replied in a leisurely fashion: “As long as we are victorious, he can do whatever he pleases, it doesn’t matter to me one bit. But what is making you so angry?” He glanced at Bai Chuan, hinting at the deeper meaning within the words.
“He got lucky this time that something happened to the Demons!”
“I doubt it is just luck. This time maybe, but what about six years ago during the counterattack at the Capital, was that a fluke as well? Both Subjugation Wars against House Liu Feng, only his army made it back in one piece. And three years ago, when we encountered Liu Feng Shuang, only his army escaped their encirclement without sustaining any casualties… For an idiot who enlisted at the age of eleven, and gone through, big or small, seventy battles, but never lost once… Surely he can’t be that lucky?”
Bai Chuan rode forth in the darkness while Chang Chuan’s words echoed in her head: “Indeed, surely that idiot can’t be that lucky… Can he be hiding his true self all along?
Right, I must confront him face to face and uncover his true self underneath his lazy, cowardly and perverted appearance!
The lamp lights of the main encampment shined in the darkness, before ZiChuan Xiu’s personal guards could have reacted, Bai Chuan had already entered the camp.
Gu Lei, Captain of the Personal Guard stepped forth to meet her: “Deputy Banner Master Bai, Master Xiu’s orders, you may not go inside!”
“Why? Bai Chuan ignored him, thinking: “Could this be the one moment he is showing his true self? I have to get inside!”
Without giving it a second thought, she entered the main tent of the camp, but what greeted her was the sight of ZiChuan Xiu attempting to kiss an innocent young girl in his arms…
Unspeakable anger instantly rose up from inside of her as she lashed out with her sabre in hand: “So this is ZiChuan Xiu’s true self! Prepare to die!”
Heroic Return
"Woah, luckily I stepped away in time, you almost cut me in half!"
ZiChuan Xiu had yet to fully recover his senses: "Master Bai, you are being way too reckless… Do I really look like some pervert who would force myself on some innocent young girl? And you, Gu Lei, what are you looking at?"
Bai Chuan argued back unconvinced: "Sir, if you put yourself in my shoes and you saw some pervert holding an innocent young girl alone in the dark… What would you think?"
ZiChuan Xiu: "Well, I would think that the girl must be the third Princess of Demons, a very important hostage and military asset. The shock of her predicament must have been too much for her to bear, causing her to lose consciousness. This is why, your honorable and gentlemanly commanding officer selflessly and without ulterior motives, tried to give her a mouth to mouth resuscitation…. That is what I would think!"
Bai Chuan: "Fuck that… There is no way in hell anyone would think like that!"
ZiChuan Xiu:" Then clearly, you haven't seen enough soap operas; this is like one of its typical scenarios!"
Bai Chuan:" What are you talking about, Sir?"
ZiChuan Xiu:" Oh, never mind, I messed up the time, pretend I never said anything."
Bai Chuan: "But even if the Demon Princess really did faint and needed resuscitation, surely anyone could have done it, why does it have to be you, Sir?"
ZiChuan Xiu: "If anyone can do it, why can't I?"
ZiChuan Xiu: "Give me your report, Master Bai.”
Bai Chuan: "As you wish, Sir. After five hours of fighting the demons have sustained somewhere between twenty and thirty thousand casualties. We have captured their main camp and supply wagons. This time the Demon Army brought with them fifty three white cloaks in total. (White Cloaks are the battalion commanders in the Demon Army, they wore the white cloaks) My unit took down twenty one, while Chang Chuan's unit killed nineteen and captured three. The whereabouts of the rests are unknown.
ZiChuan Xiu: "Deputy Banner Master Luo Jie just sent me his report. He took down seven White Cloaks, and a rough estimate puts his kill count at above ten thousand, which means the main force for the Demon Army no longer exists. All that left is the cleanup work.
Bai Chuan bowed: “This is a great victory, Sir. Congratulations. You did a great job!” She cursed under her breath: “Indeed, sleeping, eating, and fooling around with some woman…what a great job.”
“Ho, those were some really kind words, Master Bai… But truth be told, I did do a great job. However, after a day of hard work, it’s time for me to rest… So I’ll have to trouble you once more, Master Bai, the security of the main camp will have to fall on your shoulders!”
Bai Chuan gave him the middle finger behind her back while asking politely: “Sir, there is just that one thing troubling me.”
ZiChuan Xiu: “Oh?”
Bai Chuan: According to the prisoners, the reason for their recent defeat has to do with the sudden assassination of both their Commander and Deputy Commander, but none of the officers in the frontline knew about this mysterious assassin. I can’t help but wonder how you become aware of this, thus giving us the order to attack?”
ZiChuan Xiu looked surprised: “You said I gave the orders? Is that what happened? I remembered it differently. Weren’t you, Master Bai the one who gave the orders?”
Bai Chuan: “But Sir, didn’t you say…”
ZiChuan Xiu: “Well, when you came to me for instructions, you told me that Luo Jie wanted to attack, and I told you to let them do whatever they want… Was that not true? In other words, from the very beginning till the end, everything was decided by you and Luo Jie, correct? So when did I give you the order to launch an all out attack?”
Thinking back, that was indeed the case, but ZiChuan Xiu’s tone of voice seemed to suggest that… Luckily we won, or else, I would have to shoulder all the blame… Suddenly she could feel the cold sweat dripping down her back.
“You have nothing to fear, because you won. I doubt the Ministry of Supervision will bother investigate you for having purposely communicated a false order.” ZiChuan Xiu seemed to have guessed Bai Chuan’s thought as he spoke casually: “We are heading back to the City of Sha Jia tomorrow, leave the cleanup work to the unit of Banner Master Ge Xi.”
Bai Chuan insisted: “But Sir, it was our efforts that led to this victory, we should be the ones to give chase!”
ZiChuan Xiu: “If we take all the credits for ourselves, then the other units will get jealous… which in turn will make our lives harder later on.”
With that, he walked lazily towards the tent: “It is getting late, Master Bai, you should rest as well. We still have a long road ahead of us.”
Bai Chuan suddenly realized: The heroic triumph over eighty thousand demon forces with only thirty thousand men, no one can take that away from him. He might as well act generously and let the others have a small piece of the pie… What a cunning and crafty mind! Watching his shadow slowly disappear in the dark, she felt like she knew less and less about him by the second…
The next nightfall, ZiChuan Xiu’s unit returned victorious to the City of Sha Jia and its citizens gave them an almost frantic welcome. The city of Sha Jia was situated closely to the Heng Chuan frontline. Whenever the demons invaded, they were almost always the ones to take the blunt of the attack, especially since the Far Eastern Army of House ZiChuan had been failing thus far, always losing more battles than winning. Therefore the citizens often had to run for their lives, it was not a pretty sight. So this time, upon hearing the news that House ZiChuan put an eighteen year old young Banner Master in charge of the defence against the demonic invasion, everyone had already given up hope and began packing their belongings, readying themselves for the eventual evacuation. They all assumed the only reason he was able to reach the rank of Banner Master at his age was due to his name, ZiChuan. But somehow, not sure which goddess’ ass this young Banner Master ended up kissing, the Demon Army collapsed on its own… Once the news arrived, the whole city was lit up with joy and celebrations!
The welcoming crowd almost overwhelmed ZiChuan Xiu’s troops when they marched into the city.
The citizens gave the soldiers all kind of worthless gifts: half baked eggs, sweat soaked handkerchiefs, silverwares and even potentially dangerous exploding cotton balls… Everyone was drowned in alcohol long passed their expiration dates! As it turned out, thirty seven tavern owners managed to avoid bankruptcy because of it, while eleven other tavern owners had their entire tavern smashed by the drunken soldiers and ended up bankrupt…
The monks prayed in their name: “Thank you, our ever victorious guardians! May the god of war forever be at your side!” Normally nobody believed in their god, but it just happened that today was the day they were allowed to spread their prayers in peace without being thrown at…
Many pretty girls holding flowers also managed to dance their way into the arms and mouths of the soldiers whom they didn’t even know the names of… According to the statistics, within the hour of entering the city, over seven thousand soldiers of ZiChuan Xiu’s unit had lost their first kiss which they had planned to save for their future lovers, the lost was catastrophic! Naturally, many touching love stories which will be remembered for the ages to come also began its first chapter there and then. Someone later calculated, despite the fact that ZiChuan Xiu’s unit stayed for less than a week in the city of Sha Jia, ten months later, the city’s birth rate was increased by 169%! And most of the newborns were even named as “Huai Jun”, “Nian Jun” and “Ai Jun”…[1]
After nightfall, Luo Jie, Bai Chuan and Chang Chuan patrolled the streets, checking on the soldiers if they had violated any of the army regulations or had been causing problems.
Chang Chuan: “Bai Chuan, is there something wrong with you today? It has been twelve hours, and not once have you cursed Master Xiu’s name… Are you all right?
Luo Jie pretended to feel Bai Chuan’s forehead: “Hmm, it is definitely hot, you must be ill… Ouch!”
Bai Chuan retracted her fist: “It’s nothing. I just changed my mind about him. That is all…” Suddenly ZiChuan Xiu’s voice came from a small tavern: “How much for a bottle of Greenland Beer?”
The serving lady replied: “Three silver coins, officer.”
ZiChuan Xiu: “Oh, even more expensive than in the Capital… I’ll have two!”
Serving Lady: “Excuse me officer, are you serving in ZiChuan Xiu’s army?”
ZiChuan Xiu: “I am!”
Serving Lady: “Oh, our owner has left words. Tonight, everything for ZiChuan Xiu’s Army is on the house!”
ZiChuan Xiu: “Why is that?”
Serving Lady: “Because you are all heroes!”
ZiChuan Xiu: “Heroes huh… I will take four bottles!”
Serving Lady: “…”
Luo Jie turned to Bai Chuan: “You were saying you changed your mind about him…”
Bai Chuan[2] answered coldly: “And now I’ve changed my mind again… Let’s go, we don’t know him!”
Fort Warren, also known as the greatest fortress on this side of the world, (except for the great Demon God Fortress in the land of Demons) built in Imperial Calendar, Year 456. It is an impregnable fortress guarding the only access point into the heart of House ZiChuan from the Far Eastern Regions, the Chang He Highway. There had been rumors floating around stating that: “Inside the Fort Warren, you are safe from even the wrath of Gods!” The evidence did seem to support such outrageous claim. The Demons had launched four major invasions in the past. Each time House ZiChuan relied on the thick walls of Fort Warren to repel the invaders, each time the powerful Demon horde was forced to return, with wounded pride.
The former head of the family, a famous general at the time, ZiChuan Yuan Xing once said: “Without Warren, we would have been wiped out twenty times over.” The fact that both the General Headquarters and Base Camp of the Far Eastern Army were located in Fort Warren showed its importance.
ZiChuan Xiu and many others who had rendered great military service during the Heng Chuan campaign received an invitation to join Deputy Commander Luo Bo at the Far Eastern Army’s General Staff Department in Fort Warren. Alas…
The gorgeous secretary politely informed ZiChuan Xiu: “Master Xiu, I’m sorry. Deputy Commander Lin Bin suddenly decided to hold a military conference. Commander Luo is thus still unavailable. He did say to have you wait in the drawing room in case you arrived early. I’m terribly sorry.”
ZiChuan Xiu leaned sternly next to her face while looking suspiciously to the sides, then whispered to her: “Miss, do you recognize that man wearing the Banner Warrior’s uniform?” He pointed at a young officer coming out of the Headquarter Building.
“Oh, that is the Communication Officer sent by Banner Master Ge Xi of the South Eastern Army. He just delivered a document to Deputy Commander Luo’s office…”
“He is a fake!” ZiChuan Xiu spoke adamantly: “He is an assassin sent by the House Liu Feng!”
Colours instantly fled from her cheeks: “But he had a valid Military ID and Access Pass, even the document…”
“Do you doubt my words? Well, I don’t blame you. I saw the real Communication Officer on my way here, and he told us everything before he died.” ZiChuan Xiu spoke with utmost conviction: “Commander Luo is his target! Where has the assassin been to? We have to perform a thorough search!”
The young secretary was completely indoctrinated by ZiChuan Xiu’s overwhelming display of confidence: “He just went inside Deputy Commander Luo’s office, but he only stayed for five minutes and I was with him the whole time…”
“Give me the keys!” Without explaining, ZiChuan Xiu took the keys from her: “Five minutes? He is a professional spy, five minutes is enough to plant over thirty bombs!”
With that, he walked into the office, closing the door behind him: “Till the danger passes, nobody is to be allowed inside!”
Once the Staff Department of the Far Eastern Army fell into chaos, the Military Constables quickly arrived to the scene, but were ordered by ZiChuan Xiu to stay out of the office. Only the sound of maddened table flipping and Master Xiu’s murmuring could be heard on the outside: “Where? Where is it? Come out this instant, I know you have been hiding them… I won’t stop till I find it!”
The crisis went on for five full minutes, until Master Xiu emerged from the door drenched in sweat: “I didn’t manage to find any… He must have planted it elsewhere!”
Since all officers, constables and staffs present were gaining a new found respect for Master Xiu’s bravery and calmness in the face of crisis, no one noticed the strange bulge in his briefcase… even the sound of bottles bumping into each other went unnoticed.
Deputy Commander Luo only found out about it after the conference. Even though he rushed back as fast as he could, the content of his personal safe was long gone. His outcry could be heard everywhere in the building!
Everyone thought the Liu Feng spy must have gotten away with some super secret documents…
Deputy Commander Luo Bo gritted his teeth: “Ah Xiu, what have you done?!”
ZiChuan Xiu replied with great trepidation: “Ah Yes! It’s my fault! I shouldn’t have acted so recklessly without confirming my suspicions first. I have caused chaos to the department, and wrongfully accused an innocent fellow officer, leading to his arrest. Please accept my sincere apologies!”
Lu Bo roared: “I don’t give a hoot about that Banner Warrior!” Lowering his voice: “Where are my bottles? My three hundred year old wine and royal brandy!”
ZiChuan Xiu looked confused… as though he had never heard of the word “bottle” before: “What bottles?”
“Stop pretending! The ones you stole from my…” Luo Bo suddenly stopped himself.
“Are you sure, Sir? The Far Eastern Army Regulation clearly states that, during service hours, alcohol is strictly forbidden. Could there be alcohol in your office, Sir? Surely that can’t be true. Everyone in the Far Eastern Army knows you for your discipline and rectitude. There is no way something like that could have happened. Someone must be spreading false rumours with the intent to tarnish your reputation, but don’t you worry, I have complete faith in you, Sir!”
Luo Bo begged in earnest: “Come on, don’t be like that… Just give me my Brandy back.”
ZiChuan Xiu’s answer was a simple and mysterious smile… a smile Luo Bo knew all too well… This was not the first time he suffered at his hands.
“Fine, you got me! There won’t be a next time.”
“The official decree has arrived: Banner Master ZiChuan Xiu’s outstanding performance during the Battle of Heng Chuan has brought honor to the family. After consulting with the Council of Elders, the High Command has decided to commend Banner Master ZiChuan Xiu for his efforts and promote him to the rank of…”
Luo Bo purposely drew out his voice: “…Deputy Commander! Issued by: Supreme Commander Yang Ming Hua. Approved by: Chief of Staff Luo Ming Hai, Far Eastern Army Commander Ge Ying Xing, Border Army Commander Ming Hui, Central Army Commander Lei Xun, Black Banner Army Commander Fang Jin, and Imperial Guard Army Commander Pi Gu. Imperial Calendar, Year 778 July 28th”
ZiChuan Xiu could not believe what he just heard: “Deputy Commander! Promoted from Banner Master directly to Deputy Commander, skipping the rank of Red Banner Master entirely!” That was not what he expected…
The Past
Far Eastern Army Fort Warren Staff Department
“Ah Xiu, do you realize why Yang Ming Hua promoted you straight to Deputy Commander? Luo Bo glanced at him with a gloomy expression, lacking any of the usual joy he should have when promoting one of his own men.
“Yes Sir, I do.”
ZiChuan Xiu spoke with the same kind of seriousness: “It basically means… that I can start hiring a pretty doll like secretary too, for science of course and hiding alcohol in the office without fearing the inspection from the Ministry of Supervision!”
“Dickhead, why don’t you use that head of yours for once and take a good look at the decree: It is ordered by Supreme Commander Yang Ming Hua!”
“So then…”
“You should know better than me what kind of person he really is, right?”
ZiChuan Xiu readily recited: “Our esteemed Supreme Commander Yang Min Hua, at work he is wise, decisive in battle, brilliant and shows great foresight; at home he is morally impeccable, in possession of a great character, kind to his men, strict with himself, lenient towards others, loved by all, loyal to a fault to the Head of the family and most importantly, he is completely selfless as he always puts the family interest above his personal gain. No matter whether it is his kindness, wisdom or bravery, he can be seen as the role model for every soldier in the Army in service of House ZiChuan. He has my utmost respect! We are blessed by god to have someone like him amongst us, may he live forever, his contribution to the cause has been…”
Luo Bo interrupted him: “Enough, I don’t have “Eyes and Ears” around here, you may speak your mind.”
ZiChuan Xiu revealed his signature smile of innocence again: “What do you mean, Sir? Those were the words from the bottom of my heart. Please believe me Sir, my love and admiration for the Supreme Commander is coming from the bottom of my heart…”
Luo Bo stared at him, eyes unflinching, trying to detect the slightest hint of pretentiousness in his smile… “ZiChuan Xiu’s smile” later became a common idiom used to describe people like sales agents or insurance companies making false promises. And like always, Luo Bo was left empty handed.
“I hope you haven’t forgotten what happened seven years ago.”
Imperial Calendar, Year 771 March, House Liu Feng launched a large scale invasion against House ZiChuan. The Army of House Liu Feng took a hidden path and circumvented Border Army’s defence lines, appearing undetected outside the walls of the Capital. The former Head of the Family, ZiChuan Yuan Xing thought it was a small group of enemy separated from their main force, instead of waiting for the reinforcements, he attacked with the Central Army and Imperial Guard Army stationed inside the Capital. The result was a bloody massacre that almost completely annihilated the Central Army and Imperial Guard Army. The death toll numbered over eighty thousand and ZiChuan Yuan Xing was gravely wounded during the battle as well. Only then did they find out, the ambush was led by the heir to the House Liu Feng, the cunning and calculated Liu Feng Xi Shan. His forces numbered over hundred-thirty thousand!
Liu Feng Xi Shan believed the outcome to be certain, thus instead of trying to breach the thick walls of the Capital, he divided his remaining forces in two and sent fifty thousand back to encircle the Border Army while leaving fifty thousand infantry to besiege the Capital. The Far Eastern Army at the time found themselves at a critical juncture in the war against the Demons, while both the Border Army and Black Banner Army were pinned down by the Army of House Liu Feng. With barely any able bodies and capable generals left inside the Capital, and no help on the way, fear overwhelmed the City. Everyone thought that was the end of House ZiChuan!
With Far Eastern Army Commander Ge Ying Xing’s acquiescence, (He was also the Principal of the Far Eastern Army Academy) ZiChuan Xiu who was only a student at the time, used “Military Exercise” as an excuse and led a group of 800 Calvary trainees back to the capital, where he got to see his stepfather ZiChuan Yuan Xing for the last time.
After Yuan Xing’s death, the House was left in disarray. The Council of Elders, the House of Headmaster, the High Command and the Army Administrative Office all blamed each other, and while denying their own responsibility. They each advocated their own plans which they believed would save the House from its imminent destruction, but could not agree on a single course of action. Endless votes were taken, and countless conferences, debates and elections were held, but no one knew how to handle the fifty thousand menacing Liu Feng soldiers outside the city walls. In a sudden burst of rage, ZiChuan Xiu led the 800 Calvary trainees he brought back from the frontlines and instigated a coup, seizing power and control of the House of Headmaster, the High Command, Army Administrative Office and other military sites of strategic importance. After seizing operational control, he immediately gave out the emergency order to every commander in every garrison; ordering them to return to the Capital within the month, which was impossible of course. Even if they did, after dealing with the ambushes on the way back, there wouldn’t be much of an army left by the time they arrived. Not to mention the other Liu Feng forces they would have freed up in the process.
Everyone in the Liu Feng camp laughed hysterically at the new Headmaster of House ZiChuan, an eleven year old child who just gave the order to send every last one of his men to their doom. The laughter continued till that dreadful night, the same night the orders were given. 800 riders under ZiChuan Xiu’s command snuck into the main camp of Liu Feng Army wearing their uniforms. Once inside, they set the camp alight, killing and spreading rumours that the main force of Far Eastern Army has arrived and all of House ZiChuan’s forces have gathered, over a million strong in total!”
The Army of Liu Feng woke up into a nightmare of fire and swords… they couldn’t possibly have put up an effective defence… not that there was a way they could have defended in the first place. Everyone was wearing the same uniform and the one shouting: “Don’t attack! We are on your side, the enemies are over there!” was often the one stabbing you in the back… Under such situation where one could not separate friend from foe, the only way to survive was to be the first one to strike. As a result, over half of the twenty thousand casualties the Army of Liu Feng sustained that night, was due to friendly fire.
Even Liu Feng Xi Shan himself only barely escaped with his life. He had hoped to able to regroup and counter attack when the light dawned, but before he could gather his forces, ZiChuan Xiu’s riders had already appeared. Another battle later, the defeated army was defeated once more. Later that night, Liu Feng Xi Shan tried again, hoping to regain control of his scattered forces and yet again, just when his forces were about to gather, the hooves of the pursuing riders sounded behind them…
The exact same scenario happened seven times!
By the eighth time, Liu Feng Xi Shan’s forces have already retreated to the border of the two houses. Waiting in front of them, was the three hundred thousand vengeful and angry soldiers of the Border Army of House ZiChuan, and behind them, was the ferocious pursuing riders led by ZiChuan Xiu… He would rather kill himself than to face ZiChuan Xiu again. The only reason he escaped alive that day, was due to his daughter, Liu Feng Shuang’s reinforcement, and a little bit of luck… Many war historians later believed that if ZiChuan Xiu was allowed to continue his pursuit, even with Liu Feng Shuang’s reinforcement, Liu Feng Xi Shan wouldn’t have been able to escape, even less inheriting the seat of House Liu Feng on his return.
But the two hundred thousand soldiers brought here by Liu Feng Xi Shan did not have such a daughter or luck, less than one third of them made it back alive.
On the side of House ZiChuan, the victor fared even worse than the loser. ZiChuan Xiu had hoped to be received by pretty girls with flowers, but instead, all he got was a rude awakening in the middle of the night during his pursuit, and to find out that his personal guards had all been disarmed. His entire camp was surrounded by a sea of Military Constables from the Ministry of Supervision and if he had so much as moved a muscle, he would have been executed on the spot…
A rather well mannered Constable shamelessly informed him: “By Supreme Commander Yang Ming Hua’s order, you have been accused of “Inciting a mutiny”, “Insubordination”, “Unlawful force deployments” and “Intentional misconduct”. Therefore you have been removed from active duty, effect immediately. You have the right to remain silence, and you have the right to appeal at the Court Martial.
Every one of those crimes was punishable by death.
Luckily, the outcome was influenced by the support of ZiChuan Yuan Xing’s daughter, the help from the Far Eastern Army Commander Ge Ying Xing, and a fierce protest from the frontline soldiers. Also, his good friend Stirling, one of the three legendary young generals of House ZiChuan, delivered a heartfelt testimony at the Court Martial, declaring: “Loyalty is not a crime!” Thus, ZiChuan Xiu was absolved of the death penalty.
Yang Ming Hua wanted to imprison him for life, but Far Eastern Army Commander Ge Ying Xing took the initiative: “Why don’t we let him serve in the harsh Far Eastern Regions? We need more men over there.” Due to Ge Ying Xing’s reputation, and the undeniable strength of the Far Eastern Army, Yang Ming Hua still had to respect his wishes… That was how ZiChuan Xiu ended up in the Far Eastern Army. From slave soldier, to Warrior, Banner warrior, Red Bannerman, Deputy Banner Master and finally, Banner Master…
And now Yang Ming Hua wished to promote him directly to Deputy Commander!
“My memories has never been very good, I’m not sure what exactly you are referring to from seven years ago? Can you give me a hint, Sir?”
Luo Bo: “Ah Xiu, you know what they say, keep your friends close, but your enemies closer… A certain someone might want to keep someone of your skills and abilities very close indeed. If he lets you become a Red Banner Master like you are supposed to, you would have hundred thousand Far Eastern Army soldiers under your command… and that would cause certain someone many sleepless nights.”
ZiChuan Xiu: “But promoting me to Deputy Commander, won’t that certain someone have even more difficulty getting a good night sleep?”
“The problem is, the Far Eastern Army’s military structure only allows for three active Deputy Commanders at a time, we don’t have extra divisions to place under your command…Now do you understand?”
“But I heard two days ago, Deputy Commander Lei was having some irreconcilable differences with Commander Ge Ying Xing and wanted to resign… which means you do have a place for me here.”
“Well, they reconciled this morning, and Deputy Commander Lei has retracted his letter of resignation.”
“I also heard our Deputy Commander Lin Bin is getting married, and will go on a honeymoon for three months?”
“Well, her fiancé fled before the wedding, leaving only a note saying: I can’t take this anymore! So that old virgin who just had her love turn into hate is about to send a kill squad after him…”
ZiChuan Xiu sighed in defeat: “Then you are my only hope, Sir. Is there any chance for your gastrohelcosis to turn into cancer any time soon…”
Luo Bo: “…”
“As I said, now that you are promoted to Deputy Commander, your only choice is to return to the Capital and be on reserve duty till further notice. Commander Ge Ying Xing believes that to be the best course of action as well, because Lady ZiChuan Ning has almost come of age (16), and will soon reach the lawful age for her succession. It is very likely that certain someone may try to assassinate her. By going to the Capital, you can protect her.”
“But I’m terrible in a fight…”
“Drop the act… save it for the idiots like Luo Jie! The one who assassinated the Demon Commanders in Heng Chuan was you right? I understand, you don’t want that “someone” to know about your true skills and abilities, but do you really think you can fool me?”
ZiChuan Xiu looked surprised: “You…”
Luo Bo revealed a cunning smile: “I’m a servant to the House ZiChuan, not a servant to Yang Ming Hua. The one I made my vow to is named ZiChuan.”
“But Yang Ming Hua is your superior…”
“I’m a Deputy Commander in the Far Eastern Army; my direct commanding officer is Commander Ge Ying Xing.” Lu Bo spoke amiably: “Commander Ge has asked me to take good care of you!”
Thinking back over the past six years and the meticulous care and kindness Luo Bo had shown him, ZiChuan Xiu couldn’t help but feel a sudden surge of warmth in his chest. He gave the old man in front of him a deep bow: “My humble self does not deserve what you and Commander Ge Ying Xing have done for me over the years… I can never repay your kindness in this life time! But if you ever have the need of me, I will do everything I can even at the cost of my own life!”
Luo Bo stood up gracefully: “Current Supreme Commander Yang Ming Hua is above the law and unmatched in power; he has already shown his unwillingness to serve! I, as an elder of the Family, am ordering you, Deputy Commander ZiChuan Xiu; keep Lady ZiChuan Ning safe, no matter what! She is the only surviving bloodline of the former Headmaster, ZiChuan Yuan Xing.”
He gave a bow to ZiChuan Xiu in return: “Ah Xiu, I’m counting on you!”
ZiChuan Xiu held his head up high: “Yes Sir! As long as I’m alive, I will not let harm come to Lady Ning! You can count on me!” Then he bowed deeply in return, feeling a sense of pride swirling in his chest.
“Oh, there is one more thing. Didn’t you just say you would repay me with your life? Well, how about my bottles…”
ZiChuan Xiu answered defiantly: “No way! I was just being polite… three hundred year old wine and royal brandy… they worth way more than my life! I won’t give them back even if I die!”
Xiu’s Company
At the most exclusive (also the most expensive) Heaven’s Dream restaurant in City Warren, Luo Jie, Bai Chuan and Chang Chuan celebrated their promotion to Banner Masters and arranged a farewell banquet for their commanding officer, Deputy Commander ZiChuan Xiu, for getting reassigned to the Capital!
Bai Chuan took a look at the menu, and felt a bit shaken by what she saw: so expensive!
She whispered to Luo Jie: “Are you sure you brought enough money?”
Luo Jie whispered back bitterly: “At worst we will have to pawn you off for payment. Why did Commander Xiu choose a place like this? One dinner is going to cost me half year’s worth of my salary… and that is only when it is shared between the three of us.”
Bai Chuan (whisper): “I suspect that idiot is purposely trying to mess with us. Just look at the dishes he ordered… Golden Roasted Piglet, Golden Broiled lobster, Golden Grilled Chicken, Golden Roasted Duck, Golden Fruit Basket, Golden Flossed Vegetables and Golden Brandy… so much gold, I hope he bloody dies from constipation!”
Luo Jie (whisper): “Shh, keep it down! I saw him eyeing you suspiciously; he may have overheard us… Ah, shit, he is making another order… it is the Eight Golden Treasures of the Royal Palace! Fuck, my next year’s salary is now gone as well!”
ZiChuan Xiu and Chang Chuan were having a good time, but then he suddenly turned around: “Bai Chuan, Luo Jie, what are you two talking about?”
Bai Chuan: “Sir, you are getting reassigned. You won’t be our commander officer anymore… We feel really sad; we are going to miss you.”
ZiChuan Xiu: “Oh ho, now that you mention it, I feel really sad as well… But you don’t look very heartbroken about it… you look more like… someone who just got liberated.”
Bai Chuan: “Well, even though we are laughing on the outside, we are actually crying on the inside, Sir!”
Luo Jie and Chang Chuan both felt the same way: They are both crying on the inside… in silence… for their wallet…
ZiChuan Xiu rubbed his eyes, feeling a bit overwhelmed with emotions: “I’m so fortunate to have served with good men like you! Perhaps I should stay…”
Chang Chuan, Luo Jie and Bai Chuan shouted in unison!
“Sir, we don’t want be the ones to keep you from your dreams!” (Yes, leave; go torment the idiots in the Capital!)
“Yes, Sir, but do come back and visit us when you have time!” (Better if you don’t!)
“Sir, I hope you won’t forget about us after you ascend to greatness…” (Don’t really care whether you remember us or not, we won’t be remembering you that much is for sure.)
ZiChuan Xiu was about to burst into tears, he spoke weepingly: “We have risked our lives together… We are brothers in adversity… How can I possibly forget you? Come, for our friendship, let’s toast! Yo, lady, bring another five bottles of Royal Brandy, and a Golden Roasted Lamb!”
By the time everyone had their fill and rubbed their bellies in satisfaction (Or pretend to be).
ZiChuan Xiu suddenly remembered something: “Oh, I almost forgot to tell you guys! There is official business as well.”
He retrieved an envelope from his briefcase: “Signed by Deputy Commander Luo Bo, this is your new assignment. Luo Jie, why don’t you take a look?”
Bai Chuan was getting a bad feeling about this, but quickly comforted herself: Surely it can’t be worse than this, right?
Luo Jie took the envelope, but merely a glance of it… made this fearless warrior who wouldn’t even flinch in the face of thousand demons, faint on the spot.
Chang Chuan snatched the envelope: “Useless coward, at worst it is an order to attack the Great Demon God Fortress, shame on you!”
As the words fell, he took a look at inside the envelope… and fainted as well.
Bai Chuan picked the Appointment Letter back up from the floor, hands trembling… ZiChuan Xiu eyed her sympathetically, suggesting: “Would you like some wine to calm the nerves?”
Bai Chuan mustered her courage and opened the envelope in one go, the order was surprisingly simple, just one sentence:
“Bannermaster Luo Jie, Bai Chuan and Chang Chuan are being redeployed to the Capital and will continue to serve under the command of Deputy Commander ZiChuan Xiu. – Far Eastern Army Chief of the General Staff Luo Bo, Imperial Calendar, Year 778”
Bai Chuan’s mind went blank for a second… but she managed to hang on.
Her initial instinct was to reach for her sabre… but she didn’t bring her weapon today.
She then thought to leap at him with the intent to kill… but she was unarmed.
She wanted to curse… but looking at ZiChuan Xiu’s “honest” smile, she knew she would be wasting her breath.
Finally, she thought of an even deadlier manoeuvre.
Bai Chuan’s sudden calm caught ZiChuan Xiu by surprise; he couldn’t help but commend her: “No wonder they say women are more durable than men in the face of a crisis!
ZiChuan Xiu: “Well, Bai Chuan, you see, it all worked out! We can all be together again, no wonder those two fainted from joy…!
“Huh? Why aren’t you saying anything? What are you doing with Luo Jie’s coat… Why are you taking his wallet? And Chang Chuan’s wallet as well…”
“Is it possible that we both share the same hobby… we both like to get our friends drunk then steal their wallet? Surely that is not right. I’m still awake… unless you share it with me.”
“Why are you opening the window? It is quite cool inside…”
Bai Chuan stood next to the window, taking a deep breath and shouted: “Someone is doing an eat and run! Catch him!” With that, she leaped out of the window.
Suddenly voices stirred inside the Heaven’s Dream restaurant: “Who is doing an eat and run? Don’t let him get away!”
“Catch that guy, he is doing an eat and run! Over there, the one spacing out next to the window!”
“Stop right there, how dare you try to cheat us wearing Deputy Commander’s uniform and pretend to be an army officer?!”
“I knew he was a fake the moment I saw him… How can someone so young be a Deputy Commander?”
“Let’s beat him up before we take him to the police!”
According to House ZiChuan’s History Record: Imperial Calendar, Year 778 July 29th, with Far Eastern Army Deputy Commander Luo Bo’s approval, ZiChuan Xiu who was on reserve duty at the time, formed what would later be known as the bane of demons and the most powerful army in the world. The famous “Xiu’s Company”, its creation has been crucial in the history of House ZiChuan. In fact, this newly formed army is what made it possible for the new Headmaster of House ZiChuan to successfully inherit the House. It also played an important role in the quelling of civil unrests, defending against enemy attacks, subjugating the House Liu Feng and the conquering of the Great Demon God Fortress. It will greatly influence the course of House ZiChuan for the hundred years to come!
The three Bannermasters, Luo Jie, Bai Chuan and Chang Chuan were amongst the first officers to join Xiu’s Company. That day at the Heaven’s Dream restaurant in the City of Warren, they swore their fealty to ZiChuan Xiu. From that day forth, no matter in what kind of dire situation they found themselves in, none of them ever betrayed their vow and they remained loyal to ZiChuan Xiu, until the moment they died. It was also the first step ZiChuan Xiu took in becoming what would later be known as… the “King of Light”.
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