Hear Shu Qing's words, Luo Yan Xi also calculate to understand, she is in for oneself take out gas.

But seeing Luo Ziyu, she really has no appetite.

"No, godmother, I don't have anything to eat."

"How can that be? It's time for you to mend your body. You must eat well and listen to godmother's words, good

Say, Shu Qing's Li Mou sees to Luo son more again, astringent the lips cape that was love before.

"Aren't you good at cooking? Then go back and make some decent ones for your sister

Luo Zi is biting the alveolus fiercely more, in front of them, oneself seem to have become a fool!

"Auntie, sister, she didn't say what she wanted to eat. How can I do it when I go back?"

Luo son more pull the corner of mouth stiff smile, fortunately Luo Yan Xi said nothing to eat, this has become her reason.

"You can't do it without saying it? Do everything you can until Xiao Xi is satisfied with it


Luo Ziyu clenched his hands tightly. He knew that he was deliberately taking care of her!

"I, I also cooked dinner for brother Mingxiu. He is injured now. I'd better take care of him first, and then go back."

"No, I can do it myself!"

Huo Mingxiu's words completely blocked Luo Ziyu's way out. Her body was stiff and she bit her teeth.

"Well, aunt, I'll go back first."

Fierce eyes swept one eye Luo Yan Xi, want to eat my meal! OK, I promise you will never forget it!

Luo Ziyu's face flashed across a fierce absolutely, finish saying to turn round to walk toward ward door.

"Wait a minute!"

Shu Qing shouts at her. "Make more. I'll eat with Xiao Xi."

"Well, I see!"

Luo Ziyu's voice trembled. Could her mind be seen through? To cover up the fierce light at the bottom of her eyes, she was stunned and didn't look back.

Pull open the door of the ward, Luo son more in the heart hold a breath completely release not to go out.

Now it's not only Luo Yanxi, but also Shuqing!

These two women who are against her! She must find a way to kill them!

Go to a remote place, Luo Ziyu took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.

"Sunspot, why didn't you tell me that brother Mingxiu's mother came back?"

If she knew, she would not come at such a time, and would not make herself so embarrassed.

The sunspot over there didn't seem to react at all. "Is Madame back?"

Hearing his confused voice, Luo Ziyu's anger suddenly jumped to the top. "Nonsense, what can I see with my own eyes? Do I see ghosts? "

She would rather see is a ghost, and she cursed Shu Qing quickly become a ghost, so, stop her people less one.

"I'm sorry, Miss Ziyu. I, I don't know about it."

"You don't know? Don't you follow brother Mingxiu every day? "

"That Luo Yanxi's affairs have been found out. I'm still thinking behind closed doors. I've been removed from all my posts. Now I'm not qualified to follow the master. " When sunspot said this, he was also complaining in his heart.

"What? You said Then, then I... " The more Luo Zi heard this, the more flustered he was.

"Don't worry, Miss Ziyu. I didn't say anything about you! Even if I die, I will not betray you! "

The sunspot swore solemnly on the phone.

Luo Zi more long relief, heart this just slightly put back in the belly.

"That's good, sunspot. It's estimated that they will be very strict recently. Let's not contact for the moment."

After that, she hung up the phone. She didn't expect that the trash didn't kill Luo Yanxi, but lost her job.

In this way, who else will inform Huo Mingxiu? That Meng Lei, she can't catch him at all, let alone blackmail him.

Her face is full of Yin palpitations, eyes like a knife like flash fierce light, picked up the phone and quickly dial a number, the corner of the lip smile vicious terror.

"Huo Xiaochen, the woman Shu Qing is back! Don't you always want her dead? Take the medicine you told me last time, and I'll let Shu Qing and Luo Yanxi die together! "

"Hum, are you sure to get rid of Shu Qing? Don't look down on that woman! Don't overestimate yourself! You can take those medicine, you can also remove Shuqing, but Luo Yanxi can't die now! "

The voice of the man's gloomy came from the other end of the phone. Luo Zi was more and more stunned and gritted his teeth.

"Why? If she doesn't die, how will our plan work out? "

"Luo Ziyu, don't forget your identity. You are not qualified to ask so many questions!"

"Ba" of a, haven't waited for Luo son to more again open mouth, her ear has already spread a burst of blind tone.

She was biting her lower lip, and her eyes were full of reluctance!

Luo Yanxi thought that the more difficult Luo Zi was, the more she would retreat and never come again. Unexpectedly, it wasn't long before she came to the hospital again with a bowl of hot porridge."Auntie, I made porridge for my sister, and I specially made a small dish for you. Please try it."

Luo Ziyu respectfully puts the food on the low cabinet beside Shu Qing, and looks around the ward. He doesn't see Huo Mingxiu. He feels more comfortable.

He surmised that he had changed rooms? In that case, she will be able to visit him alone in the next few days.

Shu Qing looks at the food in front of her. "I'll eat what Xiao Xi eats."

"Well, I'll serve you a bowl of porridge, too." Luo Zi's smile is more and more brilliant. Since she takes the initiative to seek death, how can she stop it!

"What kind of porridge is this?" Shu Qing took a look at the bowl.

"Auntie, it's for replenishing qi and blood. It's just right for my sister." Luo Zi explained patiently, looking forward to it, hoping that Shu Qing could drink it soon.

When she picked up the spoon, Luo Ziyu's eyes were almost looking forward to coming out, until he watched her drink a few mouthfuls, and his lips were slightly closed.

Shu Qing tasted several mouthfuls one after another, and determined that the porridge was ok, so she brought it to Luo Yanxi. "Xiao Xi, you can try this porridge."

Luo Yanxi didn't like to drink these nourishing things. "Godmother, please put it down first. I'll drink it myself later."

"No, you still have injuries. I'll feed you and drink it while it's hot, eh?"

Luo Yan is not good to refuse again, obedient will drink porridge, until drink a bowl of porridge bottom, Shu Qing just put down the bowl.

"Come on, you've got to get rid of this. It's none of your business. Go back!" Shu Qing put down the bowl and said coldly to Luo Ziyu.

Looking at Luo Yan Xi after eating porridge, Luo Zi is more and more in full bloom. At this time, even if Shu Qing sneers at her again, she doesn't care.

Anyway, these two people will die in her hands sooner or later!

"Well, Auntie and sister, I'll go back first."

The more Luo Zi tidied up, he went out with his lunch box.

Shu Qing looks at her appearance, the fundus of the eye flashed a doubt.

"Xiao Xi, I just tasted this porridge. It's no problem, but it's hard to guarantee that she won't make an article in the future. If she comes again, you must let others taste it before eating it."

Seeing Luo Ziyu, Shu Qing is always worried.

"Don't worry, godmother. She's not stupid enough to poison me. If something happens to me, don't you understand that she did it?"

Shu Qing thought it was reasonable, but her heart was always flustered and could not calm down.

"Godmother, are you too tired? You will come here to see me as soon as you get off the plane. You'd better go back and have a rest early."

Seeing the anxious expression on her face, Luo Yanxi couldn't help persuading her.

"Well, I'll go back first. You can take care of yourself. There's also Mingxiu. He's hurt a lot. It's my son. Xiao Xi, you should bear with me more, eh? "

"I know, godmother."

Luo Yanxi nodded, but he didn't know that the more tolerant she was, the more aggressive the man was.

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