Chu Mo Chen spread his hands and shrugged his shoulders.

"Hum, don't talk to me. I'm at odds with you Chu family!"

"That's nature! You only hate the Huo family and the Chu family! "

Chu Mo Chen continues to say, seem to be narrating a most common thing, at the same time, his vision also shifted to Luo Yan Xi's body.

"You know your son, even if he died, really loves my mother-in-law. But for the sake of your so-called hatred, you instilled the seeds of hatred into him from childhood. Let him not dare to love, will not love! After all, it's you who hurt him

Speaking of this, Chu Mo Chen's eyes became cold.

"Because you can't get love, you want everyone to get it! Even his own son

"Oh, I'm not worth it for Theseus."

Chu Mo Chen says, the hand suddenly stretches to own pocket.

And Carrie instinctively drags Luo Yanxi back.

"Don't worry, I don't have a gun on me now, and I won't let anyone else shoot! I just want to show you something. "

Finish saying, Chu Mo dust already took out a diary from the bosom, hold in the hand a Yang.

"This is what Hughes left behind. It records his truest thoughts all the time. Don't you want to have a look? "

Chu Mo Chen's lips are slightly raised. "He's really going to be tortured and crazy by his mother. He loves and hates his mother who has become crazy because of emotional frustration."

Then he threw it away, and the diary fell on Carrie's lap.

She shook her hands and picked up the diary, trembling to open it.

"If you don't believe it, you can open it for yourself." Chu Mo Chen added.

At last Carrie turned the page with difficulty.

Just on the first page, it made her a little nervous.

"No, it must be false, nonsense. Hughes can't know I'm lying to him from the beginning! No way

Carrie growled.

But Chu Mo Chen didn't like it. "So you underestimate your son's IQ. But he is really filial, for you, he would rather hypnotize himself to believe that you do all this to avenge his father! From small to large, how inhuman his spirit has been

"Chu Mo Chen, I don't know what you're talking about. Now I have hostages in my hands. If I know the truth, let me go, otherwise Let's die together

"Do you mean the bombs that were buried at the beginning of the building? Don't you see in your son's diary that he didn't bury bombs here according to your request! And then you abducted Wei Wei! It's you who have separated them for more than ten years and made my mother-in-law cry all day long. But I don't understand why you sent Wei Wei to me? "

"Oh, why? For her daughter Carrie pointed maliciously at Luo Yanxi. "Taste the misery of the world! Because I was pregnant with someone else's child, I was spurned by my husband's family, and even my own daughter couldn't recognize it! "

"But you are wrong! That is you think my Chu family won't want such a daughter-in-law! You want the world to spit on her! I have to say, you are a cruel woman

Chu Mo Chen seems to have expected the whole thing.

"Well, I can't compare with you! Especially this woman! You killed my son, and I want all of you to be buried with him! "

Looking at this stubborn woman, Chu Mo Chen shook his head helplessly.

At this time, the soil and stones above fell more seriously, and the earth was shaking.

"Mr. Chu, let's go. This place is going to collapse."

The person behind hastens to urge Chu Mo dust.

"Mother in law, go

Chu Mo Chen galloped a few steps under his feet, reached Luo Yan Xi, grabbed her and ran.

"Wait, wait..."

Luo Yanxi stops and looks at the woman who is still in the wheelchair. "She..."

"Don't you see that? She doesn't want to leave at all. Don't forget, there's her son here! "

Luo Yanxi looked at Carrie. From her eyes, she saw the light in her eyes.

Eyes slowly closed, Hughes, she finally, free!


Sunlight through the cracks in the curtains hit the glass, folded into the room.

In the quiet big bed, there was a movement at last.

Although it's just a little light move, tiny whining, but still let the man beside open his eyes.

Chu Mo Chen a pair of black pupil, crystal bright deep, focus on coagulation stay in his arms, gradually wake up the woman.

Smile covered his eyebrows, but he didn't worry about the next action. He just watched the woman in his arms slowly open her eyes. Her eyes were clear from chaos. Finally, when she completely met his smiling sight, the whole person was stunned.

"What? Are you stupid

Deep male voice with a trace of hoarseness, in this beautiful morning is more sexual."You..."

Wen ran was dazzled, looking at a handsome face close at hand, but he couldn't slow down for a long time.

She thought that when she woke up, she would encounter a Fang's disgust again. She thought that she would be like a bird with broken wings and be kept in the cage.

"What's the matter with me? Have you become more handsome? "

Chu Mo Chen didn't say solemnly, there wasn't much enthusiasm on his face, but let Wen ran feel a pain in his heart.

Looking at his familiar handsome face, tears seem to have gathered together and will rush out in an instant.

"How, how can I be here, you, you..."

She was incoherent and didn't know what she wanted to say. During this period, her life was full of surprises and fears.

In this short period of time, she seems to have experienced a catastrophe in her life. People she didn't know tormented her spirit every day.

Although did not start, but the eyes like want to be her lingchi general.

Especially the woman a Fang called "master". After hearing what a Fang said that day, she realized that her parents were still alive, and they were

She doesn't know whether all this is true or not, what's her fate in the next tomorrow, and whether she can see her lover and relatives again!

She was frightened. When the night came, she expected that she had just had a dream. When she woke up, Chu Mo Chen would appear in front of her.

But now that he really appeared in front of her, she couldn't believe it.

"What? Don't you want to see me? "

Chu Mo Chen pretends to be angry and says that the micro frown makes Wen ran feel tight and painful and shakes his head quickly.

"Yes, I miss you very much! I think about it almost every day these days, but I used to sleep every day, and they didn't give me time to think about you at all. Later, I was afraid of falling asleep, because I was afraid that at that moment, maybe I didn't even have the chance to dream... "

She said well wronged good wronged, the heart is even more sad to death.

"I know, darling, don't think about it, don't think about it any more. It's all gone. Now, in the future, no matter where it is, even in my dream, I will be with you."

His forefinger touched her red lips, and his eyes were filled with infinite attachment. He really missed her, and this period of time was even longer than many years waiting for her.

He held her tightly in his arms, and couldn't help looking for her lips again. Wen Ran's little face turned red, and the rosy clouds on his face were bright and moving.

Chu Mo Chen looks at the woman in front of him, his Wei Wei. He loves her more when she grows up.

"Wife, although you didn't dream of me, I dream of you every night. Oh, you always come to my dream."

He called her "wife", while whispering in her ear, at the same time, the big hand is more restless.

"Chu Mo Chen, can you stop It's shameless to talk. "

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