But Wei Wei hit three times in a row, and no one answered.

When Wen ran saw Wei Wei's phone call, she just got on the bus.

She looked at the name flashing on the screen and was in a daze until the screen turned black, but she didn't come back too much.

She stayed up all night last night.

In the bathroom of Weiwei's bedroom, she took a basin of hot water and wiped her body several times, then wrapped in a bath towel and walked out of the bathroom with a weak body.

She was going to look in Weiwei's room to see if there were any clothes she could wear. As soon as she went out, she saw a clean and tidy Nightgown on the head of Weiwei's big bed.

She didn't need to think about who brought the clothes in. She went to the hanger to take off the clothes she had changed from the bath and put them on.

He Yi lay by the bed and closed his eyes, but he couldn't sleep for a long time. Finally, he opened his eyes to the grey light.

At about five or six o'clock, Wen ran went down the stairs lightly.

The room is very quiet, people should not get up, she quietly out of the door, do not want to go to the gate of the courtyard, saw the morning exercise back Chu Bai.

Wen ran was stunned. He didn't expect that he would get up so early.

Chu white looking at to go out of Wen Ran is also tiny a Leng, some surprised.

"Up so early."

Wen ran looked at the man with a serious face in front of him and thought that maybe he would show kindness and kindness only when he was facing a lovely child like Wei Wei.

She nodded, pulled out a smile, "wake up early, so I got up, suddenly thought that there is a document left at home, later to work, so I want to go back early to get it, so as not to be late."

Wen ran gave a very high sounding reason.

But Wen ran knew that although this kind of excuse was very fake, the man would not stop her.

After all, they had nothing to do with her last night. If she didn't stay, Weiwei would not stay. Now she sneaks away, but they are willing to see her.

In this way, Weiwei can be left in the Chu family!

"I'll let the driver see you off." Chubai was silent for a while and said.

"No more..."

Wen ran didn't want to bother him, but Chu Bai interrupted her, "I'll take you to the nearby bus station, or you'll have to walk for half an hour if you go by yourself."

Listening to him, Wen ran could only nod his head.

What's more, in her present condition, her legs would be useless if she walked for half an hour.

What did the man do to her last night? Her physical reaction is still a deep reminder to her.

Wen ran stood at the door of the villa and waited. Soon a car came. Wen ran drove through the door and got on without looking back.

So she didn't find anyone standing on the second floor window.

From Wen ran out of Weiwei's room, to her downstairs door, meet Chu Bai at the door, Chu Mo dust is known.

Like her, he stayed up all night.

He sat on the sofa in his bedroom, smoking all night, thinking about what happened tonight.

Why did they suddenly become like this.

Thinking about it, at last, Chu Mo Chen's eyes stayed on the bed in the bedroom.

It's like something's wrong from this bed.

About five o'clock, he heard the opposite Weiwei room open.

He knew that the woman was going to leave. Although he was very depressed, he wanted to see if her eyes were red and swollen.

But in the end, he didn't move.

But still did not resist to stand in front of the window, want to take a look at her from a distance.

Finally, Wen ran will not go in his sight.

Chu Mo Chen sighed a long time, and the smoke in his hand was still emitting wisps of white smoke, just like the white fog in the morning.

After Wen ran left, Chu Mo Chen stood there for a while, finished smoking the cigarette in his hand, and then left the room.

As soon as I went out, before I went downstairs, I met Chu Bai who came back from outside.

Looking at the son who didn't go home for a long time, he saw that his arm was still wrapped with gauze, reminding him of the conflict and contradiction between his son and the Chu family that day.

Some things are unavoidable.

"There's something for you." Chu Mo Chen opens his mouth first.

Only when I opened my mouth, I found that my voice was hoarse and frightening.

Chu white a listen to his that voice, immediately displeased of wrinkly frown, drink a way: "you this is smoked how many cigarettes!"

Chu Mo Chen turns around and enters the study. After a while, he comes out with a brown paper bag in his hand.

Chu white looked at the document bag that the eye handed to the hand, wrinkly eyebrow of doubt open a way: "what is this?"

"DNA report."

Chu Mo Chen simply dropped a sentence, turned and went back to the room, into the bathroom.Wen ran came back to his home from Chu's home. It was less than eight o'clock when he went to work.

But she didn't want to go.

She doesn't want to see that hateful man now!

Wen ran called a colleague in the personnel department and asked for a few days' leave on the grounds of discomfort.

Then he poured his soft and sour body on the bed.

She didn't sleep all night. As soon as she touched the bed, she soon fell asleep, but she didn't sleep well. She always dreamed.

She dreamt that Weiwei's mother came back, and then saw the man and her in the bed they slept in last night

Wen ran excitedly walked in and wanted to tear them apart, but he couldn't touch them.

But the two people on the bed were more and more tightly entangled. They also looked at her with a sneer. He said to her with a smile: "wenran, she is more tasteful, affectionate and interesting than you..."

"I think so, too." The woman echoed, and then hooked her legs on Chu Mo Chen's waist.

Don't Let go of

"Ah --", a exclamation, Wen ran suddenly opened his eyes, forehead covered with sweat, all wet.

She gasped unsteadily.

Looking out of the window with some dull eyes, it turned out that it was already dark.

She got out of bed and poured herself a glass of water. After drinking, her mind gradually turned around.

What a messy dream I just had!

However, many images in the dream are still very clear in the brain.

Wen ran sighed helplessly, picked up the mobile phone and looked at it. It was more than eight o'clock in the evening, and she actually had a whole day's sleep.

But there is nothing quiet in the mobile phone.

Wen ran turned to the bedroom to change clothes, ready to go downstairs to see what to eat.

It's hard to be hungry.

The residential area of shanning'er's house is close to the seaside, so there are many seafood restaurants downstairs.

She went into the house at will and ordered fried rice with seafood, baked oysters and scallops.

When in a bad mood, the best way to relieve is to eat!

Eat big, eat special! Eating will make you feel better.

That's what she used to be.

But today, somehow, this method doesn't work.

Food up, Wen ran did not eat a few mouthfuls, nausea on the uncomfortable.

Seafood used to be delicious, but now it's very fishy.

I didn't eat much, so I vomited on the side of the road.

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