Chu Mo Chen ordered a bowl of beef noodles and handed the menu to Wen ran. Wen ran only ordered a bowl of white porridge for himself and called the waiter.

When the meal they ordered came up, Chu Mo Chen looked at what she ate, and frowned with obvious displeasure, "how to eat this."

Still so plain, no wonder just around her waist, full of bones.

Wen ran hears him to ask so, in the heart clap Deng for a while, thought of the child in his belly.

Put on the hand under the table unconsciously covered himself or flat abdomen.

Looking at Chu Mo Chen's eyes, some Dodge, guilty.

How would he react if he knew she was pregnant with his child? She's a little unsure.

Although Chu Mo Chen seems to be looking for her to go back, he and Wei Wei's mother, as well as Yan Rui, have no courage to ask.

"I'm not very hungry. If you're hungry, eat more and leave me alone."

Wen ran while saying, while burying his head, pretending to seriously drink his porridge, dare not look up at him. I'm afraid he'll see something wrong.

As a matter of fact, her stomach hasn't shown her mind yet. As long as she doesn't vomit in front of him, Chu Mo Chen should not doubt anything, but maybe this is what people call guilty conscience.

She stole his seed. Naturally, she felt guilty.

"Eat a piece of beef. How thin are you when you eat like this." Although Chu Mo Chen is angry with her, he still cares about her.

In his eyes, Wen Ran is like a child who doesn't know what to do. Sometimes she will cry and be willful. But because she likes her, her crying and willfulness are lovely and charming in his eyes.

Just this time, she left him in silence, which really made him flustered. Chu Mo Chen's spirit would be bigger.

However, Qi returned to Qi. No matter how angry he was with her, he couldn't see her being so ignorant and not taking good care of her body.

Chu Mo Chen sighs a long breath, this wench still really can't let a person worry for a moment.

Wen ran looked at the two pieces of beef in his porridge and immediately frowned, "I don't want to eat this..."

"What's wrong with this? You look thin. I haven't seen you before. You can't eat beef! " The man sitting opposite suddenly reprimanded her in a calm voice.

Wen Ran is holding his mouth, his eyes are full of resentment, and he looks at the meat that has been put on the spoon.

It's not that she doesn't want to eat, it's just that

Wen ran was stared at by Chu Mo Chen's eyes, but she was extremely nervous, and she was afraid that she would eat it. After a while, she vomited.

"Eat quickly, darling, don't be so ignorant."

Wen Ran's eyelashes trembled. Looking at the man who suddenly changed the Huairou policy, she knew very well. Although he now put a soft tone, if she dared to say no, she would stand up and put it into her mouth without saying a word.

This man is so overbearing. Although a lot of times, it seems that this man is very talkative, but often in many small things, he firmly does not allow you to twist with her, against his will.

Wen ran in his forced eyes, hard scalp helpless to put the beef into her mouth, she did not chew, a swallow.

Keep praying in my heart, don't vomit Don't vomit Never throw up!

However, only a minute later, she felt something was wrong in her stomach and rushed to the bathroom with her stomach covered Wen ran covered her stomach and vomited in the bathroom for a long time. She couldn't stand the big reaction.

Because she paid attention to her diet during this period of time, so she didn't vomit like this. Now suddenly, she vomited like this again, and her tired body was really uncomfortable.

Last night, because she was worried about the house being demolished this morning, she didn't sleep well all night. Now she vomites like this, and the whole person is about to collapse.

Wen ran covers his stomach with one hand and holds one side of the wall. He looks down at his stomach feebly.

"You little bastard, I see you are so dishonest!"

Wen ran said to himself, pointing to his stomach and complaining in a low voice.

"Don't think he's here. You'll be happy to know that he's here! Maybe if he is not happy, you will die. Please be honest with me

"Well -"

this This little bastard, just said to be honest, then came to upset her again!

Wenran is going to be mad at the asshole.

Before the pregnancy, although the child from time to time will make people uncomfortable, but it is not so severe.

"Good baby, Mommy, please be good. Don't make trouble, OK?" Wen ran tone helplessly stroked his stomach, quietly soothed the way.

Gradually stroking my stomach for a while, I finally felt better, and there was no sign of vomiting.

Wen ran took a long breath.

This kid in his stomach seems to be a tough guy. It's useless to yell at him. You have to coax him to give you a little rest.Wen ran gargles his mouth in the basin and washes his face before leaving the bathroom.

As soon as I went out, I ran into Chu Mo Chen.

"What's the matter? I've been in the toilet for so long. If you don't come out, I'll go in and look for you. "

“……” Wen Ran's eyes dodged and looked at the man in front of him, huff and puff and said: "these days, my stomach is a little uncomfortable, maybe I'm not used to it when I come back, or I'm not acclimatized."

"You've been back for more than a month, and you're not acclimatized?"

Chu Mo Chen some doubts of open a way.

Wen ran was so guilty that he said out loud: "when I went to Nancheng, I felt better in the past half a year. It depends on my physique. It depends on time."

"Do you want to buy some medicine or something?" Chu Mo dust wrinkled the opening way of frown. The main reason is that he looks at her face as if it is not good, and there is some whiteness.

"No, there's no medicine for this one. I can only get used to it slowly." Wen ran talks nonsense with him, and then prepares to pay the bill. When he goes to the front desk, he knows that he has settled the bill, so he has to forget it. Anyway, there is not much money.

Later, Chu Mo Chen and Wen ran went to the supermarket together, ready to buy some vegetables back.

Wen Ran has been wandering in the fresh fruit area. She doesn't dare to go to the fish area over there. She wanted to buy fish, but she was afraid that it would be too fishy and she would

Just Chu Mo Chen's appearance certainly also don't want to pass, because there is too dirty. Supermarkets in small places are not as clean as those in big cities.

"Chu Mo Chen, you go there to buy some fish or something. I'll buy some flour and go back to make dumplings."

She said, pushing the car to go first.

Chu Mo Chen looks at the back of the little woman who is going to one side, can't help but the corners of her lips are slightly raised. Will this girl still be able to call people now?

However, the soft "Chu Mo Chen" three words from her mouth make people listen particularly beautiful.

Then, the man's smile gradually turned to the side of the fish and meat area.

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