Just when Chu Haotian wanted to finish what he had just said to her, he was pushed hard. Then he leaned back without warning. The little woman with a red face opened the door, jumped out of the car quickly and walked towards the restaurant without looking back.

Chu Haotian's eyes were deep, looking at the figure who ran away. His slender fingers gently stroked his lower lip. Slowly, a smile of evil spirit appeared at the corner of his lip.

Crazy, crazy!

Lu Lingxi cursed himself all the way.

Lu Lingxi, you must be crazy! You kiss that pervert!

What do you think he did to you? You, you're out of your head! Or it's crowded by the door!

Chu Haotian stood in front of the car, looking at the figure of the fast trot, looking up at the sky.

Is still the best season of the year, in such a season, and you, meet again!

Many years later, I don't know if the girl will still remember, in such a warm sun, who had rowed her hair, and who had brought her a lifetime of sorrow.

When Lu Lingxi stepped into the restaurant, she was attracted by the golden piano on the stage.

Black and white keyboard, before her family, her delicate hands had danced on it and played beautiful strings.

She stood in the same place, looking at the piano attentively, her heart, also inexplicably settled down, as if nothing had happened with Chu Haotian just now.

"Want to play?"

Suddenly, a male voice came from her ear. Looking back, a handsome face of the man came into view.

Almost subconsciously, she nodded.


When the first clear note flows out from her fingers, her lips finally show a long lost smile.

With her clean face, slender fingers and white keys, she looks like an elf.

The sound of the piano is sometimes gorgeous and sometimes sad. What it reveals is worry and missing.

Chu Haotian enjoyed it at first, but listening, all the feelings she expressed at her fingertips touched his heart.


Finally, he couldn't help it any more. He stood up and walked to her. A strong force pulled her down from the chair.

The one she missed, the one she missed! Who is it?

Is that Wu Shengrui again?

Cold two words jump out of his mouth, Lu Lingxi hasn't reacted, the body is pulled to the stage by him again, this kind of situation she really feel inexplicable.

Their actions naturally attracted the eyes of many people, and the figure sitting in the corner of the restaurant was a real look at the anger in Chu Hao's eyes.

With a wave of his hand, the figure standing behind him immediately came forward and bowed his head respectfully.

"Go and find out about that woman!"

The man's voice just fell, the shadow around him has disappeared.

After a meal, Chu Haotian is always dark and calm. Facing Lu Lingxi like him, he thinks that this is caused by the man's moods.

She is also lazy to care, only used to fill his belly first.

It was only when he got on the bus again that he said something to her that Lu Lingxi's mood suddenly rose.

He said that he would take her to Huo's house to see Luo Yanxi!

Huo's old house.

"Where's my dog?"

Luo Yanxi began to look for the dog chubai sent yesterday after eating, but he didn't even look at the shadow of the dog.

As soon as she lifted her eyes, she was right at Huo Mingxiu, who came down from upstairs.

Four eyes opposite, the man's eye bottom flash a trace of hesitation quickly, when he reaction, Luo Yan Xi has turned to other places to continue to look for.

"Keep the change, the dog, throw it away!"

Her steps stopped, she clenched her teeth and said in a cold voice. "What did you say? Throw it away? Xiaobai gave it to me. Why did you throw it away? "

In an instant, the smoke between the two people gradually rose.

"I am the master of this family!" Men's tone is also quite cold.

"Oh, yes! In that case, please let me go! Anyway, even if one of my puppies is here, it will get in your way! "

"Brother Huo, it's just a little dog. Why do you..."

Seeing that the two are at each other's end, Chu Bai can't help talking for Luo Yanxi.

"You're going to Holls with me today. The last cooperation plan needs to be changed."

Ignoring Chu Bai's words, Huo Mingxiu calms down and changes his face.

Luo Yanxi is angry, "what do you want to do with Xiaobai?"

She thought he was going to embarrass chubai again.

But unexpectedly, Huo Mingxiu didn't reply this time. Wei An's figure passed her directly, and even his remaining light didn't look at her again.

This feeling of being ignored It was suddenly chilling.All of a sudden, she seems to go back to five years ago, no matter she lost her temper or what, he just as now, did not care, ignored!

"Huo Mingxiu, don't go! Since you don't like to see me, why don't you let me go? "

Her voice came from behind, but the man's face was still light and ordinary, and there was no sign of forbearance.

"Chubai, you don't always want an answer, so follow me!"

"Ah? Oh, Xiao Xi, I'll go first. "

Hearing Huo Mingxiu's words, Chu Bai trembles all over, and then obediently follows him out of the door, leaving Luo Yanxi standing there biting his lips with indignation.

When Huo Mingxiu's car just left Huo's house, Chu Haotian's car slowly came in

"Xiao Xi..."

Suddenly, Lu Lingxi lets Luo Yanxi, who is still in the sofa, stand up.

"Lingxi, why are you here?"

She swept the previous haze, quickly stepped forward and held Lu Lingxi's hand tightly.

I don't know if it's because it's so easy for them to meet each other, or because their destinies are too similar now. They just look at each other, and they can even see each other's sadness.

"Xiao Xi, why is your face so bad? Have you quarreled with your brother Mingxiu again? "

When Chu Hao came in, Jun's face was covered with a smile.

Luo Yan Xi gave him a look. "I'm too lazy to talk to him. He can't even take the little dog Xiao Bai gave me."

Hearing her words, Chu Haotian frowned slightly.

"Xiaobai gives you a puppy?"

"Yes! The man threw it away! Sure enough, there is no love at all. Hello, what's your expression? Did I make a mistake? It's not much better to grow up with him in the same trousers! "

Seeing Chu Haotian staring at herself, Luo Yanxi's whole body is hairy. She can't help but reply.

Chu Haotian was stunned, "Xiao Xi, don't you know?"

She gave him a bad look. "What do you know?"

You were bitten by a dog once when you were a child. Since then, Mingxiu has not allowed the family to keep a dog. This happened when you were seven years old. You should remember it clearly!

Hearing Chu Haotian's words, Luo Yanxi was also puzzled.

How could she forget things when she was seven years old, just In her memory, she didn't even have an impression of it.

Blinking, blinking, she shook her head blankly. "I don't remember."

"Xiao Xi, what Haotian said is true. Everyone knew about it at that time. That's why you brought back the dog. Mingxiu would be so opposed. He was afraid that you would be hurt again."

Shu Qing said as she came down from upstairs.

"Hello, aunt." Chu Haotian quickly salutes Shu Qing, but Lu Lingxi over there is a little flustered.

She turned a little stiff, just to the man's line of sight.

Didn't he say that uncle and aunt of Huo family were not here when he came here earlier? Flurried down, the heart of the cramped and uneasy forced down.

Luo Yanxi also seems to find Lu Lingxi's strange, she tightly clenched her hand, give encouragement.

Shu Qing has long seen Chu Haotian with a beautiful girl came to the house, suddenly in front of a bright, face is not stop excited look.

"Haotian, this girl is..."

The comforting smile on the corner of her lips hasn't been fully raised until she can see Lu Lingxi's face clearly. Shu Qing's body seems to be fixed, and she hasn't responded to it for a long time.

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