"I'm fine, really, Xiaobai!"

She gently pushed Chu Bai away, and her face looked impermanent, even slightly raised her lips.

"I got close to him for Roche, but for the rest It has nothing to do with me who he is with. By the way, didn't you just say you were going shopping? Are you satisfied with the food? All right, let's go. "

In order not to let Chu Bai see that he is about to insist on not going on, Luo Yanxi quickly turns his back, takes a deep breath, adjusts his mood, and strides to the door of the restaurant.

Looking at her thin and lonely figure, Chu Bai secretly swears that he must make her happy and happy!

Inside the shopping mall, a couple of beauties are shuttling through the famous stores, including a sunny and handsome boy and a pretty and lovely girl. However, compared with the boy, the girl's mood seems to be too high.

"Xiaobai, I think this set is super suitable for you. Come on, try it quickly!"

It's no longer known how many clothes Luo Yanxi picked up. Almost every shop in the men's wear area will buy them, and even the waiters of another shop are waiting for them.

Chu Bai's face showed a faint warm smile and reached for the clothes. Don't bother, just go to the fitting room.

"Xiaobai, you try first, and I'll choose again."

With that, Luo Yanxi continued to immerse himself in choosing these clothes.

Until the waitress kindly suggested that there were many new styles of women's clothing. When she asked her if she wanted to try them, it was just a moment when she looked up. Her eyes were fixed in the high-end fashion area on the other side of the mall.

When she saw the familiar figure, almost unconsciously, her eyes moved with him.

His tall figure covered half the body of the woman beside him. Through the glass window, she saw that he seemed to be carefully selecting clothes.

Is it for Luo Ziyu?


Sure enough, this man's heart changes. One second, he still holds you and promises you a lifetime. But the next second, he can also accompany other women with such consideration.

She saw that Luo Zi turned more and more, and her eyebrows seemed to twist, as if she didn't find the clothes she liked, but it was clear that what she was holding in her hand was the style she always liked.

Suddenly, Luo Yanxi's attention was interrupted, she saw the man over there suddenly raised his eyes and looked this way.

For a moment, she had the feeling of being caught peeping. She quickly turned around and her heart kept beating.

But after a while, she felt that she was too sensitive just now. How could he see her from such a long distance? Maybe she just raised her eyes at random.

I was staring at him for a long time just now, but She didn't know what she was thinking of him?

Resentment? Anger? Or something?

Too late to organize her mood, she quickly put back the clothes she was still choosing and ran away.

Chu Bai changed her clothes and came out. What he saw was the appearance of her leaving in a hurry. His brow slightly frowned. He turned back and said to the waiter, "wrap it all up and send it here." then he gave the waiter a business card, which made him chase after her.

Such a big shopping mall, ordinary people should be very difficult to meet, but it happened that we met in such a narrow way.

When Luo Yanxi and Chu Bai go in, they find Luo Ziyu's figure. She is leisurely choosing clothes inside. She looks like a young lady and raises her chin to instruct the shop assistant to bring her clothes.

Huo Mingxiu was sitting on the sofa in the shop, looking at the magazine.


The shop assistant called the two people politely. Luo Yanxi stood in the same place in a daze. He went in, no, he couldn't go back.

"Oh Who should I be? It's you. "

Luo Zi turns his head more inadvertently and catches a glimpse of Luo Yanxi and Chu Bai standing at the door.

Now she is a winner's posture, looking at Luo Yanxi with energy, as if she was the enemy.

Luo Yan Xi was just stunned for a few seconds, and he soon responded.

She dragged chubai in. "Let's go! I've bought so many for you, and I'll pick a few by the way. "

Immediately, she didn't look at Luo Ziyu, who was staring at her all the time. She walked into the shop and began to pick up her clothes.

"Oh, sister, you can't still brush brother Mingxiu's card, can you?"

The more Luo Zi first looked at the man on the sofa, and saw that there was no strange look on his face, so he confidently and boldly ridiculed Luo Yanxi.

"What? Shouldn't you pay the rent if you stay at Luo's house? Haven't you entered the Huo's house yet? You can spend a man's money if you haven't even entered the door. What's the right to say me? "

Luo Yan Xi mouth said so, but suddenly feel their abdominal pain, uncomfortable want to sit on the sofa there.

However, the sharp eyed Luo Zi moves to her with more steps. She thinks that Luo Yanxi wants to use an excuse to pester Huo Mingxiu.

The more Luo Zi blocked her way, he glared at her aggressively."Elder sister, don't pester brother Mingxiu any more. We are really engaged this time!"

Although he knew that Huo Mingxiu had something to use, Luo Ziyu couldn't restrain his heart.

When she really sits in the position of the master mother of the Huo family, Huo Xiaochen doesn't dare to move herself easily. She will try to get rid of him later, and then she can rest easy!

However, she did not see the slightest jealousy in Luo Yanxi's eyes.

"Stupid woman."

This is what Luo Yanxi is thinking in his heart, but somehow he says it.

Now that she had said it all, she didn't want to take it back. She turned around and walked to the sofa.


Luo Ziyu's eyes flashed a fierce color. As soon as the high-heeled shoes of more than ten centimeters were extended, Luo Yanxi, who was already suffering from abdominal pain, didn't notice for a moment. His feet overlapped and his body tilted forward in an instant.

Sitting on the sofa, Huo Mingxiu's heart was instantly tight, even he had already got up, but he was still slow.

Chu Bai rushes wildly in the past, while Luo Yanxi is about to have a close contact with the ground, he holds her tightly.

"Xiao Xi, Xiao Xi, what's the matter with you? Why is your face so bad? "

"Xiaobai, I have a stomachache..."

The sudden shock made Luo Yanxi feel more and more pain, and a kind of falling feeling, and his lips were bitten with blood.

"Ah There's blood, there's blood

The waiter was shocked to see that Luo Yanxi's skirt was stained with blood and yelled.

Chu Bai's heart was shocked, and then he looked at his hand, and sure enough it was on it.

His bloodthirsty eyes glared at Luo Ziyu.

"No, it wasn't me. I didn't do anything. She ran into my foot."

Luo Zi shrinks to avoid responsibility in panic.

"Get out of the way!"

Huo Mingxiu over there couldn't help it any more. He took a long step and immediately came to Luo Yanxi.

Luo Zi became more and more nervous. He twisted his heart and quickly stretched out his little hand to drag Huo Mingxiu.

"Brother Mingxiu, I, I didn't mean to."

"Give her to me!"

However, the man didn't even pay attention to her, a pair of sharp eyes tightly locked Chu Bai, and he was holding the woman.

"Xiaobai, no, don't..." Luo Yan Xi instinctive resistance, Chu Bai nature also don't want to give her to that man.

But Luo Yanxi's face is getting worse and worse. At this time, her eyes are also lax. When Chu Bai goes to see it again, the next second, his legs are soft, and Luo Yanxi faints directly!

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