"I don't know how you are a husband! She can't even keep up with her basic nutrition. She's anemic. She's not qualified in many physical indicators. I have to remind you, sir, from the current situation, it's not appropriate for your wife to give birth to this child! "

"I even doubt that you, as a husband, are you going to marry her for decoration? You are older than her. I didn't expect you to be so irresponsible! "

The female doctor said a lot, but after seeing Huo Mingxiu's face, she knocked on the table impatiently.

"I said, sir, are you listening to me? Did you take my words to the deaf? Hello


Huo Mingxiu was seen by the doctor for a long time, and then he had a reaction. His handsome face, like a sculpture, was even more stiff and his tone was very slow.

"You just What are you talking about? "

The female doctor looked at his wooden appearance, like an elm pimple did not respond, instant gas does not hit a place, the voice suddenly raised.

"I said! Your wife is not married to be a decoration! "

"No, I said it!" Huo Mingxiu shook his head, and his voice was a little higher.

"What are you calling for?"

The female doctor's eyes are wide open now. Originally, she was disgusted with the man who ignored the woman after marrying her home. Although he looks handsome, what can he do? Can you love your wife for a lifetime?

Now that he still dares to shout in his office, she has more opinions!

"I said, are you an adult, too? Don't you know that if you don't take any measures in this matter, women will get pregnant? "

The female doctor had stood up at this time. Although she had not reached Huo Mingxiu's shoulder, she still held her head up and said to him in a cold voice: "I said your wife is pregnant. You husband don't know!"

The woman doctor's words were like an electric drill, which suddenly penetrated into Huo Mingxiu's heart. After a trance, his heart seemed to explode


The next second, his whole handsome face is close to the female doctor.

The woman doctor pursed her lips, but she didn't meet him.

Such a tall man is afraid that if he slaps her, she may die. Besides, there are so many bodyguards outside.

God, isn't this a movie?

Clear cough two, female doctor solemn way.

"For the last time, your wife is pregnant!"

Then the doctor brought the medical record.

Huo Mingxiu's breath was suddenly short, and his big hand held the doctor's arm tightly. "What did you say? She, she's pregnant? Really, really? "

He has a lot of strength. He tugs at the woman doctor's arm. He can't shake it off. He can only frown and shout.

"You, what do you do? Let go, let go

Huo Mingxiu responded and quickly released his hand. "Yes, I'm sorry. You said she was pregnant. Is that true?"

He was so excited and unbelievable!

So, for the first time, he apologized to others in this state.

The woman doctor finally regained her freedom. She threw her arms and rubbed them with her hands. Just now, she felt that her bones were about to be crushed by this man.

"Nonsense, I'm a doctor. Do you think it's necessary for me to lie to you?"

This man is really funny, the reaction is so strange.

Huo Mingxiu's breath was still tight, his chest was undulating up and down, his hands were rubbing back and forth, and his black pupils were shining brightly.

After walking for a few seconds, he reaches out his hand and grabs his hair rudely. It's like a kid who doesn't know how to react.

Suddenly, his tall figure walked towards the door, just as he was about to open the door of the consulting room

"Well, what are you doing? I haven't finished yet! Come and sit down

Seeing that he was leaving, the woman doctor's impolite voice rang out again.

This kind of unfriendly attitude makes the bodyguards who have been guarding the door dumbfounded.

Today, the master was so angry that she was yelled at by a woman doctor. This woman really didn't know the superiority of heaven and earth!

But the master is going to be a father. This is big news!

Also shocked are Chu Bai and Luo Ziyu.

Luo Ziyu, in particular, hated his teeth.

How happened that woman was pregnant at this time!

No, she has to think of a solution as soon as possible. She can't let that child come into this world! Otherwise, the engagement will be ruined again!

Chu Bai's leg is also soft. Fortunately, Meng Lei supports him, otherwise he will fall to the ground.

Meng Lei patted him on the shoulder for comfort.

It's doomed. It's no use thinking about it any more. We can only accept the facts!

Huo Mingxiu obediently turned around again, then sat down on the chair in front of the desk, swallowed saliva, and looked at the woman doctor carefully."I, can I see her now?"

"Yes, but not now!"

The doctor took a list. He didn't know what was written on it. Without looking up, he asked, "yes or no?"

In a word, he confused Huo Mingxiu again. It took him a long time to poke his head back. "What do you want?"

This makes the female doctor impatient. How smart does this man look? Why is he like a goose now?

"I mean, this child, do you want it or not? If we want to, we can only try our best to keep the child. After all, her physical condition is very bad. Even if we try our best, no one can guarantee the final result. If you don't want to, it will be easier to arrange hospitalization directly! "

"Yes, of course!"

Huo Mingxiu's face changed. He didn't expect that God would bring him a child at this time, but anyway, he had to protect their child!

"I want this child! Who dares to kill him, I will kill him

"Pa" of a, female doctor also angry, stand up, hand hard beat the table, a displeased sound also immediately rang out, hear outside Meng Lei and bodyguards are frightened.

"This gentleman, you'd better pay attention to me. This is a hospital, not your Hei social group!"

The female doctor's face was discontented and her voice was sharp.

"You know how to protect your children now? What did you do earlier? Wife pregnant such a big thing actually don't know, even if it is male chauvinism, also can't so despise her health! It's a pity that it's just in time today. If it's a little later, let alone the child, we can't guarantee what will happen to her! "

The woman scolded her head and face, and her voice poured on Huo Mingxiu like a flood. All the people outside were stunned.

Especially Meng Lei, my God, this female doctor is brave enough!

The air seemed to solidify in an instant, and Huo Mingxiu's face became more and more dark, just because of the last sentence.

If you come a little later, don't talk about the child, just cherish her

Heart, tightly a pull, pain spread rapidly from the bottom of his heart, let his breathing began to accelerate suddenly, clenched fingers also subconsciously tremble.

Seeing his appearance, the female doctor knew that he was afraid now.

I don't think this man doesn't care about his wife at all, so he hummed coldly and continued. "We found out that she had severe anemia. Did she have a major operation before? Malnutrition and poor physique, which is also the cause of her bleeding and fainting, which will greatly affect her fetal development. This gentleman, if you really love her, take good care of her, especially pregnant women's mood can not have too big fluctuations, and, can't drink, smoke, and second-hand smoke! You are a man, and you will never understand how much harm these hidden dangers will do to women! "

Huo Mingxiu smell speech, handsome face line slightly twitch, cen thin lips pursed into a line.

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