
Just then, there came the scream of a woman.

Looking back, "Luo Yanxi" saw that one of the women's necks had been pinched by Huo Mingxiu.

His back was wet and his voice was hoarse, like rubbing sand.

"Get away from me, or don't blame me for being rude!"

Other women were scared to one side by his sudden violent voice, and the woman pinched by Huo Mingxiu was also thrown out by him.

The strange man shivered, and he didn't seem to expect it. His face, which has been smiling, is now stiff.

"Mr. Huo, why are you suffering?"

"Shut up

Huo Mingxiu roared and looked at "Luo Yanxi". A pair of starlike eyes seemed to be bursting with fire. The Adam's Apple also stirred quickly. The veins on his forehead and the back of his hand were almost bursting, but he still had a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, "Xi'er, how about it? I can still do it."

Heart, like what stung, unspeakable pain.

Luo Yanxi's eyes were hot and humid. She didn't expect that this man could do this for her.

No, not for her, but for that woman!

Suddenly, she looked at him. "Brother Mingxiu, even if you lose, I won't blame you. Anyway, you..."


He interrupted her with a sudden smile on her face full of sweat. "How can I lose the woman I love? Besides, Huo Mingxiu is not so casual. Not all kinds of women will want it. "


"Luo Yan Xi" is dumb, but I can't tell what it's like.

In the air came the man's suppressed pain, roar, ups and downs, she could no longer listen, stood up.

"What are you doing?"

The strange man grabbed her arm, and the people in black around her.

"I, I want to go to the bathroom, can I?"

"Luo Yan Xi" looked at the strange man said.

She didn't know whether this man was with her or not, should be!

But what's the purpose of this? Did Huo Mingxiu ask for himself? But why arrange other women?

"Luo Yanxi" is watched by a group of people in black and enters the bathroom. She closes the door, washes her face with cold water, looks at the face in the mirror that has been familiar for five years, and grins.

"Oh It's a beautiful face. "

Beautiful she doesn't want to be herself now! Especially there is a man who is so infatuated with himself!

When she stood at the door of the bathroom again, the voice of the strange man rang out again.

"Mr. Huo, why are you suffering? As long as you hook your fingers, it won't be so painful! "

This is the temptation of chiguoguo! The women just called are still there. They are Huo Mingxiu's antidote.

"Pain? Why don't I feel it? "

Huo Ming made a sound. His voice was shaking like a broken basket.

"Although I don't know your real purpose, I know one thing, that is, you want me to do dirty things in front of Xi'er, so that she can die, right?"

"Ha ha," said the strange man, "so what? If Huo always has the ability, he will stick it out to the end! "

"Of course, I won't let you down." Huo Mingxiu's voice had become rough and hard to hear, like being burned by fire.

"I hope so."

The voice of the strange man rose, "we have one hour left in the gambling game, but this drug will play to the extreme in this hour, so please enjoy the feeling of physical and mental desire for life and death!"

"Luo Yanxi" held the doorknob tightly and tightly. She couldn't listen any more. She went out and ran to Huo Mingxiu.

"Brother Mingxiu, how are you?"

Just holding him like this, she could feel the heat wave from the inside out of his body, wave by wave. It seemed that even the air could be burned.

Huo Mingxiu's whole body is very tight. He bites his teeth. She doesn't know how much he longs for the coolness of her little cold hand across the clothes.

"Xi'er," he grabbed her, too violent action and the scarlet eyes let her shock.

"Brother Mingxiu..." Her eyes flashed, full of love.

Huo Mingxiu's vision has become a little blurred, only to see her face swaying and swaying in front of his eyes, rubbing his heart, which also aroused his inhibition on the verge of collapse at that moment.

He almost bit off his tongue, constantly remind, can't hurt her, at least this occasion can't! Try your best, "get out of here!"

With a lift of his hand, he pushed her away.


She faltered several times and fell to the ground. I don't know whether it was because of Huo Mingxiu's great strength or something. In a word, she seemed unable to stand up.Huo Mingxiu's heart also instantly raised to his throat, but he did not dare to look at her, because he was afraid that if he looked at her more, he would deepen his heart's desire for her, and that feeling was like pouring oil on his burning body.

"Brother Mingxiu..."

Seeing him sitting back on the sofa again, "Luo Yanxi" gave a low call.

At the moment, even her voice is like an addictive poppy that he can't stand. If it goes on like this, he will die under her torture even if he is not tortured by drugs.

"Roll, roll..."

He kept pulling his skirt, even tearing open his shirt to show his strong chest. At the same time, he took the remaining wine from the table and poured it on himself.

Seeing him like this, "Luo Yanxi" wanted to stop it again, but he drank it. "Don't come here!"

The coolness of the wine temporarily eased his body and made him a little more conscious. Looking at the woman who fell on the ground, his heart was like a hand.

Is his son in love with him?

If so! Then what he has suffered at the moment is worth it!

His lip angle glides over shallow smile, just a little momentary then change of ice cold.

His black eyes suddenly stare to "Luo Yan Xi". "Xi'er, do you know now? Not only Luo Ziyu, even if I'm starving, I'd rather have those women than touch you! "

Huo Mingxiu looked at the people on the ground, his face seemed to turn pale in an instant, and his heart seemed to be nailed.

She was hurt by him again, but there was no way. He couldn't let her close at this time. He was afraid that he would lose control and hurt her.

Luo Yanxi's heart was stabbed. What's the matter with this man?

Looking at the man over there, her lips closed tightly, and her hand hanging on her side also became a fist.

There was silence in the room, and even the sound of his sweat dripping on the ground could be heard.

Huo Mingxiu always closed his eyes, and his forehead was sweating more and more.

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