"Xiao Xi, have you been staying in a hotel since you came back? You can go back to Chu's home with me after the hospital is over

In the car, they chatted with each other. However, this time Chu Bai learned cleverly, not so directly as before.

"No, I'll be back at Luo's tomorrow."

"What? You're going back to Lo's? Xiao Xi, that luoziyu is still there, you She's not a good master

As long as you think of Luo Ziyu's face, Chu Bai is full of disgust.

Eyes have been looking straight ahead of Luo Yan Xi Tu and "poof Chi" a laugh, she looked at the side of the man worried about himself.

"Xiaobai, do you think I'm a bully?"

Chubby choked at once.

Yes, how could he almost forget that her skill now is not the ability of ordinary people.

"But Xiao Xi I'm still not at ease. "

After all, not only Luo Ziyu, but also Huo Mingxiu!

"Xiaobai, put your heart in your stomach! I can handle her pediatrics

Think of those who kidnapped themselves before, Luo Yan Xi's gloomy eyes flashed a fierce color.

"By the way, Xiao Xi, in recent years Where did you go? How did you get along? "

After all, chubai couldn't resist the most real thoughts in his heart. He was eager to understand what she had experienced in the past five years.

Without their company, I don't know if she is well?

"Well How to put it? It should be a good place! Eat well, live well, and play with others I'm happy, too

It's her heaven and her hell.

It was there that she was reborn, but countless times of treatment and torture almost killed her.

Eat well, live like a palace, but only if you win all the opponents of the day.

It was full of indifference, even though the man always called her "kitty.".

"Xiao Xi, really? You didn't lie to me? "

Hearing her saying that she had not suffered, chubai was obviously relieved. Anyway, she'll be back!

Night, more and more heavy, but in the bustling corner of the South City, dim light, but there are several figures huddled together.

"Boss, what should we do now? The whole south city is full of our captors. Our brothers died and were caught. Now we are always hiding. It's not the way to do it! "

The man who spoke dropped half of his cigarette to the ground, and then stamped it out with his feet. His face was not happy because he got so much reward.

Yes, at this time hiding here is the kidnapping Luo Yanxi but fortunately escaped several people, it is the old three who spoke.

"What to do? What did I say at that time? You didn't listen to me. Now that we have the money, we have sacrificed so many brothers' lives. The most important thing is that we can't spend the money now! "

The man, who is called the boss, has a sad face. Obviously, he didn't expect that he would make such a big noise just by kidnapping a woman.

"Boss, it's not entirely the fault of the third. Who knows that the woman's great ability has attracted the underworld and the white to arrest us together. We've lost a lot of money on this business, but at least we're still alive. As long as we find a boat to smuggle out, we'll be happy in other places. "

The second is talking for the third.

"All right, let's leave as soon as Xiao Qi gets in touch with the ship. We'll wait until we get out of this disaster."

The man at the head was obviously upset.

However, his voice just fell, in the night, a sudden male voice immediately rang out.

"Yes? Are you sure you can get out of here alive? "

The low voice clearly fell in their ears.

"No, let's run!"

The man at the head responded and rushed to pull the box full of money around him. But before his hand touched the corner of the box, he was surrounded by a group of strong men in black.

This is nothing, the key is a black muzzle, qishushu aimed at the man's head.

Seeing this scene, the rest of the people were dumb, and the boxes in their hands fell to the ground one after another.

"You Yes. Who is it? "

Looking at these men in black, the first man was extremely frightened. A few of his men were all submissive, and Arthur shrank.

They look around nervously, trying to find a chance to escape.

"Who? I've done a damned thing, and I don't know my own creditor, eh? "

A sarcastic male voice came from the crowd.

The first man was stunned, then pretended to be innocent.

"Hero, are you looking for the wrong person? Everything is easy to discuss, money! We have a lot of money! Don't mention it, hero. Just take the flowers. "

Even though he had been in the gang for some time, he saw such a big battle for the first time in his life.He didn't even know which big man he had offended!

"The wrong person? Here, is this your partner? Don't say I don't know. "

"Dong" of a, wait for the man reaction to come over, see originally was sent to contact black boat of small seven, seem to be carried chicken like to give the Jiliao to throw over.

See familiar people, small seven kneel crawling to move to their boss side, tightly embrace his legs.

"Boss, I'm shot. Help me, help me!"

Xiaoqi's words suddenly surprised the kidnappers. They looked at it one after another. Sure enough, Xiaoqi's legs were full of blood. With his action, the blood was flowing like water.

"Hero, boss! You take all the money. Just let our dog live

Seeing the appearance of Xiao Qi, the man who pretended to be innocent just now suddenly collapsed on the ground and kowtowed his head.

The boss is like this, and other kidnappers dare not save other thoughts. With so many people, they have no chance to escape. They kneel down one by one.

"Oh? How much money do you give to my master? What our master wants is not your money, but Your lives! I'll take them all away. If anyone dares to resist, I'll shoot him! "

Meng Lei lips a cold hook, cold voice from the mouth overflow, with a strong irony and disdain.

The kidnappers were quickly tied up and thrown into the car. Meng Lei also quickly called his master.

"Master, I have found Yes, I'll take them there now. "

The darkness flooded the sky, and several cars were staggering along the path outside Nancheng. I don't know how long it took before they slowly stopped.

Blindfolded kidnappers were pushed out of the car, stumbled, and finally fell to the ground in piles.

The dog barks around, which makes people panic.

"Take the things off these rubbish faces."

Meng Lei gives an order. Soon, several people in black come forward and tear off the cloth strips on the eyes of the kidnappers.

The eyes immersed in the dark for too long couldn't adapt to the light for a while, so the kidnappers narrowed their eyes one after another.

Until a touch of tall figure shrouded them, this slowly opened his eyes.

"Who are you? What are we doing here? "

Looking at Meng Lei with a cold face, the head of the kidnappers said with some trembling.

"What? Didn't he tell them? "

Cold like frost sound, black eyes through the crowd sharp shot. All the men in black gave in and bowed their heads respectfully.

Under the light, the corner of the man's lips seems to move slightly, and the light from his eyes is as cold as a cold arrow.

"Master." Meng Lei also hastened to bow his head.

"You tied up my woman, you think What am I arresting you for, huh? "

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